Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Atout France Destination France 2020 tradeshow and Award ceremony – 法國目的地風土-Atout France法國2020年法國觀光旅遊貿易展覽和頒獎典禮-一塊發現不完的迷人土地。

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version)

Destination France Terroirs – Atout France Destination France 2020 tradeshow and Award ceremony — a Land of Abundance with Plenty to Discover

法國目的地風土-Atout France法國2020年法國觀光旅遊貿易展覽和頒獎典禮-一塊發現不完的迷人土地。

On Wednesday, February 26th, 2020, over 150 travel and tourism professionals attended Destination France – Terroirs, hosted by the France tourism development agency, Atout France. This traveling roadshow was held inside the Sheraton Centre and Toronto was the third stop on a four-city Canadian tour. This year’s roadshow theme focused on terroirs, as France is universally known as the premier destination for idyllic and charming cities, a plethora of tourist attractions, and a sharply distinct gastronomic culture. This show allowed industry professionals to meet and network with French and local exhibitors and get the latest information on the destination.
“They want to spend more time in a single area and really discover the French lifestyle,” said Melanie Paul-Hus, Director for Canada, Atout France.

中文版 / Chinese version:
2020年2月26日星期三,法國旅遊發展署Atout France加拿大辦事處主辦超過150多位熱愛旅行的旅行家和旅遊專業人士參加的「Destination France-Terroirs」活動。 此活動是一系列的巡迴展。多倫多市是加拿大四城市巡迴展的第三站,在多倫多喜來登大飯店內舉行。 今年的路演以「風土」為主題,因為法國以它遍地田園詩般的迷人城市以及走不完的旅遊景點和極為獨特的美食文化為著。 該活動讓旅遊業者和專業人士有機會與法國和當地參展商交流建立關係,並得知有法國旅遊界的最新消息。
「他們(旅遊觀光客)喜歡在同一個地區待久一點的深度旅遊,才能更深入了解及體驗法國當地的文化及生活方式」, Atout France的加拿大總監Melanie Paul-Hus說。

  • France – 80% Waiting for Travellers to Explore / 法國:80%等著旅客發掘

Even though France has reigned as the world’s most popular tourist destination for the past twenty years, 80% of the country remains unexplored. Some of the exhibitors at the trade show were from different tourism boards representing various cities and regions. Representatives from the Le Mans & La Sarthe tourism board were there to endorse the world-famous endurance race, which is held in Le Mans.

中文版 / Chinese version:
雖然過去20年,法國早已是全球最受歡迎的旅遊勝地,但該國有80%的土地仍未被探索。 此貿易展覽會的參展商包括來自代表法國各個不同城市和地區的觀光局。 勒芒拉薩爾觀光局代表也出席表揚在勒芒舉行的舉世聞名的耐力賽。

  • Destination in France for History Buffs / 歷史愛好者的旅遊行程:

For the history buffs, Le Mans is the birthplace of the Plantagenets, a royal dynasty that reigned over France and England for over three hundred years. For those looking for a getaway in the Loire Valley, the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud boast fourteen hectares of gardens and four monasteries, one of which has been transformed into a four-star hotel. With its rich history, beautiful surroundings, and impressive gastronomy with a Michelin star restaurant on site, the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud is a treasure trove for travelers looking to explore a different part of France’s Loire Valley.

中文版 / Chinese version:
對於歷史愛好者而言,勒芒(Le Mans)是金雀花王朝(Plantagenets)的發源地,金雀花王朝朝統治法國英國300多餘年。 想去羅亞爾河谷自然區度假的人,Fontevraud有14公頃的園區和4個修道院,其中一座還改建成四星級的奢華飯店。 悠久的歷史、美麗的環境和包括一家米其林星級餐廳令人垂涎的美食讓楓特孚羅皇家修道院成為想探索法國盧瓦爾河谷各地區的旅客必須踩足的景點。

  • The French Caribbean / 法屬加勒比海(聖馬丁):

Representatives also were on hand from the French Caribbean. Dimitri Derigent and Muriel Wiltord of the Martinique Tourism Committee – Canada was present at the trade show to promote the various offerings to the Canadian travel trade.

中文版 / Chinese version:
來自法屬加勒比海聖馬丁)的代表也在場,包括加拿大馬提尼克島旅遊委員會Dimitri DerigentMuriel Wiltord都來參展,向各大旅遊業推廣各種產品。

  • In 2019, Martinique saw more than 20,000 Canadian visitors to the

island, with 20% of these travelers coming from Toronto. The lush natural landscapes and incredibly diverse Martinician cuisine (a mixture of Creole, French, African, and Indian) are just a handful of reasons for non-French speaking travelers to visit this small, friendly island.

中文版 / Chinese version:
馬提尼克島僅僅在2019一年就吸引超過20,000多名加拿大遊客前往觀光,其中20%的遊客來自多倫多。 鬱鬱蔥蔥的自然風光和綜合克里奧爾法國非洲印度菜,口味多樣化到令人難以置信的馬提尼式美食僅是吸引非法語國家的遊客前往觀光這友好小島的少數原因。

  • Eco-conscious travel in France / 法環保旅遊選擇:

For eco-conscious travelers, Martinique has a high number of Relais Créoles, small, family-run inns, and guesthouses. Unlike standard all-inclusive resorts, these options don’t require massive amounts of electricity, and they produce a lot less waste. 31 well-maintained trails throughout the island make for excellent hiking excursions of the island’s mountainous and jungle landscapes.

中文版 / Chinese version:

  • Personalized Slow-Travel by Finding France / Finding France的法國客製化深度旅遊:

    Tour operators also promoted their new offerings at the trade show. Clément Decré, founder of Finding France, attracted a lot of attendees who were interested in hearing about his newly launched personalized travel concierge services. With the tagline, “Experience the French Art de Vivre’, Finding France compiles tailor-made private tours in the following destinations: Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, Burgundy, Loire Valley, and the landing beaches. The concierge books accommodations that are deep in history, as well as arrange special tours and visits to different local artisans and food producers, offering intimate and unique experiences for those who want to discover hidden treasures in France away from the popular tourist attractions in these regions.

中文版 / Chinese version:
頂尖的旅遊業經營者也在展會上推廣了他們的新產品。 光是Finding France的創始人Clément Decré就吸引了不少聽眾。他介紹自己公司新推出的客製化旅遊服務。 “Finding France用新標語「Experience the French Art de Vivre’」(中譯:「體驗法國的生活藝術」)主打新的服務,在以下觀光景點目的地匯集量身定制的私人旅遊行程:聖米歇爾山諾曼第勃艮第羅亞爾河谷和各個海灘度假區。 公司可以為客人預訂歷史悠久的住宿地方,並安排諸如造訪當地手工藝匠和食品生產商等特別的行程,想要在這些地區有更深入體驗的旅客發現法國所有隱藏版的寶藏,打造與眾不同的獨特法國之旅 。

  • Destination France 2020 Award Ceremony / 法國2020年法國觀光旅遊貿易展頒獎典禮:

To cap off the evening, there was a cocktail reception and an awards ceremony. Awards were handed out to Club Med, recipient of the Partner of the Year award recognizing the remarkable involvement of a tour operator and to Planet France, recipient of the France Product of the Year award recognizing the work of a tour operator who innovates by offering original tours in France.

中文版 / Chinese version:
活動接近尾聲時,展場搖身一變,成為雞尾酒會和頒獎典禮。2020年的 「年度合作夥伴獎」得獎者為Club Med,「法國年度產品獎」得獎者則是 Planet France,表揚該旅行社提供的原創性及創新的服務。


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