Tag Archives: innovative
Le Palais is a renowned restaurant in Taipei that has earned three Michelin stars for five consecutive years (2018-2022) for its exceptional dining experience.
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GLO Communications held their 12th Annual Bask-It-Style 2022 gifting lounge during Toronto’s Film Festival week, and we got a chance to visit, just like the celebrities get to do.
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Tiktok Ads black technology thread lifting face serum open box review / 抖音黑科技線雕提拉緊緻精華液套裝開箱試用評價
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Kornit Fashion Week LA 2021 really opened our eyes to the possibilities of how fashion can evolve / 今年的KFWLA洛杉磯 Kornit 2021時裝週真讓我們大開眼界,就連遠赴義大利就讀全球最有名的服裝設計碩士名校的殘編都看到時尚界前所未見、未來無限發展的可能性。
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阿薩德中東舞團:《我意識裡的怪癖》觀後感想與團長邵震宇老師訪談 / Review: Asad Oriental Dance – A Strangeness in my Mind A Different kind of Middle Eastern Dance ( Scroll Down for English / 英文版往下看) 受邵震宇老師之邀,我們欣喜若狂的來到水源劇場,慕名前來觀賞阿薩德中東舞團邵震宇老師的新作《我意識裡的怪癖》。該名稱取自土耳其諾貝爾文學獎得獎作家奧罕帕慕克的作品A Strangeness in my … Continue reading →
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