North by Northeast NXNE 2022 Music Festival  Makes a Big Comeback to Toronto After Two Years of Pandemic / North by Northeast (NXNE)音樂祭防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多

On June 15, 2022, the North by Northeast music festival (NXNE) returned to Toronto to entertain the masses with its annual city-wide music festival. NXNE music festival showcases the musical talents of emerging artists and bands from Canada, the U.S., and around the world at various music venues across the city.
中文版 / Chinese version:
2022年6月15日,North by Northeast音樂祭 (NXNE) 在防疫睽違兩年後重磅回歸多倫多,再次以整個城市音樂節娛樂大眾。 NXNE音樂節在全市的各個音樂場所展示來自加拿大美國世界各地的新興藝術家樂團音樂才華
Ticket prices are $10 for a single admission ticket and $20 for a complete festival pass. The affordable pricing allows fans to see as many acts as possible from June 14-19, 2022. Many of today’s famous shows who played at NXNE included Lizzo (2014), The Arkells (2007), Billy Talent (1999), and Feist (2004). During the festival, guests can also attend panels, parties, and much more.
中文版 / Chinese version:NXNE音樂節的單張門票價格為$10加幣,而全程的音樂節通行證價格也僅$20 加幣。這麼實惠的價格讓粉絲今年有福氣從2022年6月14日至2022年6月19日期間看到更多的表演。曾在 NXNE音樂祭演出過巨星包括2014年演出的非裔嘻哈歌手麗珠Lizzo) 、2007年加拿大搖滾樂隊The Arkells、1999年來自加拿大密西沙加的龐克樂團Billy Talent和2004年從崩世光景樂團Broken Social Scene)單飛的美裔加拿大歌手 Feist。在音樂節期間訪客還可以參加小組討論會以及各種趴踢派對

The lineup for this year’s festival included July, Gentle, Sydney Riley, TAKAAYLA, Just Costa, and Big Smoke Brass Band.
NXNE went on a two-year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic. This year’s festival not only celebrates the return of its live, in-person format event but also marks the return to enjoying the city’s current vibrant music scene.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年NXNE音樂節陣容包括 美國歌手諾雅July)、Gentle加拿大歌星Sydney Riley加拿大歌手TAKAAYLA加拿大樂團Just Costa多倫多本地的 Big Smoke Brass Band樂團
前兩年由於 COVID新型冠狀病毒疫情大爆發,NXNE音樂祭遺憾的中斷了兩年。今年的音樂節不僅慶祝其現場、面對面形式的活動,象徵人們再度享受這座充滿活力的城市的音樂場景。

  • Below are recaps of some of the 300 acts performed during NXNE 2022 / 以下是 NXNE 2022音樂祭 300餘場表演中的著的部分重點回顧:

  • Victory and 3409 at The Melody Bar / Victory 和 3409在The Melody Bar的演出:

📸: Aleka Allen
The roster of talent at The Melody Bar on Friday, June 17, 2022, was stellar! The show opened with a 20-minute set from Victory. This Calgary-born, Toronto-based RnB artist sang her heart out to songs centred on themes of change, self-love, and being honest with one’s romantic feelings. She also has undeniable charisma, wicked style, and star power. During her set, she asked the audience who was rocking with her, and the entire room erupted with applause and cheers. Near the end of her performance, she performed a cover of Ariana Grande’s “Only One .” She explained to the crowd that she chose this song because it offered her a challenge. No shade to Ariana but Victory could hold her own with how effortlessly she hit those whistle notes and runs. Her performance was a great start to the night.
中文版 / Chinese version:NXNE2022年6月17日星期五在The Melody Bar酒吧演出名單名單非常出色!節目Victory20分鐘的集曲開場。這位出生於卡爾加里、現居多倫多 RnB 音樂家以「蛻變、自愛和誠實面對自己的感情」為主題歌曲傾情演唱。她擁有無法抗拒的魅力、令人驚艷的風格巨星的氣勢。在演出中她問候與她一起搖擺的觀眾,讓整個空間爆發出掌聲和歡呼聲。演出接近尾聲時,她翻唱愛莉安娜格蘭德Ariana Grande) 的「Only One」。她向人群解釋說,選擇這首歌是因為這首歌給她帶了的挑戰。Victory以自己的風格演唱時完全沒有Ariana的陰影,而是毫不費力地唱出那些高音和轉折點。音樂節用她的表演開場也為當當晚展開了好兆頭。
Following Victory’s set was the Toronto-based alternative hip-hop band 3409. The band consists of Dante (vocalist), Ro (vocalist), Danny Del (producer), and Izzy (producer). Their sound melds elements of dance, pop, hip-hop, world music, and RnB into high-energy and melodic sounds. Throughout the night, they excited the audience and had them dancing and singing along to their songs. While performing their 2021 hit, “Prom Night,” they threw merchandise into the crowd. It was a fun set enjoyed by all.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Victory之後演出的是多倫多的另類嘻哈樂隊 3409樂隊Dante(主唱)、Ro(主唱)、Danny Del(製作人)和 Izzy(製作人)組成。他們的聲音將舞蹈、流行嘻哈世界音樂RnB元素融合成高能量的旋律。他們的演出讓所有觀眾嗨了一整個晚上,跟著他們唱歌、跳舞。在表演 2021年的熱門歌曲Prom Night」時,他們將周邊商品丟向人群,讓整場氣氛更嗨、更愉悅。

  • Majo at Rivoli / Majo在Rivoli 的演出:

Toronto-based RnB singer/songwriter Majo was the first vocalist to perform at Rivoli on Saturday, June 18, 2022. Upon arrival, there was a lot of talk about Majo and her impressive background. She has worked with many industry legends such as Jordan Evans, Jordan Manswell, Jandre Amos and Jack Rochon. What’s impresse us even more is the fact that she was handpicked by legendary Canadian rapper and record executive Kardinal Offishall to perform at last summer’s Free the City festival and is now a mentee under his wing.
中文版 / Chinese version:
出生於於多倫多RnB歌手/詞曲創作者Majo是 2022年6月18日星期六在 Rivoli酒吧演出的第一位歌手。咱在抵達場地後就聽到觀眾紛紛討論著很多關於Majo令人印象深刻、驚艷的背景。她曾與許多音樂界傳奇人物合作過,例如 Jordan EvansJordan ManswellJandre AmosJack Rochon。更讓我們震驚的是,她曾被加拿大傳奇饒舌歌手和唱片執行官Kardinal Offishall親自精心挑選,在去年夏天的 Free the City音樂節演出,而她現在是仍在Kardinal Offishall的旗下學習。

Majo has a very soulful voice, full of vulnerability and depth. There was an Amy Winehouse quality to her stage presence just in the way she poured her heart and tears into all of her songs. During her set, she revealed that this was her first time performing live in almost two years and fidgeted with her sleeves and hair. There were even moments where she fell into the trap of nervous rambling between songs and trying to find the key for her next piece. Unfortunately, her nerves got the best of her and took some people out of the moment. She ended her set with her song, “Honey,” which was an absolute jam. With a final shout-out to her band [Lucas (keyboards), Taylor (drums), Jamal (bass), and Chris (guitar)], she thanked the crowd for joining her and ended the set. With more time and experience getting comfortable on stage, Majo could certainly go places and make it big in the music industry.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Majo的聲音非常深情,充滿脆弱性卻也具深度。在舞台上在她為所有歌曲傾注心血和淚水時帶有一種艾米·懷恩豪斯 (Amy Winehouse) 的的影子。她透露這是近兩年來第一次現場表演,並開始焦慮的整理自己的袖子和頭髮。甚至有一些時候在歌曲之間竟因緊張開始胡言亂語並試圖為她的下一首曲子找KEY音。可惜的是,她的緊張情緒終究擊敗了她,導致一些觀眾感到解嗨。不過當她以她的歌曲Honey」」一曲結束演出時,她的演出非常傑出,板回一城。最後向她的樂隊 [Lucas(鍵盤)、Taylor(鼓手)、Jamal(貝斯)和 Chris(吉他手)] 大聲致敬,並感謝所有加入演出觀眾。相信隨著更多的時間和經驗,等她能在舞台上感到舒適自在後,Majo未來的前途無可限量,一定能走遍四方,在音樂界取得成功。


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