Tag archives for hyaluronic acid

Health & Beauty

Discover the Secret to Eternal Youth with Bofei Q Collagen Supplement

Discover the Secret to Eternal Youth with Bofei Q Collagen Supplement (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結/ This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on the link below): (Scroll to the bottom…
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GLO Communications Bask-It-Style 2022 gifting lounge during TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival

Glo Communications Bask-it-style 2022 Gifting Lounge During TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) (this post is in English, for the Chinese version, please stay 此文為英文版,中文版敬請期待。。。) GLO Communications held their 12th Annual  2022…
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Health & Beauty

Estee Lauder CNY & Valentine’s Day Surprise Package open Box Review

雅詩蘭黛過年情人節驚喜包開箱評價 / Estee Lauder CNY & Valentine's Day Surprise Package open Box Review: (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱影片 / Watch Our Youtube Openbox Video First: 雅詩蘭黛一直是殘編最愛、最信任的美妝保養品牌。小時候愛漂亮又崇尚名牌,盲目使用迪奧(Dior)、香奈兒(Chanel)等高級美妝保養品,殘編是當過美容師的,所以我做保養是全套的:卸妝、洗臉、去角質、化裝水、精華液、眼霜、日霜、晚霜、防曬。擦擦抹抹這麼多層,卻不見什麼效果。直到我慢慢認識自己膚質後,知道自己缺乏的是保濕,才開始去嘗試別的美妝保養品。在一位日本朋友推薦我使用雅詩蘭黛之後,我一試便成它的主顧。 English…
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