The 2012 Unicorn Gala was held @ the Arcadian Court on Novenber 6, 2012 in support of the Max and Beatrice Wolfe Children’s Centre – the only specialized centre in Ontario that offers medical and counselling support for children living with the dying and death of a loved one.

More about the Max and Beatrice Wolfe Children’s Centre
The Max and Beatrice Wolfe Children’s Centre was established in 2004 to provide home palliative care support to dying children and their families, and to provide a variety of counseling and bereavement programs for children and youth living with the dying and death of a loved one.
For more information please visit:

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Decorate with beautiful Monet Magic. Monet is the father of French Impressionism and its most prolific and recognizable artist:
551597_Monet Magic


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