Tag Archives: collection
If you’re looking for the ultimate luxury travel experience, add Toronto to your list of must-visit destinations. With its world-class accommodations, top-notch dining options, and stunning cultural attractions, it truly is a destination unlike any other.
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“Da cuo che,” which literally translates to “Taking the wrong ride,” is the most classic tearjerker Taiwanese movie of all time. The film was shot in 1983, and the title was later translated to “Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing.” However, the theme song of this movie was equally tear-jerking and too good that it became one of the most famous Taiwanese folk songs, to the point that the film is better known as the song’s title, “jiu gan tang bue bo,” which literally translates to “Any empty bottles for sale?” instead of the original title, “Da Cuo Che.”
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GLO Communications held their 12th Annual Bask-It-Style 2022 gifting lounge during Toronto’s Film Festival week, and we got a chance to visit, just like the celebrities get to do.
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Fashion Art Toronto (FAT), Toronto’s Longest-running Annual Multi-arts and Fashion Event Returns 2022as an Exciting in-person Event / Fashion Art Toronto (FAT),多倫多舉辦時間最長的年度多元藝術和時尚盛會2022年現場活動精彩回歸
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A Peek Inside Albright Fashion Library – Where Hollywood Celebrities Source Their Red Carpet Looks / 帶您參觀好萊塢明星們星光大道治裝的秘密來源 – 洛杉磯的奧爾布賴特時裝圖書館
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Kornit Fashion Week LA 2021 really opened our eyes to the possibilities of how fashion can evolve / 今年的KFWLA洛杉磯 Kornit 2021時裝週真讓我們大開眼界,就連遠赴義大利就讀全球最有名的服裝設計碩士名校的殘編都看到時尚界前所未見、未來無限發展的可能性。
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