A Tasting Of Wines From Italy / 義大利葡萄酒品酒、會加拿大路演

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A Tasting Of Wines From Italy ™ / Une Dégustation De Vins D’Italie Mc returned for its 28th edition. This Italian wine roadshow for the industry featured 86 Italian winemakers from all over the country, and they showcased their best wines. It is organized by the Italian Trade Commission (ITC) offices in Canada and is a highlight on the calendar. It started in Vancouver and then continued to Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal. Toronto’s event was held at the Roy Thomson Hall.

Attendees, which included wine agents, representatives from provincial Liquor Boards, and media, all got to experience walk-around wine tastings along with meetings with winemakers and their agents. The Toronto roadshow had a masterclass called “Geographic Precision: Understanding Italy’s Latest UGA’s, MAG’s, CONTRADA’s, and PIEVE’s,” run by Master Sommelier John Szabo.

Italian wines in Canada have increased their market share over the years, and the demand is expected to rise even further. As such, ITC also offers specialized seminars, study trips, sponsored participation in trade shows, and supports promotional campaigns for Italian products in hundreds of stores.

Prior to the tastings, attendees enjoyed a delicious Italian buffet provided by Stelvio. The buffet featured a wide variety of items, including Polenta Con Ragu Sauce, Insalta Croccarde, Pasta alla Crudaiola, Quiche di Zucchine, Polenta con Caponata di Verdure, Pinzimonio con hummus di ceci, Le Lingue di Suocera bread, Focaccia, Focaccia di Capella Salumi, Proscuitto, Flavoured Olives, Mortadella, Giardiniera, and Parmigiano Reggiano.

Then, it was time to do the tastings. There were so many wonderful wines to choose from, and it was hard to decide which ones to try.

A few of the wines that were sampled include:

  • Foss Marai Spumanti Valdobbiadene- Guia represented by Noble Estates Wine and Spirits
  • Cantine Leonardo Da Vinci Chianti- Toscana
  • Cantina Di Sorbara Lambrusco – Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy
  • Piandimare – Montelpuciano D’Ambruzzo D.O.C.- Villamagna
  • Primaria Agricola- Poggio Di Guardia- Toscana
  • Tenuta La Presa – Custoza Superiore DOC
  • Carpineto Chianti- Toscana
  • Colomba Bianca- Sicilia
  • Castello Di Roncade Prosecco- Veneto
  • Casali Viticultori Cantastorie- Emilia-Romagna
  • Cantina Ripa Teatina Rocky Marciano-Montepulciano D’Abruzzo D.O.C- Ripa Teatina
  • Novaripa Monatic Wines– Ripa Teatina
  • Ilatium Morini- Veneto
  • Il Grigio San Felice Chinati- Toscana
  • Beato Bartolomeo Vespiolo Breganze DOC- Veneto
  • Casetta Barbera d’Alba · Piemonte, Italy
  • Monte Del Fra Azienda Agricola Chiaretto Di Bardolino-Veneto
  • Giulio Cocchi Spumanti- Cocconato d’ Asti -Piemonte

It was a pleasure to speak to the winemakers and their agents about their wines.

We do agree that Italian wines are absolutely spectacular!

中文版 / Chinese version:

義大利葡萄酒品嚐™ (A Tasting Of Wines From Italy )/ Une Dégustation De Vins D’Italie Mc 第 28 屆回歸。這次義大利葡萄酒產業路演吸引了來自全國各地的 86 位義大利釀酒師,展示了他們最好的葡萄酒。該展會由義大利貿易委員會 (ITC) 駐加拿大辦事處主辦,是近期的一大亮點。它從溫哥華開始,然後繼續前往卡加利、多倫多和蒙特婁。多倫多的比賽在羅伊湯姆森大廳(Roy Thomson Hall)舉行。

包括葡萄酒代理商省酒局代表和媒體在內的與會者都體驗了葡萄酒品嚐會以及與葡萄酒生產商及其代理商的會面。多倫多路演的主題為「地理精準:了解義大利最新的UGA、MAG、CONTRADA和PIEVE(“Geographic Precision: Understanding Italy’s Latest UGA’s, MAG’s, CONTRADA’s and PIEVE’s”)」。該路演侍酒大師John Szabo主持。

多年來,義大利葡萄酒加拿大的市場份額不斷增加,預計需求將會增加。因此,ITC 還提供專題研討會、考察旅行、贊助參加貿易展覽,並支持在數百家商店開展義大利產品促銷活動。

在品嚐之前,我們享用了Stelvio提供的美味義大利自助餐。它有各色各樣的物品,包括:Polenta Con Ragu Sauce(羅勒番茄玉米糕)、Insalta Croccarde(炸肉餅沙拉)、Pasta alla Crudaiola(番茄義大利麵)、櫛瓜乳蛋餅、翠綠玉米粥、鷹嘴豆泥、Le Lingue di Suocera 麵包(義大利牛舌餅)、佛卡夏麵包、臘肉佛卡夏、火腿、調味橄欖、羊肚菌、Giardiniera (義式醋漬蔬菜)和帕馬森起司。

  • 由 Noble Estates Wine and Spirits 代理的Foss Marai Spumanti Valdobbiadene- Guia
  • 托斯卡納的Cantine Leonardo Da Vinci Chianti
  • 義大利北部艾米利亞-羅馬涅的Cantina Di Sorbara Lambrusco
  • Piandimare 酒莊的維拉馬尼亞Montelpuciano D’Ambruzzo D.O.C.
  • Primaria Agricola的托斯卡納的Poggio Di Guardia
  • Tenuta La Presa酒莊的 Custoza Superiore DOC
  • 托斯卡納的Carpineto Chianti
  • 西西里島的Colomba Bianca
  • 維內多(Veneto)的 Castello Di Roncade
  • 艾米利亞-羅馬涅的Casali Viticultori Cantastorie
  • Cantina Ripa Teatina Rocky Marciano-Montelpuciano D’Abruzzo D.O.C- Ripa Teatina
  • 諾瓦里帕莫納蒂克葡萄酒 – Ripa Teatina
  • Ilatium Morini-威尼托
  • Il Grigio San Felice Chinati- 托斯卡納
  • Beato Bartolomeo Vespiolo Breganze DOC-威尼托
  • Casetta Barbera d’Alba · 皮埃蒙特, 義大利
  • Monte Del Fra Azienda Agricola Chiaretto Di Bardolino-威尼托
  • Giulio Cocchi Spumanti- Cocconato d’ Asti – 皮埃蒙特


(photos by Sari Colt)


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