Tag archives for youtuber - Page 10

Health & Beauty

5件新型冠狀病毒防疫社交距離期間可以在家做超棒的事 / 5 Top Things to Do at Home During COVID-19 Isolation & Social Distancing

5件新型冠狀病毒防疫社交距離期間可以在家做超棒的事 / 5 Top Things to Do at Home During COVID-19 Isolation & Social Distancing: 5件新型冠狀病毒防疫社交距離期間可以在家做超棒的事 / 5 Top Things to Do at Home During COVID-19 Isolation & Social Distancing…
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台G店淡水食記 &YT影片- 超多GG超多中藥 – 讓咱一起增加免疫力對抗武漢病毒Tai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review – Chicken Soup with Chinese HerbalMedicine, Let’s Boost Our Immune System to Fight COVID-19!

台G店淡水食記 &YT影片- 超多GG超多中藥 - 讓咱一起增加免疫力對抗武漢病毒 / Tai G Net Restaurant Tamsui Review - Chicken Soup with Chinese herbal medicine, Let's Boost Our Immune System to Fight COVID-19! (scroll down for…
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Restaurant & Lounge

時尚高潮食記影片 – 台北W Hotel Woobar / Fashion Ecstasy Food Vlog & Review – Woobar, W Hotel Taipei

(scroll down for English Version/ 英文版向下看) 時尚高潮食記影片 - 台北W Hotel Woobar / Fashion Ecstasy Food Vlog & Review - Woobar, W Hotel Taipei 同樣是一晚要價$600多的奢華酒店牛肉麵,W 的WOOBAR是否能與晶華酒店得獎的「冠軍牛肉麵」匹敵?/ Both at $600NT for a…
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Automobiles & Bikes

2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 – 2020年加拿大國際車展CIAS20

( 中文版向下看/ Scroll down for Chinese version) 2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 showcases over 1000 vehicles from Top Luxury Brands and Winning Race Cars / 2020年加拿大國際汽車展CIAS20展出超過1000輛名車超跑和獲獎的賽車 (photos by Sari Colt…
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Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式

(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version) (Chinese translation by Tanya) Unveiling Ceremony of Toronto Sam Ciccolini Laneway / 多倫多Sam Ciccolini Laneway巷道命名揭幕儀式 (image courtesy of After Breast Cancer) On Friday,…
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時尚高潮食記 & YT影片 – 鳥窩窩私房菜餐廳美麗新廣場淡海館 / Bird Wowo Restaurant Mira New Square Tamsui Review & Vlog

時尚高潮食記 & YT影片 - 鳥窩窩私房菜餐廳美麗新廣場淡海館 / Bird Wowo Restaurant Mira New Square Tamsui Review & Vlog (scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮鳥窩窩私房菜餐廳美麗新廣場淡海館食記影片 / Watch our Youtube Food Vlog…
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時尚高潮食記&影片 – 淡水領事館觀海景觀餐廳 – Fashion Ecstasy Consulate Restaurant / Cafe Tamsui Review & Food Vlog

(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 位於淡水區充滿文化歷史的 紅毛城 對面、望著 淡水出海口,有一家以 領事館咖啡」為名的,並與古蹟一樣歷史悠久的的優美景觀餐廳兼下午茶咖啡廳。 Located just across Tamsui’s historic Fort San Domingo ( “Hongmao Town”), a historic fortress landmark in Tamsui District full of cultural…
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 時尚高潮食記&影片 台北旺角石頭火鍋先炒香再熬煮,客人為了無敵沙茶醬慕名而來排隊/ Mong Kok Hotpot Restaurant Taipei Review & Food Vlog – Ingredients are Stir-Fried Before Boiling Famed for Its Out-of-the-World Shacha Sauce

 時尚高潮食記&影片 台北旺角石頭火鍋先炒香再熬煮,客人為了無敵沙茶醬慕名而來排隊/ Mong Kok Hotpot Restaurant Taipei Review & Food Vlog - Ingredients are Stir-Fried Before Boiling Famed for Its Out-of-the-World Shacha Sauce 先看時尚高潮YT食記影片 / Watch our Youtube Food vlog…
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Charity Galas

Against the Grain New Year’s Eve Party on the Waterfront In Support of after Breast Cancer, bringing hope for breast cancer surivors in the 2020 new year! / 多倫多Against the Grain after Breast Cancer乳癌慈善機構湖景跨年派對,為所有乳癌病患在2020新年帶來新希望

Against the Grain New Year’s Eve Party on the Waterfront In Support of after Breast Cancer, bringing hope for breast cancer surivors in the 2020 new year! / 多倫多Against the…
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