Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

After Breast Cancer乳癌年度募款宴會 Pink Diamond Gala / After Breast Cancer Pink Diamond Gala 2019

乳癌( 中文版 向下看/ scroll down for Chinese version)
(by Sally Warburton, translation by Tanya Hsu)

After Breast Cancer‘s mission is to empower women throughout Canada who are affected by breast cancer / After Breast Cancer的使命在給予全加拿大受乳癌衝擊的婦女正面能量。

Aftercare education, recourses, financial aid and community engagement are all provided. Women who have survived breast cancer still have a long journey of healing, and After Breast Cancer is there to help. After treatment, breast cancer survivors, or referred to as ‘graduates‘ are faced with physical, emotional and financial challenges; After Breast Cancer helps to support these women. Alicia Vianga is the founder and executive director; she was on-site to greet every single person at the Gala.

( 中文版 / Chinese version):

After Breast Cancer(簡稱ABC提供病後教育、資源、經濟援助和社區參與。在乳癌中倖存下來的婦女仍然有很長的康復之路要走,而《After Breast Cancer》可以幫助這些病人。接受治療後,乳癌倖存者雖被稱為「畢業生」,仍要面對生理、心理和經濟上的挑戰;ABC的使命就是要支助這些婦女。 Alicia ViangaABC的創始人兼執行董事在ABC的2019的年度盛大宴會「Pink Diamond Gala現場,親自迎接前來與會的每一位貴賓。

  • Since its inception in 2013, the After Breast Cancer Pink Diamond Gala has grown!

This year’s Gala fundraiser was again an exquisite event. Held at the Liberty Grand, Toronto, it was an afternoon filled with support, emotion and gratefulness. It was a time to be thankful and to celebrate with friends and family and to meet like-minded people who support fundraising and understand breast cancer. Chair and M.C. Sam Ciccolini expressed his appreciation for the support.

( 中文版 / Chinese version):
自2013年創始以來,After Breast CancerPink Diamond Gala不斷壯大成長!募款宴會活動依舊很精采。在多倫多的Liberty Grand場地舉辦,讓這個下午充滿著扶持、溫情和感恩。這是感恩時刻,和朋友、家人一起慶祝,並與病友以及具同理心扶助乳癌募款、志趣相投的人齊聚一堂, 當天的主持人Sam Ciccolini開場致詞時,便表達他感謝所有支持的人。

  • Beautifully dressed guests were greeted and invited to have a photo taken on the ‘red carpet / 盛裝打扮的貴賓們到場時被邀請到紅地毯上拍專業照


The professional photos were printed on the spot and could be purchased for $20 for the cause. The south room was filled with Silent Auction items featuring a vast selection of items, something for everyone! Guests were served wine and hors d’oeuvre. Ten-year-old Roberta Battaglia honoured the guests by singing several upbeat songs with her beautiful voice. Roberta is truly an up and coming music sensation!

Some guests took advantage of the sunny and warm September day by sitting outside on the terrace while admiring the beautiful plants and flowers.

( 中文版 / Chinese version):

盛裝打扮的貴賓們到場時被邀請到紅地毯上拍專業照,並可以20元加幣當場購買印出。其中一個房間裡擺滿了無聲(紙上)拍賣的競標物品, 品項多元,供大家選擇!來賓享用了葡萄酒和精緻開胃小菜。十歲的 Roberta Battaglia用她優美的聲音演唱了幾首歡樂的歌,向來賓致敬。 Roberta的歌聲驚豔全場,絕對是未來的巨星!


  • Luncheon started with welcoming words from Alicia Vianga and Master of Ceremony Sam Ciccolini.

Keynote speaker Suhana Meharchand, CBC News Anchor, spoke candidly about her breast cancer experience. Hearing Suhana’s words reinforced why we were all attending the event – to support those who have suffered from breast cancer.
Olga Lambert, Ambassador for ABC (After Breast Cancer) and a breast cancer survivor herself, was honoured.

( 中文版 / Chinese version):
宴會由Alicia ViangaSam Ciccolini開場致詞歡迎來賓,接著由 CBC新聞主播Suhana Meharchand坦率地分享她親自的乳癌經歷。聽完Suhana的話讓我們更加確認為什麼來參加這次活動,那便是支持罹患乳癌的人。 ABC大使和乳癌生存者Olga Lambert也被邀上台接受榮譽致敬。

Stars and Athletes Come together to Support ABC / 好萊烏巨星、球星傳奇人物前往支持ABC


Leading the Live Auction were Martin Ross and Special guest Hollywood Walk of Fame American actress and Young and Restless Star Kate LinderSylvie Lapointe, ABC Board Senior Vice Chair happily introduced them. The surprise guest was Toronto Maple Leafs‘ hockey legend Wendel Clark whose hockey photos were raffled off and then personally autographed.

( 中文版 / Chinese version):
ABC董事會副主席Sylvie Lapointe接著歡迎主持現場拍賣競標的Martin Ross和特別嘉賓:好萊塢星光大道美國女星以及美劇「年輕和騷動不安的一族」演員Kate Linder。讓全場HIGH到最高點,大概就是當驚喜嘉賓:多倫多楓葉隊的曲棍球傳奇人物Wendel Clark現身的那一刻。Clark當場將自己的曲棍球照上簽上名並捐出當當天抽獎獎項,送給幸運的得獎者。

Canadian singer Andy Kim Performs at ABC Pink Diamond Gala 2019 / 加拿大歌手Andy Kim現身演奏

  • Before dessert, Canadian singer Andy Kim and his band treated to guests to an extraordinary music performance. Bill CarrollCFRB Talk Radio Host introduced Andy Kim and his band. Andy Kim is known for his hits such as Sugar Sugar and Rock Me Gently and being the musician for The Archies cartoons was a big hit. The dance floor filled with people moving to the music and getting photos. Andy Kim and his band’s music was a perfect fit for the event.

( 中文版 / Chinese version):
甜點上桌前,CFRB電台主持人Bill Carroll將加拿大歌手Andy Kim和他的樂團邀請出場為佳賓們表演了一場非凡的音樂演奏。 Andy Kim以他的熱門歌曲「Sugar Sugar」和「Rock Me Gently」而聞名 ,他也是美國大受歡迎的電視卡通節目The Archies的幕後音樂家。他們將現場氣氛炒熱也讓來賓們紛紛進入舞池裡跟著音樂開心的起舞拍照。

The tables were elegantly set with beautiful bouquets of pink roses. Guests received a gift bag at their seats. Raffle tickets could be purchased, and winners were announced near the end of the event. Luncheon was delicious and included a healthy salad to start, chicken or vegetarian main course, cheesecake with fruit for dessert. Wine was generously served throughout the meal; espresso and cappuccino finished the meal. All dishes were beautifully presented, nutritious and delicious.

( 中文版 / Chinese version):
宴會擺桌放著美麗的粉紅玫瑰花束,每位賓客座位擺上一個禮物袋。現場有抽獎券可以購買,得獎者在活動將結束時宣佈。午餐很美味,有開胃的沙拉、雞肉或素食兩種主菜選擇,起士蛋糕和水果當甜點,配義式濃縮咖啡或卡布奇諾。主辦單位在整場宴會中慷慨地供應葡萄酒,所有菜餚在擺盤上都精美的呈現 。

The After Breast Cancer Pink Diamond Gala is a fundraiser, a supportive celebration and a time to learn more about how we can support those affected with breast cancer. It is a wonderful event, one not to be missed. For more information on the program, click on our previous coverage:

after BREAST CANCER 6th Annual Pink Diamond Gala 2018

First Annual Pink Diamond Fundraising Gala for After Breast Cancer

( 中文版 / Chinese version):

After Breast Cancer 的Pink Diamond Gala是一個幫助大眾了解、學習如何支持乳癌患者以及幫助乳癌患者的公益募款活動,不容錯過。有關該計劃的更多訊息,看時尚高潮歷屆的報導:


after BREAST CANCER 6th Annual Pink Diamond Gala 2018

2013 (首屆):

First Annual Pink Diamond Fundraising Gala for After Breast Cancer

Collaborations or become one of us(邀稿、合作、或加入「時尚高潮的團隊): LineID: Tinkeebellezza ( 沒有 @“T”大寫,要傳訊息才看的到哦!) Line App ID: Tinkeebellezza ( Capital “T,” without @, please send us a message, so we don’t miss you!)


電話/ WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010


  • Fashion Ecstasy

    Hello!  I am the blog owner & Editor-in-Chief of this bilingual website Fashion Ecstasy ( ) (both Chinese and English)!  Over 9 years since its inception, Fashion Ecstasy is the go-to media outlet for residents in Toronto and Taiwan.  After relocating to Taiwan, Fashion Ecstasy has immediately caught the attention across all industries, including Taiwan's Tourism Bureau! I was personally invited to become the official media partner to review Tainan’s English-friendly businesses for 2 consecutive years. See:  2017:  2018:   I have also worked with many well-known global brands across all industries. I am proficient in various Adobe Master Suite design softwares, including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro, and more. I am also active on all social media platforms. All of Fashion Ecstasy’s social media accounts are managed by me; please refer to: Followers/fans: 3500  Twitter:  @fashionecstasy  Follower numbers: 2257 Instagram: @fashionecstasy Followers: 3500  Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy  Number of followers: 30,6000  In addition, I also have my personal social media accounts: Twitter: @hsutanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy What you get from a review from us will be in both Chinese and English translation to expand your potential clientele, as well as a YouTube review video  You may reach me by: WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010  Line ID: Tinkeebellezza (capital T, without @, please send me a message first so I don’t miss you)  WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza  WeChat ID: tinkerbellezza  Email: I look forward to collaborating with you. 您好!我是知名網站時尚高潮 / Fashion Ecstasy (中英雙語)的布落客主人&總編輯時尚高潮創辦已經10年之久,源起加拿大,7年前中風後轉戰台灣,也新增了不少當地的粉絲。 身為總編的我回台後立即受到相關業者的關注,包括台南市政府觀光局,並連續兩年內被台南市政府顧用介紹台南英文友善特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業!請見: 2017: 2018: 因為我是嚴重中風生存者,動過開腦手術,所以對鬧部心血管疾病跟醫療有專業的知識,至今仍在治療中,所以沒有上班、可以趕稿,也特別需要這份工作 我從小在國外長大,精通中英文! 我也曾與許多全球知名的品牌(美妝包括Body Shop, The Face Shop, Schwarzkopf 等等合作,請參考: 學歷我擁有意大利服裝設計名校Istituto Marangoni Masters 的碩士學位,精通Adobe各項設計軟體,包括Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, 跟 InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro. 我也善長使用現當最受大眾喜愛的網路社交軟體,Fashion Ecstasy 的所有關方社交網站都是由我ㄧ手管理,追蹤人數請參考: 臉書/Facebook Fashion Ecstasy (追蹤人術/粉絲: 3335 推特/Twitter: I 追蹤人數2270 Instagram/IG: @fashionecstasy ( 追蹤人數:3491 抖音Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy 追蹤人數:306000 除了管理Fashion Ecstasy 的官方設交網站外,我還有自己私人的帳號 (Twitter: @HsuTanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy) 我去過四十幾個國家,可以無障礙的運用專業及當下流行的術語。日文略懂 轉戰台灣後,立即收許多粉絲注目,也連續兩年被台南市政府顧用介紹台南的特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業! 請見: 2018: 2017: Youtube頻道 (訂閱人數:5.23K) 希望有機會可以跟貴公司合作!與貴公司合作之文章我門都將中英譯,為貴公司帶來以及開發新客戶,真心希望與您合作! 我的聯絡方式: 電話:/ WhatsApp: (+886) 979905968 Line (賴)ID: Tinkeebellezza  ( T 大寫,沒有@,要給我訊息才看得到喔!) WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza Wechat ID: tinkerbellezza Email:  

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Collaborations or become one of us(邀稿、合作、或加入「時尚高潮的團隊): 賴 (Line)ID: Tinkeebellezza ( 沒有 @,“T”大寫,要傳訊息才看的到哦!) Line App ID: Tinkeebellezza ( Capital “T,” without @, please send us a message, so we don’t miss you!) Email: 電話/ WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010 追蹤&按讚 / Connect with us: FB (Facebook): 追蹤: @FashionEcstasy ( I G、 推特) follow: FashionEcstasy (Instagram & Twitter) 還有: @Tanya.fashionecstasy (IG) @HsuTanya (Twitter) Also: @Tanya.fashionecstasy (Instagram) & @HsuTanya (Twitter) Youtube YT訂閱 /  Please subscribe to our Youtube channel:

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About Fashion Ecstasy

Hello!  I am the blog owner & Editor-in-Chief of this bilingual website Fashion Ecstasy ( ) (both Chinese and English)!  Over 9 years since its inception, Fashion Ecstasy is the go-to media outlet for residents in Toronto and Taiwan.  After relocating to Taiwan, Fashion Ecstasy has immediately caught the attention across all industries, including Taiwan's Tourism Bureau! I was personally invited to become the official media partner to review Tainan’s English-friendly businesses for 2 consecutive years. See:  2017:  2018:   I have also worked with many well-known global brands across all industries. I am proficient in various Adobe Master Suite design softwares, including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro, and more. I am also active on all social media platforms. All of Fashion Ecstasy’s social media accounts are managed by me; please refer to: Followers/fans: 3500  Twitter:  @fashionecstasy  Follower numbers: 2257 Instagram: @fashionecstasy Followers: 3500  Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy  Number of followers: 30,6000  In addition, I also have my personal social media accounts: Twitter: @hsutanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy What you get from a review from us will be in both Chinese and English translation to expand your potential clientele, as well as a YouTube review video  You may reach me by: WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010  Line ID: Tinkeebellezza (capital T, without @, please send me a message first so I don’t miss you)  WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza  WeChat ID: tinkerbellezza  Email: I look forward to collaborating with you. 您好!我是知名網站時尚高潮 / Fashion Ecstasy (中英雙語)的布落客主人&總編輯時尚高潮創辦已經10年之久,源起加拿大,7年前中風後轉戰台灣,也新增了不少當地的粉絲。 身為總編的我回台後立即受到相關業者的關注,包括台南市政府觀光局,並連續兩年內被台南市政府顧用介紹台南英文友善特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業!請見: 2017: 2018: 因為我是嚴重中風生存者,動過開腦手術,所以對鬧部心血管疾病跟醫療有專業的知識,至今仍在治療中,所以沒有上班、可以趕稿,也特別需要這份工作 我從小在國外長大,精通中英文! 我也曾與許多全球知名的品牌(美妝包括Body Shop, The Face Shop, Schwarzkopf 等等合作,請參考: 學歷我擁有意大利服裝設計名校Istituto Marangoni Masters 的碩士學位,精通Adobe各項設計軟體,包括Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, 跟 InDesign, PDF Acrobat Pro. 我也善長使用現當最受大眾喜愛的網路社交軟體,Fashion Ecstasy 的所有關方社交網站都是由我ㄧ手管理,追蹤人數請參考: 臉書/Facebook Fashion Ecstasy (追蹤人術/粉絲: 3335 推特/Twitter: I 追蹤人數2270 Instagram/IG: @fashionecstasy ( 追蹤人數:3491 抖音Tiktok: @tanya.fashionecstasy 追蹤人數:306000 除了管理Fashion Ecstasy 的官方設交網站外,我還有自己私人的帳號 (Twitter: @HsuTanya Instagram: @tanya.fashionecstasy) 我去過四十幾個國家,可以無障礙的運用專業及當下流行的術語。日文略懂 轉戰台灣後,立即收許多粉絲注目,也連續兩年被台南市政府顧用介紹台南的特色商店與推廣台灣觀光業! 請見: 2018: 2017: Youtube頻道 (訂閱人數:5.23K) 希望有機會可以跟貴公司合作!與貴公司合作之文章我門都將中英譯,為貴公司帶來以及開發新客戶,真心希望與您合作! 我的聯絡方式: 電話:/ WhatsApp: (+886) 979905968 Line (賴)ID: Tinkeebellezza  ( T 大寫,沒有@,要給我訊息才看得到喔!) WhatsApp ID: tinkerbellezza Wechat ID: tinkerbellezza Email:  

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