The 4th Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 Toronto / 2022年第四屆多倫多年度Blockchain Futurist Conference區塊鏈未來主義者大會

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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)

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The 4th Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 was held in Toronto from August 9th -10th at Rebel Entertainment Complex and Cabana. Produced by Untraceable Events, it is Canada‘s largest blockchain and cryptocurrency event. The event brought together thousands of attendees worldwide and hundreds of dynamic speakers, panels, and of course, the big celebration at Cabana.
It was the place to get immersed into the world of Blockchain, Crypto, Metaverse, DeFi, GameFi, NFTs and DAOs, to learn about the hottest tech companies and networks!

中文版/ Chinese version:
2022年第四屆年度Blockchain Futurist Conference區塊鏈和加密貨幣未來主義者大會於 8月9日至10日在多倫多 Rebel Entertainment ComplexCabana場地舉行。由Untraceable Events 主辦,是加拿大最大區塊鏈加密貨幣活動。該活動匯集了全球數千名與會者和數百名充滿活力的演講者、小組討論,當然還有在Cabana的盛大慶祝活動
今年的活動讓與會者可以沉浸在區塊鏈加密貨幣元宇宙DeFiGameFiNFTDAO去中心化組織) 的世界中,了解最熱門科技公司世界

The conference had the pioneers of Blockchain and Crypto tell their stories. Some of the speakers who created a considerable buzz were Vitalik Buterin and Anthony Di Iorio, co-founders of Ethereum; Roger Ver, founder of; Nick Spanos, Bitcoin Pioneer; Ben Armstrong, Bitboy Crypto founder, Justin Hartzman, co-founder and CEO of Coinsmart, Keith Grossman, President of Time Magazine, Michael Sanders, co-founder and chief storyteller of Horizon and Robbie Amell and Jeff Chan, Producers of Collective Pictures, along with so many others.

中文版/ Chinese version:
會議邀來區塊鏈加密貨幣先驅講述了他們的故事。一些引起轟動的演講者是以太坊的聯合創始人Vitalik ButerinAnthony Di 創始人Roger Ver比特幣先驅Nick SpanosBitboy Crypto創始人Ben ArmstrongCoinsmart聯合創始人首席執行長Justin Hartzman時代雜誌總裁Keith GrossmanHorizon聯合創始人首席故事講述者Michael Sanders以及Collective Pictures製片人Robbie AmellJeff Chan等等。

Security was (and is) a big concern in the cryptocurrency world. Chris Case of Coincover addressed the attendees: “Half a Billion in Bitcoin, Lost in the Dump” and ” When Bitcoin is lost, it’s lost forever.”

中文版/ Chinese version:
安全性」曾經(現在也是)加密貨幣世界的一個大問題CoincoverChris Case向與會者發表一段話:「投資半億比特幣,如同丟進垃圾場」和「當比特幣丟失時,它就永遠丟失了。」

The ETH Toronto Hackathon, a three-day competition in a mega dome behind the conference, had $110,000 in prizes to earn.
There was also a fully interactive crypto marketplace with NFT Galleries and Crypto ATMs.
Some exhibit booths include Deepcoin, Brave, DIGTL, Tapioca Dao, Crowds NFTs, Ankr, Hedera and Polymath.

中文版/ Chinese version:
ETH Toronto Hackathon多倫多一場為期三天的黑客松競賽,在會議後面的巨型圓頂上舉行,獎金為$110,000加幣。
該場地還有一個NFT畫廊展場加密貨幣ATM完全互動加密市場展場中的一些展位包括DeepcoinBraveDIGTLTapioca DaoCrowds NFTsAnkrHederaPolymath

The closing party for Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 at Cabana was fun for attendees and speakers to chat and enjoy the beautiful landscape overlooking the water. It closed with a fantastic drone light show that was a spectacular sight to see.

中文版/ Chinese version:
2022年第四屆年度Blockchain Futurist Conference區塊鏈未來主義者大Cabana舉辦的的閉幕晚會很令人享受,與會者和演講者可以聊天並欣賞俯瞰水面的美麗風景。閉幕晚會以精彩酷炫的無人機燈光秀結束,壯觀的結束精彩的一夜。


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