Tag archives for Magazine

Arts, Theatre & Culture

The Art Gallery of Ontario’s Newest Exhibit: Building Icons: Arnold Newman’s Magazine World, 1938–2000

The Art Gallery of Ontario's Newest Exhibit: Building Icons: Arnold Newman's Magazine World, 1938–2000 / 安大略省美術館(AGO) 的最新展覽「建築標誌:阿諾德紐曼的雜誌世界,1938-2000 年 The Art Gallery of Ontario's (AGO) newest exhibit, Building Icons: Arnold Newman's…
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時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer)

時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer) This post was originally posted in English at the link below / 這篇文章原文為英文,欲看英文版請點以下連結: (Chinese translation by Tanya / 中譯:殘編) 羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman)的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

Exclusive Interview with Peter Loung – A super Star with Depth and Talents More than Meets the Eye / 時尚高潮獨家專訪 – Peter Loung – 超有深度、才華洋溢的超級巨星

Exclusive Interview with Peter Loung - A super Star with Depth and Talents More than Meets the Eye / 時尚高潮獨家專訪 - Peter Loung - 超有深度、才華洋溢的超級巨星 ( 中文版向下看/ Scroll down for…
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Entertainment & Media

Dine and Destination Magazine Goes Digital- Just as Exciting, Rich in Content

Dine and Destination Magazine Goes Digital- Just as Exciting,Rich in Content / Dine and Destination雜誌數位化,內容一樣精彩豐富 We chatted with Dine and Destination's Publisher, Adam Waxman about its current Winter 2020-2021 digital…
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