The Argyle Affair & The Argyle Cup 2016 – Arcadian Loft
On Thursday, July 7th, 2016, hundreds of young professionals gathered at the Arcadian Loft to kick off the Third Annual Argyle Affair & The Argyle Cup hosted by Sunnybrook Next Generation. This two-day event featured a glamourous cocktail party and a charity golf tournament on the following day. Funds raised from this fun-filled weekend will be directed to Sunnybrook Hospital. At this year’s Argyle Affair, $190,000 was raised and will be invested in the Sunnybrook Research Institute’s Health Informatics Platform.

(scroll down for more photos)

The theme of this year’s Argyle Affair cocktail party was “The Art of the Night.” The entire night consisted of a gallery exhibition that featured the art of the highly-acclaimed Toronto-based visual artist, Jessica Gorlicky (Jessgo). When walking into the Arcadian Loft and seeing the bold and vibrant paintings on the walls, the bright pink metal flamingoes, and old cartoons playing on huge monitors, it was quite obvious that this year’s Argyle Affair will be etched in the minds of the guests for a long time. There was also a painting station where the guests donned artist’s smocks, picked up a paint brush, and unleashed their creativity onto a huge blank canvas. This activity received a lot of praise for its interactivity and the final painting, a cumulative effort from many of the talented guests, was a beautiful sight!

Other highlights of the evening included the silent auction that had a great selection of prizes such as private dance lessons from Arthur Murray Dance Centre, an autographed Blackhawks jersey, and a performance art piece by Jessica Gorlicky. Later in the evening, the guests were treated to a captivating live painting performance by Jessica herself who created two wonderful works of art — the iconic image of Super Man revealing his costume under his dress shirt and a portrait of recently deceased music legend, Prince. The evening concluded with dancing, mingling, music by DJ D.A.F., and great food from Oliver and Bonacini catering.

(photos by Tanya)


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