Tag archives for artist


North by Northeast NXNE 2022 Music Festival  Makes a Big Comeback to Toronto After Two Years of Pandemic / North by Northeast (NXNE)音樂祭防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多

North by Northeast NXNE 2022 Music Festival  Makes a Big Comeback to Toronto After Two Years of Pandemic / North by Northeast (NXNE)音樂祭防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多 On June 15, 2022, the North by…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

True Stock Studios – Quality gorgeous Handmade Carved wooden art and holiday decorations inspired by the good vibrations of life

True Stock Studios - makers of gorgeous and fun handmade carved wooden art and holiday decorations inspired by the seasons and the good vibrations of life.   (此文為英文版,愈看中文版本請點以下連結 / this…
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Toronto’s AGO (The Art Gallery of Ontario) Re-opens Its Doors to the Public with Andy Warhol Exhibition

Toronto's AGO (The Art Gallery of Ontario) Re-opens Its Doors to the Public with Andy Warhol Exhibition (此文為英文版,欲看中文版請點以下連結 / This is the English version, for the Chinese version, please click…
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Visit to Miami, Florida’s Vizcaya Museum & Gardens Travel Blog

Visit to Miami, Florida's Vizcaya Museum & Gardens Travel Blog / 美國佛羅里達邁阿密的維斯蓋亞莊園 /維斯蓋亞博物館與花園旅遊記: (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese Version) Watch Our Youtube Travel Vlog First /先看時尚高潮YT遊記影片: Vizcaya Museum &…
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魚藏文化館販售畫具,在家防疫也能打造全幸福的親子創造空間 / Painting Supplies Available for Purchase at Show233, Be Creative While Staying Safe at Home

(Scroll down for English version /英文版向下看) 秀之藝術233魚藏文化管 (2館)除了提供自助畫室、展售琳瑯滿目的藝術文創商品外還有賣各種畫具,讓藝術家們在家防疫期間依然能夠在家繼續創做作。 English version /英文版: In addition to providing a self-service paint studio and exhibiting a variety of artworks (also for sale), Show 233…
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獻給劉真的 #迷因達人招募 #tiktok迷因達人招募 影片 / A Tribute TikTok Meme Video in Memory of Taiwan’s Recently Deceased Dancing Queen Liu Zhen (Serena Liu)

獻給台灣國標舞女王劉真的一段抖音迷因+YT影片 / A Tik Tok & Youtube video tribute to Liu Zhen (Serena Liu) the recently deceased Taiwanese Dancing Queen: ( 英文版向下看 /scroll down for English version) 最近病逝的劉真是咱們台灣的國標舞女王,也是我們台灣的驕傲。台灣藝人滿街跑,但是素質卻都。。。 英文版 /…
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