Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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TV Pay微型電腦 -一盒在手,打理殘編休閒娛樂,殘障卡在家,也能不與社會脫節,騎著沙發當龍母,也能在家玩權力遊戲稱霸女王 / TV Pay Smart TV Box -A Box Smart Enough to Take Care of All my Post-Stoke Disabled Daily Shyt and  Binge-watch Game of Thrones

TV Pay微型電腦 -一盒在手,打理殘編休閒娛樂,殘障卡在家,也能不與社會脫節,騎著沙發當龍母,也能在家玩權力遊戲稱霸女王!

TV Pay Android Smart TV Box -A Box Smart Enough to Take Care of All my Post-Stoke Disabled Daily Shyt and  Binge-watch Game of Thrones While I Ride That Couch at Home Like a Dragon and Rock it Like Daenerys The Mother of Dragons! 

( Scroll down for English version /英文版往下看)

TV Pay微型電腦開箱文上次漏看的先看時尚高潮YT影片解說 / if you missed our post on Unboxing TV Pay Android Smart TV box last time, Watch our TV Pay Android Smart TV Box Youtube tutorial video first:



TV Pay TV Pay微型電腦電視購智慧型電視盒追劇權力遊戲

TV Pay TV Pay微型電腦電視購智慧型電視盒追劇權力遊戲

(English version / 英文版):

I was told by a few friends that I remind them of Daenerys TargaryenThe Mother of Dragons in Game of Thrones (Hell ya!), and she just happens to be my favourite character in the highly acclaimed show that can relate to almost everybody.
What about you? Which role do you play in the “Game of Thrones“?
The storyline includes sex, greed, depression, anger, violence, family conflicts, business schemes, so far above and beyond the 7 deadly sins that we’ve all committed, our inner demons just can’t get enough of it.

  • 殘編中風權力遊戲演到第六季,一位貼心的友人探病時送上一盒裝有從1-6季高清版的影片USB,住院四個月內,我反覆看了上下十幾遍,但因劇情太複雜深奧,腦殘加腦部發育本來就「遲緩」的殘編儘管已看了無數遍,每一次看都還是有失智症不記得的新的驚豔劇情! 讓我每一次重看,都有還是有興奮精彩的感覺,爽快啦!

(English version / 英文版):
GOT was in its 6th season when my stroke happened. A friend brought me a box of USB with all the episodes from season 1-6 to the hospital. Being hospitalized for four months gave me enough time to watch them over ten times. Yet, the storyline is just so complex that there are still scenes that surprise me and gives me that adrenaline rush each time I rewatch them. I’d like to think it has nothing to do with my brain or intelligence defects.


  • 殘編從小個性好強,有事情要嘛不做,要做一定衝到底,我的字典沒有「半途而廢」這四字,我的夢想除了環遊世界外,就是創造自己的王國。那也許就是我為什麼對權力遊戲丹妮絲/ 丹妮莉絲角色情有獨鍾的原因吧!近來得知「龍母」,演員艾蜜莉克拉克Emilia Clarke)竟也跟殘編一樣30歲前中風,讓我更覺得自己就是「龍之母」,心中充滿了莫名的力量,就好像小時候總認為自己有能夠與昆蟲交談的特異功能,還用手指抓蜜蜂結果被叮的慘兮兮:P(噓🤫~這是秘密)只是不一樣的是殘編艾蜜莉克拉克輕鬆一點,不用靠著苦力騎著龍一族一族的收服民眾。



(English version / 英文版):

I’m strong and stubborn. When I do things, I either don’t do shyt or stick to the end. “Halfway” and “giving up” is not in my dictionary. Besides travelling around the world, my other dream is to conquer the world and create a “Queendom” of my own. That is probably why Dany‘s character speaks so much to me. After actress Emilia Clarke, who plays Dany in GOT revealed about her brain stroke also at a young age, I started to call myself “Khaleesi.” Her story gave me power, like the kind of superpower I always thought I had as a child:I could talk to insects, until I got stung by a bumblebee when I tried to “communicate” with it with my bare hand. It hurt, physically and mentally. While Daenerys rode her dragon conquering the world from city to city when Season 8 finally aired in April 2019, I rode my couch like a dragon in the comfort of my home and yelled “Dracarys!” ( “Dragonfire” in Valyrian) along with her like a badass mother-f…  of Dragons.


  • 活過幾次車禍、腦出血中風、跟一堆很扯的意外後,我已認定自己是九命怪貓(還有四條命的扣打!)長榮航空2017年12月2號從多倫多飛台北的失事事件也讓我晉升為名副其實的「不焚者」,但行動不便的我不用長途跋涉到彌林、安達爾、洛伊拿等民族統治世界解放奴隸當女王,還好有了TV Pay, 我四月一整個月「權力遊戲」一開播,就每天把家裡沙發當龍兒子騎,在家裡大喊:「Dracarys!」 (卡麗熙/龍母用瓦雷利亞語言處人死刑時對龍兒子下的火燒死刑口令,有「龍焰」之意),好好發洩一下平時出外因身為「殘疾人士」而被霸凌所累積在心中的怒火,心想著:「燒死你們這些惡霸!」

(English version / 英文版):

After surviving a motorcycle accident, multiple car accidents, a hemorrhagic stroke, not only do I think that I have 9 freakish lives ( 4 more to go!) & Final Destination owes me a massive amount of money in royalties, Thanks to Eva Airlines flight 035 from Toronto to Taipei plane crash on December 2, 2017, I can now legitimately call myself “the Unburnt,” too. Thanks to TV Pay, I don’t have to travel my way to Meereen, Astapor and Yunkai to rule the world, or “burn the cities to the ground” I can catch up with Dany at home simply with a click on the remote and imagine I’m burning all the disabled bullies that I’ve encountered over the years (yep, culture shock: it happens in Taiwan) not just to the ground, but to Hell!

追劇馬拉松 – TV Pay安卓微型電腦讓妳權力遊戲遊戲從早看到晚 / Game of Thrones Marathon, TV Pay Android Smart TV Box Makes it Happen:

  • TV Pay 權力遊戲開播後就是馬拉松式節目表,開播起不但每天從早播到晚,每級播完還有幕後花絮,幕後特輯包含作家喬治·R·R·馬丁、編劇大衛·貝尼奧夫 (David BenioffD·B·魏斯D. B. Weiss)以及每一集的演員親自登場介紹解釋該級的場景、拍攝過程、CG特效和分析自己戲中角色心中的挫折與成長,更有像我這種失智症容易恍神沒看到的重要小細節重播;讓老劇迷可以拾回記憶複習ㄧ下劇情,也讓新劇迷可搭上半途車不霧煞煞。季終加碼還有權力遊戲現場音樂會演奏,聽的毫不爽快。

(English version / 英文版):

When Game of Thrones Season 8 started airing, it was a marathon on TV Pay for the full month of April from morning to night. Besides playing the episodes, The TV App features an “Inside the Episode” special after each episode. The “Inside the Episodes” include behind-the-scenes specials with writer George R.R. Martin and co-creators/ show runners D.B Weiss and David Benioff, and the actors personally explaining the scenes, shooting process, CG effects and expressing the frustrations and internal conflicts of the character they play. The specials also replay the important but little detailed scenes that are easy to miss. It was easy to pick up for new viewers or even for a person with serious brain defects or like me. Sometimes I don’t even remember my name (Oh wait, it’s Khaleesi).

  • 我們現實中人人都想往高處爬,坐上那霸氣的鐵王位!於是爆紅的美劇「權力遊戲」(冰與火之歌)就這麼生存了8年(8季)之久。在美加,沒有在跟著王位爬就是山頂洞人,朋友沒話聊,也甭出門社交了。只是第七季播完後苦苦乾等了近兩年,劇迷們都等到海枯石爛,朋友也都快沒話聊了。在台灣話不投機兩句多所以交不到朋友的殘編竟在「權力遊戲」重新開播後每天接到美國朋友打來的電話興奮的於我討論劇情,因為TV Pay與美加不只同步播出,在美國還沒播出最終季之前,還提早先從第一季連播到第七季完;畢竟都兩年了,就算觀眾沒有像殘編一樣失智症都還是要重拾一下記憶吧?


(English version / 英文版):

In real life, everyone wants to rule the world and climb to the top; stepping-stones are just for the throne. And that’s how Game of Thrones survived for 8 years (8 seasons). In Canada, Game of Thrones is a conversation starter, an icebreaker, and a reason for geeks to finally stick their nose up for being a geek. If you don’t know the top hashtag (#forthethrone) on social media, you can kiss goodbye to your social life, too. However, It was a 2-unbearable- years of waiting for GOT fans after the 7th Season before they finally returned with the final Season. Due to cultural differences, I don’t have local friends to start with, but I believe many fans lost some friends from running out of topics during the 2-year hiatus. Lucky for me, TV Pay airs the same time as the US. And I received my first call from a friend in the States to share his excitement about the show, and it became a routine conversation after every episode, which checks off one of my “SMART” life goals to better myself: “connecting with friends.”

Before the final Season started to air, TV Pay App replayed the whole Show starting from Season 1 to 7, also marathon-style, back-to-back. It’s been 2 years after all; even people without brain defects need a recap to refresh their memories. After each Season is aired, there is a special marathon for each character featuring a collection of all the episodes the character took part in, Allowing viewers to truly understand the story and background of each character, and trained me into a GOT geek who had finally gained enough confidence to talk about the show without having to concern if I sounded stupid talking about it.


  • 殘編最近在TV Pay 也一口氣追完了奧斯卡影后妮可基嫚、金髮尤物瑞絲薇絲朋雪琳伍德利攜手演出的美麗心計小謊言)和讓我開懷ㄧ整週的「艾倫秀」和長跑12年也讓百姓增智不少的宅男行不行與它的幕後花絮。


(English version / 英文版):

Other shows that I’ve been binge-watching on TV Pay include “Big Little Lies” starring Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley and Meryl Streep; a week of laughter with “The Ellen DeGeneres Show, ” and a marathon of the12-year Show that made us all a bit smarter: “The Big Bang Theory” and its “behind-the-scenes”

TV Pay 不只追劇追不完,不想糾纏給承諾,TV Pay一夜情看電影也看不完 / Commitment Issues for Binge-watching TV Shows? TV Pay has Over 600 Pages for Your 1-Night-Stand Movies!

如果你跟殘編一樣有「承諾恐懼症」,只想看「一夜情」的電影, 2018年6月5號上映的2018盜海豪情:8美千嬌電影Ocean’s 8)我6/1就看到了,TV Pay電視盒中的「同步電影院App」更是有600頁以上的新電影,最新升級的版本竟有了台幣的電視購物,咱家就殘編一個殘障跟殘媽,「老弱婦孺」我們兩人就中兩個,我們殘家有TV Pay打理一切, 連外勞都不用了! 等殘編瘋狂血拼完再來分享TV Pay電視購物心得!

TV Pay電視購物微型電腦智慧型電視盒

TV Pay電視購物微型電腦智慧型電視盒

(English version / 英文版):

If you have commitment issues like I do, and just want a one-night-stand with a simple movie and no strings attached, I saw Ocean’s 8 on the 1st of June. The movie App in TV Pay includes over 600 pages of movies to choose from. And they just released their latest version with TV Shopping in Taiwanese currency! We have a household of 2 people, and both of us are illustrated on the priority seat signs. With TV Pay Android Smart TV Box, I don’t think we need a caregiver.
I can’t wait to share my TV Shopping experience! Stay tuned!



(English version / 英文版):

If the ending of Game of Thrones left you as lost as me, and you’re still searching for your next purpose in life, HBO is coming back with another round of Game of Thrones Prequel

權力遊戲(冰與火之歌)前傳預告 /Game Of Thrones Prequel: Trailer (HBO) | Targaryen History – Fire And Blood

殘編已經準備好再來一發囉!你準備好跟我們一起TV Pay 追劇了嗎?快上他們的官網:

(English version / 英文版):

I’m ready for another round of Game of Thrones marathon, are you? For more information, please visit:


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3 Comments on “TV Pay微型電腦 -一盒在手,打理殘編休閒娛樂,殘障卡在家,也能不與社會脫節,騎著沙發當龍母,也能在家玩權力遊戲稱霸女王 / TV Pay Smart TV Box -A Box Smart Enough to Take Care of All my Post-Stoke Disabled Daily Shyt and  Binge-watch Game of Thrones

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  3. mith
    February 24, 2023

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