Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

歪國零食嘴開箱文 Snack lips Foreign Snack Box Unboxing


歪國零食嘴開箱文(scorll down for English version!)(英文版看下面)
我是個被捆在殘障身軀的過動旅行家。三年內,我走過四十幾個國家,直到老天爺哪棒子往我頭上狠狠的敲一次,說:「你ㄊ ㄇ ㄉ 給我緩一緩!」我才放慢腳步,暫時把環遊世界的夢想割一邊。英文所說的 “WHEN THERE’S A WILL, THERE’S A WAY”(當有意願就會又方法)而我的新方法就是讓歪國零食嘴把我所去不了的國家直接送到我家裡。我甚至還能邊追劇、穿著邋遢的睡衣、拿我得拐杖一拐一拐地迎接這一箱的異國驚喜呢!鬆快啦!



1. 「飲料」:【日本】KIRIN午後的紅茶巴西莓優格茶:這評限定版巴西莓優格茶是日本 KIRIN 午後の紅茶與 Pocky 推出聯名合作第四彈期商品喔! 主題是夏威夷「ALOHA」, 飲料是以優格風味的紅茶為基底,結合黑醋栗和巴西莓,酸甜、清爽而不甜膩!
2. 「前菜」:【韓國】農心秀美洋芋片羅勒青醬口味餅乾:這是我們所熟悉的韓國辛拉麵 農心的另一個代表作,是韓國必買伴手禮。羅勒青醬是今年才推出的最新口味,整體使用超過90%的韓國產馬鈴薯做為原料,在真空狀態下低溫油炸,所以使用了比一般洋芋片更少的油,更能表現食材的原味,如此講究的零食,彷彿在吃真的料理一樣!
3. 「前菜」:【泰國】Lay’s 樂事炒蝦三角薯片: 包裝上那幾隻肥美的鮮蝦可不是不實廣告喔!裡面奘的滿滿的,薯片入口即化。這是Lay’s 所推出結合了泰國當地料理的特色的泰國限定版
ˋ4. 「主食」:【澳洲】Red Rock Deli 蜂蜜醬油雞汁洋芋片 (RED ROCK DELI HONEY SOY CHICKEN ): 據說是澳洲最暢銷的代購零食之一, 採用澳洲嚴選馬鈴薯及葵花油慢火烘烤製成,比起一般洋芋片更是健康無負擔!

5. 「主食」:【保加利亞】Maretti 比薩口味窯烤麵包片:
歪國零食嘴第一款保加利亞零食! 這款比薩口味麵包片口感厚實酥脆,咬幾下會感受到融進麵粉裡的比薩的香氣逐漸飄散出來,整體鹹度適中但十分涮嘴。
Pizza al Forno)
7. 「甜點」:【日本】LOTTE PABLO 監修四種莓果半熟起司塔巧克力派 ) : 這款2018年期間限定的巧克力派是樂天和日本知名起司店 PABLO 的聯名商品, 它的內餡是由四種莓果組合製成!分別是草莓、藍莓、蔓越莓和覆盆莓,咬一口就能體驗四種不同的酸甜滋味
8. 「甜點」:【韓國】Market O 冷萃咖啡提拉米蘇夾心巧克力 :
Market O 可說是韓國 Orion 旗下最美、最高貴的品牌,!這款零食是將提拉米蘇製作成夾心醬,在輕輕咬開巧克力的同時,還可以品嚐到從中微微竄出的焦糖香氣。
(Poland: E. Wedel Halva Krolewska Vanilla Flavour)
9. 「主食」:【越南】VIFON 牛肉河粉泡麵:
VIFON 是越南當地知名食品公司,這款泡麵擊敗了其他河粉泡麵品牌,是河粉泡麵中的代表作喔!湯頭加入了河粉必備佐料青檸檬、九層塔、刺芹等,是越南純正血統唷~只要短短三分鐘,你就可以馬上享用越南最道地的名產!
10. 「甜點」:【波蘭】E. Wedel 香草芝麻哈爾瓦酥糖:


英文版/English Version:
Snacklips Unboxing:
I’m a traveller with ADHD trapped in an immobile body. I’ve traveled to over 40 Countries within three years until fate decided to strike me hard with a hemorrhagic stroke and told me to “Slow the F down in life!” However, When there’s a will, there’s a way; and Snack lips is my new way. I’ve just had a box full of exotic snacks from over 8 countries delivered right to my door. If I can’t go to them, let them come to me while I Netflix and answer the door in my PJs and with my cane. A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

Every Snack Lips subscription comes with a different theme and mine was “Culinary Snacks Award” which came with a rate card for me to play Michelin critic, perfect for a Michelin-star chaser.
My box came with the following content:
1. (Drink) from Japan: KIRIN Aloha Acai Yogurt Tea 500ml Limited Japanese Edition: This pink, yogurty drink is a collaboration between KIRIN and Pocky and comes in a limited edition “ALOHA” package. It tastes sweet but not too sweet
2. (appetizer) from Korea: SUMI potato chips basil flavour: from the same company of Shin Ramen that we’re all familiar with, Nongshim brings us a plate of basil pasta in potato chips form. Our friend Ruby couldn’t stop eating it!
3. (appetizer) from Thailand: Lay’s stir-fried shrimp potato chips: I’m not sure why this item is categorized as an appetizer but the big fat shrimp on the bag is not misleading at all. Is false advertising just a local thing? Chips melt in our mouths and they’re not spicy.

4. (Main dish) from Australia: RED ROCK DELI HONEY SOY CHICKEN: This is my first choice because it’s labeled “natural flavours and colors” and “no added MSG”. We all know how hard that is to find in Taiwan.
5. (Main dish) from Bulgaria: Maretti Bruschette chips Pizza al Forno: these tasty bruschette are crunchy and tastes like pizza
6. Thailand : this tube of snacks from Thailand is off the menu and includes crunchy Tumyum flavour square snacks, sunflower seeds,pine nuts
7. (dessert) from Japan: Lotte Pablo Choco pie:Another collaboration between 2 known companies: LOTTE and PABLO. 4 kinds of berries cheese cream and brown sugar syrup wrapped in a soft cake. It is more fluffy and moist than usual Choco Pie.
8. (Dessert) from Korea: MarketO Chocolate: We were sold by the word “tiramisu” itself already but the brick packaging makes it easier to share or eat on the go. After a bite the different tiramisu layers sandwiched in the block reveals notes of caramel goes well with the chocolate.
9. (main dish) from Vietnam: VIFON Instant Pho: Instant noodles are not news, but instant Pho from Vietman!? ‘Nuff said.
10.  (dessert): (Poland: E. Wedel Halva Krolewska Vanilla Flavour): These sweet confections are served across the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Balkans, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Malta and the Jewish diaspora But extremely hard to find in Taiwan.


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