時尚高潮旅遊記 -新店碧潭-帝景飯店 – 一進門即可感受到歐洲文藝復興場景之文藝氣息,再加上歐式華麗宮廷風的裝潢,殘編一跨進大門立即從「殘疾人士」升級為「皇室公主」,爽啊!

 / FE Travel – My Stay at Xindian Bitan Lake Hotel, New Taipei City, Taiwan – European Renaissance Artistic Themed Room with Royal Decor, I Rose from a Disabled to Princess Royal Once I Entered that Door!

殘編終於鼓起勇氣帶著殘障的身軀踏上我的第一趟孤獨旅行,先看YT遊記影片 / I finally overcame Autophobia and Embarked on my first ever solo trip! Watch my Youtube travel vlog first:

( scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看):

  • 命運已經夠苦了,有時候我們生活壓力大,這些壓力不單單是命運,還有家庭、經濟、及各種因素。當一個人的壓力承受到了極限,最好的舒壓方法就是出去旅行,看看大自然,敞開心胸。因爲世界真的很美麗。中風後行動不便殘編最近壓力大,只能到附近的新店碧潭-帝景飯店


(English version / 英文版):
Living a “Final Destination” life is already hard enough (Yes, they stole my life story). We all have stress coming from everywhere: family, work, financial state, and many other reasons. Stress is toxic; hence we all need to distress once in a while before it reaches your threshold. The best way to destress is to travel and get close to nature.
Getting close to nature opens up our hearts and recharges our worn-out soul. Our world is beautiful. Before my
stroke, my dream was to travel the world. I was at 45 countries before my stroke put me on hiatus with my disability. I’ve been extremely stressed out lately, and the toxins are eating me alive. To save myself from jumping off the building, I figured, My disability might prevent me from flying abroad for a “vacation,” I can still do a “staycation.” Autophobia has been a fear that I haven’t been able to overcome since I went through depression when I was 14. Today, I’m proud to say:

I’ve finally Overcame My Fears and gone on my 1st solo-trip!”

  • 新店碧潭-帝景飯店超豪華宮廷風歐洲文藝復興主題旅館European Renaissance artistic Themed Room with Royal Decor



殘編被安排到的是「十日談」,義大利文藝復興時期作家喬凡尼·薄伽丘 (Giovanni Boccaccio)所著的一本著名短篇小說集書中聚集了十位男女在十日間所講的一百篇八卦故事,包誇官商勾結、七情六欲偷情等等揭發人性醜陋的那一面偷的爆料新聞,顛覆以往正經八百的無聊文學作,正好是殘編常被殘媽罵「髒」的寫作風格,更是殘編想住的主題房間



(English version / 英文版):

Upon entering Lake Hotel, guests are immediately immersed in an artistic European Renaissance scene with majestic royal decor. I booked for an “Artistic Lakeside Business Room for 2,” which are themed guest rooms, all of which are named after famous artists and art masterpieces created from the 14th – 17th century ( the European Renaissance period)  in Europe in the fields of art, drama, literature, science, philosophy, and so on. Some of the main themes include “The Decameron,”” “Michelangelo,” “Raphael,” “Sandro Botticelli,” and ” Da Vinci”‘s four-person theme room. Mine was “The Decameron, ” a book by 14th-century Italian Renaissance author Giovanni Boccaccio containing 100 tales told by 10 young men & women, mostly consisting of gossips violating the 7 sins and revealing the ugly side of humanity. The book unconventional and speaks to my writing style (what my mom calls “dirty”), so it just happened to be the theme room I was hoping for. My room on the 11th floor overlooks the fresh green “Bitan Lake (aka” Green Lake”)” and mountains along with “Bitan Suspension Bridge,” creating an exquisitely beautiful scene of nature. Other closeby tourist attractions include the historical “Shenkeng Old Street” and Taipei City`s first high-altitude gondola, “Maokong Gondola.”


  • 「學著與自己相處」、跨越障礙 / Learn to Embrace Myself & Overcome Obstacles:


人人都說要「學著跟自己相處」,我第一次被慎重建議這個道理的時候是我中風後住完四個月的院,一臉無憂無慮的要出院時,被主治醫師叫回去小房間,關上門叫我好好坐下,一臉嚴肅地問道:「Tanya, what are your expectations for your future? 」 (中譯:「Tanya (殘編英文名字),你對自己未來的期望是什麼?」當年29歲的我自信滿滿地說:「我這麼年輕,當然是痊癒呀!」


醫師收回笑容,嚴肅的告訴我:「That’s not gonna happen. You need to embrace yourself and learn how to live with yourself as you are right now.」(中譯:「那是不會發生的。你必須學者如何包容現在的自己,學者如何這樣生活。」
我知道我是罕見的例子,能活著已是奇蹟中的奇蹟;我也知道醫師是好心幫我做好心理準備,不想給我沒有承諾的假希望,但我心中那位固執的阿伯卻回了她一句:「Never say never, right?」(中譯:「永遠不說「永遠不可能」,對吧?」

(English version / 英文版):

 People say, “We must learn how to get along with ourselves to live a happy life.” I received the advice for the first time when I was looking all carefree when I was finally discharged from the hospital 4 months after being hospitalized after my brain stroke. My doctor stopped me as I was walking out the doors and brought me back into a small room with the door shut. She sat me down and asked me with concerns: “Tanya, what are your expectations for your future?”

 At age 29, I answered confidently: “full-recovery, of course ( I’m still young)!”

 She told me straight up: “That’s not gonna happen. You need to embrace yourself and learn how to live with yourself as you are right now.”

 I know my case is rare, to still be breathing is already a miracle; I also understand my doctor meant well and just wanted me to prepare for my future without giving me false hopes; but the stubborn old man inside me replied: “Never say never, right?”

  • 新年新希望 / New Year’s Resolution

Tanya's monthly post-stroke self improvement SMART Life Goals
Tanya’s monthly post-stroke self improvement SMART Life Goals




(English version / 英文版):

Influenced by a very motivated student this year who sought help from me to achieve her goals in life, I also set my own new year’s resolution for 2019: Keep travelling I will not give up my dreams just because of my “dis-Ability.” Even if it means another fight(s) with “Death, I’ll keep on fighting; and when I destress & recharge my batteries, I will rechallenge Death with the famous Street Fighter‘s combat line: “かかってこい ( “Kakattekoi”; meaning “Bring it on” in Japanese).
I pick up my courage, but since it’s my first time travelling solo (now with disability too). For the sake of safety, I decided to “test the water” from the closest tourist destination from my home, “Bitan” in Xindian, New Taipei City with my fingers crossed, hoping to return home alive.


  • 新店碧潭-帝景飯店文藝湖景雙人商務房格局 / Bitan Lake Hotel “Artistic Lakeside Business Room for Two”:

新店碧潭-帝景飯店「十日談」主題房間(殘編幫您調好影片時間了)/ Watch our Youtube video of “The Decameron” themed Guest Room at Lake Hotel (don’t worry, I’ve adjusted the time for you who are impatient like myself):

帝景飯店的「文藝湖景雙人商務房」大小約七坪大,附一大床、液晶電視、書桌、 衣櫃、小型按鍵式保險箱、床頭櫃、WIFI網路與附有兩張沙發的窗邊小圓桌。

冰箱上的櫃子有兩瓶礦泉水,一壺Oscar牌燒開水機跟「婓然莊園牌」 (fairland)咖啡機並附上使用說明,一目了然。只是空機並沒有咖啡膠囊,還是要打電話請櫃檯送上。你衣櫥的另一邊則是以一台小型的保險箱跟兩雙拖鞋、洗衣乾洗送洗袋與價格表


(English version / 英文版):

Lake Hotel‘s “Artistic Lakeside Business Room for Two” (NT$7,650) is about 23 m² in size, equipped with a standard bed, LCD TV with cable, an office desk and chair, a closet with a small push-button safe, nightstands, free WIFI and a window-side round table with two couches.

The room is prepared with 2 bottles of water, an Oscar brand kettle, and a “Fairland” coffee machine with user instructions. However, there were no capsules when I arrived. So I had to call for them, can’t survive without my morning coffee. The closet includes 2 pairs of slippers and a laundry bag with a price list.

客房廁所 / Guest Room Washroom:

廁所淋浴間乾濕分離,熱水夠熱,浴室洗手檯附兩個水杯,兩組牙刷、兩組沐浴乳跟洗/潤髮精的試用包跟ㄧ小塊香皂,但是盥洗包稍嫌小份點,長髮的殘編洗到一半光屁屁再要一組(羞)。吹風機也是一拔下來的自動開機的「達新牌」(Tashin) 小型安全式吹風機,掛回去會自動關機。馬桶是免治的,但是「用馬桶水洗屁屁」的概念也是殘編一直無法跨越的的障礙,,因此此功能就忍痛浪費。

(English version / 英文版):

The washroom has a separate shower stall with sufficient hot water. Toiletries are prepared for 2, but a pack of shampoo/conditioner is not enough for my long hair. I had to run out butt naked to ask for more (shhh…). The blowdryer is a mini safety “Tahsin” brand wall mount hairdryer. The toilet has a bidet seat,” but sadly, spraying my bum with water coming out of a toilet is still one of my fears that I’m unable to overcome.

  • 帝景飯店用餐不易,外送不到 / Lake Hotel  No Room Service, No Food Delivery

帝景飯店住宿ㄧ晚附隔天早7:00 – 10:00 中西式自助式早餐兩客與免費停車。房內衣櫥裡雖有Goldstar中型冰箱,但是空的。旅館內除了早餐有供餐外,也沒有廚房,所以並沒有客房送餐服務。由於地點過了「碧潭橋」,大多送餐APP也超出送餐範圍外,殘編建議吃飽飽在入住喔

(English version / 英文版):

A 1-night stay for 2 includes Chinese & western style breakfast buffet for 2 from 7:00am – 10:00am the next morning. The room has a Goldstar medium size fridge but empty. There is also no room service since there is no kitchen in the hotel. If you think your cellphone solves everything, think again. Lake Hotel is out of most food and restaurants’ delivery range because it’s located passed the”Bitan Bridge. So make sure to fill up if you plan to arrive early!

新店碧潭-帝景飯店營業資訊 / Lake Hotel Xindian Bitan Information:



(English version / 英文版):

Address: No. 2, Ln. 77, Bitan Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan

Tel: +886-2-8212-1100

Fax: +886-2-8212-1000


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Email: fashionecstasytv@gmail.com

電話/ WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010


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