Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

台北遠企香格里拉馬可波羅餐廳酒廊高樓景觀下下午茶食記& 影片/ Shangri-La Taipei – Marco Polo Afternoon tea Review – A Panoramic View of Taipei City Landscape


Shangri-La Taipei – Marco Polo Afternoon tea Review – A Panoramic View of Taipei City Landscape, A super Instagrammable afternoon tea set with the backdrop of Taipei 101

(scroll down for English version / 英文版)

  • 先看時尚高潮的食記影片 / Watch our video vlog first

香格里拉一直是殘編最愛的奢華五星飯店之一,才剛過的聖誕節在國外與台灣「過年」一樣重要,大家都要回家吃團圓飯。在國外,聖誕節瀕臨前,處處都感受的到歡樂的耶誕氣氛,滿滿的愛,和與久違的親朋好友團員送禮的期待。台灣不是我的家,但因種種因素,我今年還回不了紅白色彩虹的那個家,於是殘編在今年聖誕節即將到來前,已頭痛的在到處找點,深怕當平安夜到來時,沒有找到佈置夠聖誕節氣氛的地方,讓我接下來的一年又是365天的空虛寂寞。再造訪台北遠企香格里拉大廳後,殘編已決定它就是我的要度過平安夜的點。香格里拉不但佈置充滿耶誕氣氛,還應景另設一個薑餅屋現場製作糕點。於是平安夜當天,殘編決定去38樓的「馬可波羅景觀餐廳/ 酒廊聖誕夜


English version / 英文版:
Shangri-La has always been one of my favorite five-star luxury hotels. Christmas is just as important as “Chinese New Year” in Taiwan when families come together for a reunion meal filled with joy and love. In the west, everywhere you go during the season is filled with Christmas spirit and love. Taiwan is not true home to me, and due to various complications, as much as I want to go back to Canada for the season, I wasn’t able to go back to my true home over the red and white rainbow. So, my panic attack hit me long before Christmas was approaching this year and started looking for a place full of Christmas spirit to spend Christmas Eve to avoid another year of loneliness. The Christmas decoration at Shangri-La Taipei’s lobby lounge and its gingerbread boutique dedicated to house-made pastries exceeded my expectations. So, I decided Shang was it. We spent our Christmas Eve at Shangri-La Taipei’s Marco Polo Lounge located on the 38th floor. The space is geniusly designed to allow all patrons a 360-degree view overlooking the Taipei city skyline, including landmark Taipei 101.

  • 香格里拉馬可波羅餐廳的故事起源&靈感 – Marco Polo Lounge – The Story & Inspiration



English version / 英文版:
During the 13th-century, Italian explorer Marco Polo embarked on a long journey to Asia along the Silk Road, in which he took notes of all the unique flavours he’d encountered and tasted during his trip to the east. Marco Polo Lounge at Shangri-La carries on Marco Polo’s journey by creating delectable afternoon tea, treats, and cocktails inspired by flavors from across the world. The genius interior design allows all patrons a view of the beautiful Taipei city landscape. This Christmas Eve, I finally ticked Marco Polo off my list.
There is only one dining option during the afternoons, which is the super Instagrammable afternoon-tea set.

  • 馬可波羅下午茶套餐 / Marco Polo Afternoon Tea Set:

出香格里拉38樓電梯即是一棵巨大的Veuve Clicquot香檳聖誕樹,而 Veuve剛好是殘編最愛的香檳,先轉十個圈再說!

English version / 英文版:

The Afternoon tea set comes with a cup of tea or coffee.
Upon exiting the elevator on the 38th floor is a giant Christmas tree beautifully stacked with Veuve Clicquot champagnes, and Veuve happens to be my favourite champagne, merry, merry!
Besides the afternoon tea tower, the set also comes with a plate of the chef’s daily confection creations, our set included 2 pralines made with chocolate-covered gummy candies.

馬可波羅下午茶套餐一一介紹 / The full Afternoon Tea Set at Marco Polo consists of the following items:

  • 司康/ Scones:
馬可波羅下下午茶時尚高潮台北遠企香格里拉馬可波羅下下午茶食記影片 Shangri-La Taipei - Marco Polo Afternoon tea food review & vlog Shangri-La Taipei - Marco Polo Afternoon tea food review & vlog

司康/ Scones

原味與巧克力餅乾/杏桃乾司康 / Plain & chocolate chip / dried apricot scones

  •  鹹點/ savoury snacks & sandwiches:

  •  「台式巧克力豬五花奶油卷」 / “Taiwanese pork belly with chocolate sauce, soft butter roll”:
「台式巧克力豬五花奶油卷」 / “Taiwanese pork belly with chocolate sauce, soft butter roll”

「台式巧克力豬五花奶油卷」 /
“Taiwanese pork belly with chocolate sauce, soft butter roll”



English version / 英文版:
Life is complex enough. I don’t like adding sweetness to savoury food to make it even more confusing. The pork belly with chocolate sauce in this dish is surprisingly acceptable, and the portion is just enough. The flavours are a taste of local Taiwanese cuisine.

  • 「迷你巧克力澤鮭魚可頌」 / “Marinated salmon and Cocoa dust, mini croissant”:
「迷你巧克力澤鮭魚可頌」 / “Marinated salmon and Cocoa dust, mini croissant”

「迷你巧克力澤鮭魚可頌」 /
“Marinated salmon and Cocoa dust, mini croissant”

⁃ 「香烤羊酪鮮蔬佛卡夏」 / “grilled vegetable and feta cheese, Italian focaccia:”
⁃ 麵包夾一片紅甜椒與黃甜椒,麵包口感比義大利佛卡夏要來的軟

English version / 英文版:
grilled red and yellow bell peppers are sandwiched in focaccia. The bread is much softer than a focaccia you would find in Italy.

小點心 / Canapés :

  • 「甜菜根起司慕斯巧克力杯」 / “Beetroot cheese mousse in a chocolate cup”:

(請看上面影片 / please watch the video above)

  • 「雞肝醬葡萄巧克力塔」 / “Chicken liver pate, grape, and Nutella tartlet


「雞肝醬葡萄巧克力塔」 / “Chicken liver pate, grape, and Nutella tartlet”

「雞肝醬葡萄巧克力塔」 / “Chicken liver pate, grape, and Nutella tartlet”

  • 「帕瑪火腿佐無花果可可豆」/ “Aged Parma ham with Coco nips”:
「帕瑪火腿佐無花果可可豆」/ “Aged Parma ham with Coco nips”

“Aged Parma ham with Coco nips”

甜點/ Sweets:

  • 「松露焦糖巧克力鍋佐白蘭地櫻桃」/ “Truffled caramel and chocolate petite pot with Brandy griottes”:
「松露焦糖巧克力鍋佐白蘭地櫻桃」/ “Truffled caramel and chocolate petite pot with Brandy griottes”

“Truffled caramel and chocolate petite pot with Brandy griottes”

  • 「紅絲絨巧克力起司蛋糕佐百香果醬」/ “Velvet chocolate ivory cheesecake, Passion fruit gel”:


「紅絲絨巧克力起司蛋糕佐百香果醬」/ “Velvet chocolate ivory cheesecake, Passion fruit gel”

“Velvet chocolate ivory cheesecake, Passion fruit gel”

  • 「脆岩堅果甜筒」/ “Crunchy rocky road cone”:


「脆岩堅果甜筒」/ “Crunchy rocky road cone”

「脆岩堅果甜筒」/ “Crunchy rocky road cone”

  • 「法芙娜經典巧克力蛋糕」/ “ Valrhona at signature chocolate cake”

(請看上面影片 / please watch the video above)

  • 「冬季嚴選經典巧克力」/ “Winter Addition of handmade pralines”
  • 「夏威夷果鏡面蛋糕」/ “Glazed macadamia nut cake”:
「夏威夷果鏡面蛋糕」/ “Glazed macadamia nut cake”:

「夏威夷果鏡面蛋糕」/ “Glazed macadamia nut cake”

  • 「吉拿棒佐泰式香蕉巧克力醬」/ “24K churros with Thai banana/chocolate jam”:
馬可波羅下下午茶時尚高潮台北遠企香格里拉馬可波羅下下午茶食記影片 Shangri-La Taipei - Marco Polo Afternoon tea food review & vlog Shangri-La Taipei - Marco Polo Afternoon tea food review & vlog

Shangri-La Taipei – Marco Polo Afternoon tea food review & vlog
Shangri-La Taipei – Marco Polo Afternoon tea food review & vlog


  • 「瑞士巧克力鍋佐季節水果」 / “Seasonal fruit mini fondue”

(請看上面影片 / please watch the video above)

  • 「主廚每日精選點心」/ “A daily creation of plated dessert”

(請看上面影片 / please watch the video above)

  • 義大利奶酪/ “Panna cotta”:


義大利奶酪/ “Panna cotta":

“Panna cotta”

壓軸的是不同凡響的「義大利奶酪」 ,它沒有一般奶酪的影子,是ㄧ碗巧克力與莓果的交響曲裝在一個玻璃碗裡,再用一層紫色巧克力脆片蓋起,上桌時服務生用熱水將上層巧克力融於碗中,做一場甜蜜的結尾(請看影片)。

English version / 英文版:
The finale is the extraordinary “Panna Cotta.” Marco Polo’s panna cotta is not your ordinary panna cotta. It is a symphony of chocolate and berries in a glass bowl, covered with a layer of purple chocolate chip. Our server pours hot water to melt the chocolate cover into the pot, putting a sweet show to the end of this meal (watch video).


English version / 英文版:
Guests who arrive at Shangri-La Taipei’s Marco Polo for its afternoon tea can admire the landscape changes from day to night when Taipei 101 lights up, creating yet another different panoramic night scene of Taipei city.
Before leaving, guests can stop by the lobby lounge and enjoy a live music performance of Christmas tunes. 2019, my Christmas far away from home at Shangri-La Taipei was filled with enough Christmas spirit to last until the next<3

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