(by Sally Warburton; translation by Tanya Hsu)

Annual Art for Animals Fundraiser event 2019 in support of Mercy For Animals, a non-profit organization dedicated to stop cruelty to farmed animals
/ 多倫多年度公益活動 Art for Animals 2019為非營利國際動物保護組織
Mercy For Animals募款

(中文版往下看 / scroll down for Chinese)

Friday, October 4th, was an exciting time. It was the annual Art for Animals fundraiser. This year the event was held at a beautiful house perfect for any occasion at 154 Shuter Street, Toronto. The fundraising event occupied all 3 floors of the house. The goal for the fundraiser is to support Mercy for Animals, which is an international farmed animal protection organization. Proceeds from the ‘evening’s silent auction go to Mercy For Animals, a non-profit organization dedicated to stop cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.

(中文版 / Chinese version):
10月4日星期五是激動人心的一天,因為年這是 Art for Animals 在這天的晚上舉辦一年一度的動物藝術籌款活動。今年的活動在多倫多Shuter街154號的豪宅舉行 。今年的公益募款活動佔用了這棟房的所有3個樓層。此活動的目標是支持國際動物保護組織 Mercy for Animals。 當晚無聲拍賣的收入將捐給非營利組織 Mercy For Animals,該組織致力於制止對養殖動物的殘酷對待,並倡導富有同情心的食品選擇和「零殘忍」政策。



Throughout the three floors, the art for auction was on display and guests could spend time observing the artwork and deciding on which pieces to place a bid. The collection was unique and varied. There’s a piece of artwork for everyone’s artistic tastes. Included in the silent auction were designer clothing contributions from Hilary MacMillan and a coat from Wuxly and theatre tickets. 

(中文版 / Chinese version):
藝術品拍賣會與競標品項上包括許多多倫多當地才華橫溢和新興藝術家的作品。愛心拍賣藝術品佈滿了豪宅的三層樓,貴賓們可以花時間慢慢欣賞及觀賞藝術品並決定想出價購買的作品。作品獨特、多樣化,滿足每個人的藝術品味。無聲(紙上)拍賣物品中包括服裝設計師 Hillary MacMillan 的服裝捐贈, Wuxly 的外套和歌舞台劇院門票。

  • Guests enjoyed delicious hors d’oeuvres from Animal Liberation Kitchen of 717 Queen Street East, Toronto.

Delicious carrot lox, smashed avocado and chickpea appetizers, antojitos filled with fresh vegetables quickly vanished! The energy balls made of dried dates, figs, hazelnuts, almonds etc. were to die for! So the guests ate very well and very nutritiously!

(中文版 / Chinese version):
賓客享用位於多倫多717 Queen Street East的Animal Liberation Kitchen餐廳所準備的美味開胃小菜,包括紅蘿蔔燻鮭魚酪梨和鷹嘴豆泥做的小點、裝滿新鮮蔬菜的antojitos墨西哥捲餅。這些可口的佳餚很快就消失了!用乾棗、無花果、榛子、杏仁等製成的「能量球」爆好吃!當晚的菜色讓貴賓們吃得很好也吃得有營養!

  • On the second floor was the bar where guests used their tickets included with the admission ticket price to select glasses of wine or beer.

The atmosphere was comfortable and inviting with sofas where people could relax and chat. DJ music set the scene. The third floor had more art for the silent auction on display. Guests enjoyed the lovely fall evening weather on the terrace while admiring the night view of the Toronto skyline. A professional photo booth was all set up to make memories last.

(中文版 / Chinese version):
賓客享用位於多倫多 717 Queen Street East的Animal Liberation Kitchen餐廳所準備的美味的開胃小菜,包括紅蘿蔔燻鮭魚、 酪梨和鷹嘴豆泥做的小點、裝滿新鮮蔬菜的antojitos墨西哥捲餅。這些可口得佳餚很快就消失了!用乾棗、無花果、榛子、杏仁等營養食材製成的「能量球」爆好吃!當晚的菜色讓貴賓們客人吃得很好也吃得有營養! 二樓是酒吧,客人可以使用入場門票來換取杯葡萄酒或啤酒。

  • Halfway through the evening, Organizer Colombe Nadeau-O’Shea gathered the group of guests on the second floor to thank everyone and to have others speak about the purpose of the fundraiser – for the animals’ benefit. The raffle prize draw numbers were called, and happy winners accepted several very generous prizes, including gift cards to Kupfert & Kim restaurant and Fresh restaurant, which are both vegetarian restaurants.

The organization thanked their sponsors Wuxly Movement, Hilary MacMillan, Classical 96.3 FM radio, and Zoomer Radio.

(中文版 / Chinese version):
傍晚時分,策劃者Colombe Nadeau-O’Shea將貴賓們聚集上二樓致謝,並宣揚此公益活動的核心目的 – 為了保護動物並提倡「零殘忍」的商品、飲食及生活方式。抽獎號碼公佈時,得獎者開心地領到慷慨的獎品,包括均為素食餐廳的Kupfert&Kim餐廳和Fresh餐廳的禮券。 主持人也不忘和贊助商Wuxly MovementHillary MacMillanClassical 96.3 FM廣播以及Zoomer Radio致謝。

  • It was a fantastic event, wonderfully organized in a gorgeous venue with friendly like-minded people who have an interest in animals close to their hearts.

We look forward to supporting the Art for Animals fundraiser again in the future.

(中文版 / Chinese version):
今年的Art for Animals募款活動有華麗的場所,配上精彩的內容,令人印象深刻, 讓志趣相投、同樣愛護動物的朋友齊聚一堂。 我們期待著將來再度支持Art for Animals籌款活動。


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