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吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

A Journey to Nantes: An Enchanting Renaissance City in France’s Loire-Atlantique Département / 法國南特市 / Atout France法國旅遊發展署推薦充滿文化歷史的觀光城市

A Journey to Nantes: An Enchanting Renaissance City in France’s Loire-Atlantique Département / 法國南特市 / Atout France法國旅遊發展署推薦充滿文化歷史的觀光城市

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version)

On Wednesday, January 27th, 2021, Atout France and A Journey to Nantes hosted a press webinar that showcased the city of Nantes, France, and the abundance of things to do and landmarks to see in this innovative city. The webinar was hosted by Marie Andreé Boucher, Atout France’s Press Manager for Canada, and Xavier Theret, Head of International Promotions and Relations with Le Voyage à Nantes. Many representatives from tour agencies, travel publications, and other industry professionals logged in to learn more of what this cultural and artistic hub has to offer.

中文版 / Chinese version:
2021年1月27日,星期三,Atout France法國旅遊發展署和“A Journey to Nantes”舉辦了一次網絡新聞研討會,展示了法國南特市以及這個創新城市中的豐富活動和地標景點。網絡研討會由Atout France加拿大媒體經理Marie Andreé BoucherLe Voyage à Nantes國際推廣與關係主管Xavier Theret主持。來自旅行社、旅遊出版社和其他行業專業人士都參加這次研討會,以了解這塊富有文化藝術背景的城市。

  • The History of Nantes, France / 法國南特的歷史:

The webinar briefly covered the lengthy history of the city. Nantes was once an ancient port city that was a commercial centre for Roman settlers. From the mid-17th to the mid-19th century, was the first French city to ship African captives in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, being responsible for organizing almost half of the 4,226 slave trade expeditions from France. In the 1920s, the city underwent the first of many urban renewals by filling in the river channels and diverting the waterways away from the city. This move resulted in more accessibility for cars and Feydeau and Gloriette islands became attached to the north bank.

>中文版 / Chinese version:
網絡研討會簡要介紹了這座城市的悠久歷史。南特曾經是一個古老的港口城市,羅馬帝國時期是「人民的港口」。從17世紀中葉到19世紀中葉,南特法國第一個在跨大西洋奴隸貿易中,運送非洲俘虜的法國城市,負責組織來自法國4,226次奴隸貿易近一半的考察活動。在1920年代,這座城市經歷了許多城市更新。其中一項就是將河道填補、將水道引流至城市外。這一舉動使汽車行駛更方便,並將 菲多島 (Feydeau)涼亭島Gloriette)與北岸相連。

Nantes then underwent a second shock when France was invaded by German forces in World War II. The air raids from German, American, and British forces nearly destroyed the city, killing over 1700 people and leaving many of the heritage buildings unusable and obliterated. Following the war, Nantes suffered through years of civil unrest. When the shipyards went under in the 1980s, this set off a period of economic depression where part of the city’s identity and many jobs were lost.

中文版 / Chinese version:

  • The Rise of Nantes / 南特的興起

When the city elected Jean-Marc Ayrault in 1989, he declared that to revive Nantes, the city needed to start rehabilitating its reputation on a cultural level. This led to him reaching out to Jean Blaise, the artistic director behind many international public art programmes, for help in breathing new life into the city. From 1990-1995, Blaise created the Les Allumées festival, a five-day-long festival that featured contemporary art, shows, and performances from hundreds of artists from all ends of the world with the purpose of promoting the city of Nantes. The great success of Les Allumées garnered a lot of press from the French media. This exposure contributed greatly to the boost in tourism and set off a series of different projects that would catapult Nantes as a premier destination for culture vultures, history enthusiasts, and art lovers. One of these other projects is the Estuaire, a 60 km long open-air museum that features a collection of 33 artworks that can be seen along 60 kms of the Loire estuary that ends at Saint Nazaire.

中文版 / Chinese version:
1989年,冉.馬克·艾侯Jean-Marc Ayrault)當選時,他宣布為了振興南特,須恢復該城市文化水平的聲譽。於是他聯繫藝術總監Jean Blaise,尋求他的協助,為這座城市注入新的活力。Blaise於是變成許多國際公共藝術背後的藝術總監。從1990年至1995年,Blaise創立了為期五天的Les Allumées文化節,以當代藝術、秀場和來自世界各地的數百名藝術家的表演為特色,目的是推廣南特市Les Allumées的巨大成功獲得了法國媒體的廣泛報導。這種接觸大大促進了旅遊業的發展,並開發一系列不同的項目,使南特成為文化歷史和藝術愛好者的主要目的地。這些項目之一是Estuaire,這是一個60公里長的露天博物館,該館收藏33幅藝術品,這些藝術品可以沿著羅亞爾河Loire estuary)60公里觀賞,其終點站在聖納澤爾Saint-Nazaire)。

  • Le Voyage à Nantes – Promoting Nantes As A Travel Destination / Le Voyage à Nantes推廣法國南特觀光業:

Le Voyage à Nantes

Le Voyage à Nantes

In 2011, Le Voyage à Nantes was launched to further shape the city through culture. Since 2011, this annual event has allowed visitors to discover uniquely and playfully. By following a green 12 km long trail that runs throughout the city, visitors discover scattered monuments, artworks, panoramas, and key heritage sites along the way. Some of the sites include the Castle of the Dukes of Brittany, Les Machines de L’Île, the Memorial to the Abolition of Slavery, Passage Pommeraye, the Jules Verne Museum, and the On Va Marcher Sur La Lune playground.

中文版 / Chinese version:
南特在2011年推出Le Voyage à Nantes,透過文化,進一步專案塑造這座城市。自2011年以來,這樁年度盛事使遊客有機會以獨特而有趣的方式去發掘。沿著一條貫穿整座城市12公里長的綠色小徑,遊客會發現沿途的古蹟、藝術品、全景圖和主要遺產。其中一些景點包括布列塔尼公爵城堡、南特島機械(Les Machines de L’Île)、南特廢除奴隸制紀念館、Passage Pommeraye購物中心、儒勒.凡爾納博物館和On Va Marcher Sur La Lune遊樂場

  • Nantes Vineyards / 法國南特葡萄酒莊:

There are also substantial wine-growing appellations just outside of Nantes. The Nantes vineyard is the producer of the largest single white wine grape varietal, the Muscadet. Le Voyage Dans Le Vignoble was created to encourage visitors to explore the vineyards and cellars as well as other points of interest. One such point of interest is the Château de Clisson, a medieval castle located on the right bank of the Sèvre Nantaise with a long history, and Le Moulin à Papier du Liveau, a living paper museum.

中文版 / Chinese version:
南特外緣有大片的葡萄種植區。南特葡萄酒莊是最大單一白葡萄酒的葡萄品種Muscadet的生產地。為了鼓勵遊客探索葡萄園和地窖,南特創建 Le Voyage Dans Le Vignoble計畫。該計畫景點之一包括Château de Clisson古堡。這是一座歷史悠久的中世紀城堡,位於塞夫爾楠特河Sèvre Nantaise)的右岸,而Le Moulin à Papier du Liveau則是一座開放遊客觀光造紙廠

  • Nantes New Upcoming Projects for 2021 / 年的新計劃:

The webinar concluded with a brief mention of upcoming projects for 2021. One of these projects is Le Parfum, a contest of sorts to see which perfumers can create the perfect scent that best captures Nantes. Three of these scents will then be brought to the public and they will vote on the best scent. The winning perfume will be bottled, marketed, and sold. Le Parfum is set to run from December 6th to 9th, 2021.

中文版 / Chinese version:
網絡研討會最後簡要介紹了2021年即將到來的項目,其中一個項目是Le Parfum,旨在了解哪些調香師可以創造出最能吸引南特人的完美香水競賽。這些氣味中的三種將被公開,他們將對最佳氣味進行投票。獲勝的香水將被裝瓶,銷售和出售。 Le Parfum預計於2021年12月6日至9日舉行。

Nantes offers so much for travelers to see and explore! Time to plan my next trip to deep travel in France!


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