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Happy New Year to all readers and fans of Fashion Ecstasy!
Fashion Ecstasy welcomed 2020 by attending a glamorous evening of dinner and dancing at Against the Grain Urban Tavern.
中文版/ Chinese version:
時尚高潮(Fashion Ecstasy)多倫多團隊受邀參加在Against the Grain Urban Tavern舉辦的迷人晚宴,在湖邊景觀餐廳裡一邊跳舞,迎接新的2020年。
menu, glasses of sparkling wine, hors d’oeuvres, and party favours. A portion of the tickets sales was directed to after Breast Cancer, a registered charity that helps breast cancer survivors by providing them with the necessities following surgery such as mastectomy bras, mastectomy camisoles, and breast prostheses.
Fashion Ecstasy has personally received the amazing help that ABC provides, watch our video here:
中文版/ Chinese version:
賓客享用主辦單位經過精心策劃的菜單中四道菜的晚餐、香檳以菊精緻的開胃小點和派對美食。此活動門票銷售的收入將一部分直接捐給after Breast Cancer機構(以下簡稱ABC),ABC是一家註冊慈善機構,為乳癌生存者提供乳房切割術後必需品(如術後胸罩、術後背心及義乳)來協助勇敢的乳癌戰士度過難關。殘編親身受惠ABC所帶給乳癌數後的極大幫助,看YT影片:
ceiling windows that looked out onto the waterfront. Each table had adorable party favours and printouts of the menu for the night’s dinner. Before food was served, guests settled into their tables and enjoyed some pre-dinner entertainment in the form of music playing from the ultra-cool DJ Sara Simms.
中文版/ Chinese version:
宴會中,賓客被帶到用落地窗包圍的高地用餐室,該用餐環境的落地窗可讓用餐貴賓一邊享用美食及海濱美景。 每張桌子上都有可愛的派對禮物,並印有當天晚宴的菜單。 在上菜前,客人們紛紛入座,先聆聽 DJ Sara Simms播放的音樂,享受餐前娛樂。
“One of the changes that I’ve seen is that we are helping a lot more women,”
Alicia said. To date, after Breast Cancer has helped over 600 women. When asked what she wished to see in the New Year, she replied,
“…that breast cancer survivors know that there is an organization out there for them that would support them and they are never alone.”
中文版/ Chinese version:
在採訪ABC的創始人兼執行董事長Alicia Vianga對話中,她提及該慈善機構自2013年成立後的成長與變化。
「我所看到的成就之一是我們正在提供很多女性所需的幫助 」。
迄今為止,乳腺癌已經幫助了600多名婦女。 當被問及她希望在新的一年中看到什麼時,她回答:
At the party, FE also had the pleasure to meet Lindsay White, Senior Manager of Planning and Operations with The Beauty Clinic by Shoppers Drug Mart. She got involved with after Breast Cancer in 2017 after asking the Vice President of Operations about how she could devote more time and resources to community investment. After being encouraged to find a cause she’s passionate about, a Google search on breast cancer charities led her to after Breast Cancer, and the rest was history.
中文版/ Chinese version:
在聚會上,時尚高潮也很榮幸見到Shoppers Drug Mart美容診所部門的計劃和運營高級經理Lindsay White。 她於2017年在詢問運營副總裁他們如何將更多的時間和資源貢獻投資於社區後,與ABC開始接觸。 她在谷歌搜尋自己熱於支持的事業,在搜尋一番後,谷歌搜尋帶領她找到ABC並與此機構結緣,一起開創新的歷史。
organization has helped the charity’s graduates. With the support of Shoppers Drug Mart, after Breast Cancer currently holds beauty and health-related workshops and outbound events to help the charity’s graduates rebuild their self-confidence and enhance their quality of life.
中文版/ Chinese version:
作為Alicia的合夥人和閨蜜,Lindsay最能了解了該組織如何運作及幫助慈善機構的「畢業生」。 在有全加拿大最大的藥妝店之一Shoppers Drug Mart的支持下,After Breast Cancer目前已有能力舉辦與美容和健康相關的講習以即其它旨於幫助該慈善機構的「畢業生」重建自信並提高生活品質的活動。
Shoppers Beauty Clinics VIP Event. One was in Oakville and the other at the Shops at Don Mills— where guests received complimentary makeup applications, received personalized SkinCeutical® assessments, and even received gifts with purchase. All of the proceeds from this highly successful event went directly to after Breast Cancer.
中文版/ Chinese version:
早在11月,Shoppers就舉辦了兩次名為「The Shoppers Beauty Clinics VIP Event」的公開活動。 其一在奧克維爾(Oakville)舉辦,另一個則在多倫多的Shops at Don Mills,參加的賓客各個獲得免費化妝體驗,客製化的SkinCeutical®評估,與消費隨贈的禮物。 這項非常成功的活動所有收益都直接捐給了ABC。
joy into their (graduates of after Breast Cancer) lives. I know first-hand how hard life after treatment is, so I wish that we can come together to help each other and be that shining light for them.” It was incredible meeting Alicia and Lindsay, who are such compassionate, sincere, and kind individuals.
中文版/ Chinese version:
當被問及她對2020新年的期望時,她說道:「我希望我們能為ABC的畢業生生命中帶來更多歡樂。 我最能親身體驗接受乳癌治療後的生活有多麼艱辛,所以我希望我們能夠團結在一起互相幫助,成為這同胞們的希望之光。」
能與如此富有同情心、真誠和善良的 Alicia a和 Lindsay親自交談,時尚高潮倍感榮幸。
After lovely dinner, everyone made their way onto the dance floor, where DJ Sara Simms played a fantastic mix of R&B, soca, and some ABBA to get everyone in the festive spirit. At 11:59 A.M., all of the guests gathered around the TV monitors to watch the ball drop from Times Square. As soon as the clock hit midnight, patrons in the restaurant cheered and raised their champagne glasses to the start of a new year. The evening concluded with more dancing and drinking into the early morning hours.
中文版/ Chinese version:
享用陶醉美味的晚餐後,大家走進舞池,跟者DJ Sara Simms利用R&B、soca和ABBA所演奏充滿迎新氣息的完美組曲一起起舞狂歡。 晚上11:59,所有賓客聚集到電視螢幕前觀看紐約時代廣場ㄒ跨年落球現場直撥。 午夜時分鐘一響,所有顧客舉杯歡呼,繼續搖擺飲香檳慶祝到2020新年的元旦清晨。
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