After Breast Cancer’s ABC Thrive Package Unboxing – The Best Christmas Love for After mastectomy Breast Cancer Survivors / After Breast Cancer 最溫暖的聖誕節禮物幫殘編的復健治療師渡過乳癌術後日子

Watch our Youtube After Breast Cancer’s ABC Thrive Package Unboxing video first / 先看時尚高潮ABC乳癌束後生存包YT開箱影片:

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version)

This holiday season, we received the most heart-warming and loving gift ever from After Breast Cancer. I first came into contact with After Breast Cancer at their first annual Pink Diamond Fundraising Gala in 2013. There, I was deeply moved and astounded by the incredible lines of products to help those affected by breast cancer after surgery, and have since been a long-time fan and supporter of the organization. According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the second most common cancer overall. With such a large number, many organizations are fundraising for breast cancer, but none of them quite like ABC (After Breast Cancer). I have encountered many incredible & brave breast cancer survivors myself. Most people don’t know that the “real” battle starts “after” surgery. ABC is dedicated to helping those affected with breast cancer with the “real” battle.

ˋ中文版 / Chinese version:
在這個即將來臨,充滿愛與施予的聖誕季節裡,我們收到了After Brest Cancer溫馨感人的禮物。殘編After Breast Cancer (簡稱「ABC」)的緣分推溯到受邀參加他們2013年Pink Diamond Fundraising Gala首屆籌款晚宴。當晚,我對ABC陳列的產品感到震驚,那是一系列專門幫助乳癌術後病人的貼心產品。從此我就成為ABC的忠實粉絲和支持者。根據Breast Cancer Research Foundation,乳癌在全世界女性癌症中高居首位,也是所有癌症中榜上第二。正因如此之高的比率,許多組織和基金會紛紛為乳癌籌款,但卻沒有一個組織能達到像ABC一樣的方向。我本身也遇過許多勇敢的乳癌生存戰士。很多人不知道「乳癌」的真正戰爭其實是在術後才開始。 ABC致力於幫助乳癌病人一起打這場「真正的戰爭」。

  • As a hater of gossips and small talks, I am a conversation terminator with

no friends. My brain defects do not help making friends easier, either. It takes a big heart and much patience to befriend me.

中文版 / Chinese version:

Patty, A Passionate Physiotherapist & Young Breast Cancer Survivor’s Story / 殘編的復健治療師+年輕勇敢乳癌生存者Patty的故事:

Patty, aged 40, is a passionate & incredible physiotherapist who has helped countless stroke survivors like me to regain strength, confidence, and mobility. I was lucky enough to have her as my therapist. We clicked when we first met, and I knew immediately that she is a dedicated therapist with a big heart.

中文版 / Chinese version:


  • About a month ago, Patty was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast reconstruction was not an option for Patty after because her cancer lump was too close to the nipple, and her slightly underweight Asian body figure does not allow enough tissue for reconstruction. Therefore, it is not easy to transplant skin from the abdomen for reconstruction. The surgery takes about 9 to 12 hours. After the reconstruction, it may also cause the sequelae of abdominal weakness. After considering the factors of her profession and returning to the workplace in the future, Patty did not consider reconstruction. Patty is still a young mom with a 7-year old son. To be fair, she looks even younger than me, and with her profession and dedication, she has a brighter future that can help more people.

中文版 / Chinese version:
約一個月前,Patty確診罹患乳癌。Patty檢查出的癌細胞接近乳暈,再加上身材纖細,因此皮膚面積相對較少,要從腹部移植重建不容易,手術少說需要9到12小時。重建後也可能造成腹部無力的後遺症,在考慮過自己的專業及將來重回職場的種種因素,Patty不考慮重建。 Patty是一位年輕漂亮的陽光媽咪,育有一個7歲的兒子。老實說,她看起來比殘編年輕,憑藉她的專業和精神,她的未來充滿希望,並且能夠奉獻社會,幫助更多人。

  • While it was devastating to learn about her situation, ABC popped into

my mind. After Breast Cancer carries the exact line of prosthesis, bras and undergarments that can help Patty’s situation. The ABC Thrive package is the full package to help people like Patty to go through the toughest time after surgery.

中文版 / Chinese version:
好不容易遇到合拍人的殘編,得知消息瀕臨崩潰之時,突然想到長期合作的ABC的義乳、術後胸罩、內衣等一系列的產品,正好可以幫助PattyABC Thrive包是包含上述商品的一整套輔助品超值包,可幫助跟Patty一樣狀況的人在術後度過最艱難的時光。

  • ABC’s Thrive package comes with a set of Temporary Breast Prosthesis,

and a set of 2 drainage pockets to cover the breast prosthesis for easy washing, a Mastectomy Camisole with a front opening, a mastectomy bra, and a heart-shaped pillow to help reduce lymphoedema after mastectomy or lumpectomy surgery. Lymphoedema is a common symptom that causes swelling of the arm, underarm and breast area due to poor blood circulation and a build-up of lymph fluid after surgery. These thoughtful heart-shaped pillows are the products of ABC’s Sewing Heart Project designed to fit the underarms.

中文版 / Chinese version:

  • Mitzvah Knitters’ beautiful hand-knitted crocheted scarves, blankets

and hats and help those who need to undergo chemotherapy. These items are handmade with love by a group of volunteer women.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Mitzvah Knitters漂亮的彩色手工編織圍巾、毛毯和帽子可以幫助需要進行化療的人。這些柔軟、保暖的編織品是由一群充滿愛心的義工婦女手工製作的,她們為需要的人將「愛」一針一針的勾出。

  • To reduce the risk of cancer coming back, Tamoxifen, an estrogen

receptor modulator, is prescribed to Patty; the drug can cause side effects like dry skin and chapped lips. Hence, a Joe Fresh lip balm is included in the package.

中文版 / Chinese version:
為了降低癌症復發的風險,Patty需吃抗癌藥,該藥會引起皮膚乾燥和嘴唇乾燥等副作用。因此,包裹中包還附了Joe Fresh的護唇膏。

  • Christmas is all about spreading love and giving back, and ABC Thrive

Package has got us covered with love from head to toe. We thank After Breast Cancer from the bottom of our hearts.

中文版 / Chinese version:
聖誕節的宗旨就是傳播愛與回饋,而ABC Thrive Package讓我們今年的聖誕從頭到腳都充滿了愛與溫暖,我們由衷感謝After Breast Cancer

  • The holiday season is the best time to give back. ABC’s upcoming New Year’s Eve Party is the perfect chance to get involved, to purchase tickets, please visit / 聖誕假期是付出與回饋的最佳時節。即將來臨的ABC跨年晚會便是參與的絕佳機會,欲購買門票,請造訪:

To learn more about After Breast Cancer’s amazing projects, volunteer and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Alicia Vianga, Founder & Executive Director of ABC, and the amazing lady who makes this all possible at 647-342-9217, or email:

中文版 / Chinese version:

有關After Breast Cancer更多偉大的計劃,義工和贊助機會的更多訊息,請聯絡ABC創始人兼執行董事,一位令人驚嘆的女性先驅Alicia Vianga




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