Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Allure Body Bar and Ohhh Canada’s Frisky Business

On Thursday, Allure Body Bar celebrated its third anniversary by doing some Frisky Business with Ohhh Canada.

Katrina McKay, sexpert and CEO of Ohhh Canada brought in some of her favourite sex toys and showcased them one by one. There were the chains, the floggers, the vibrators, and everybody’s favourite-the magic banana, a toy that can act as a Kegel exerciser and also a pleasure device; the best part, your mama won’t be able to figure out what it is if she finds it in your room.

magic banana vagina trainer

magic banana

Katrina also answered questions about sex taboos from the anonymous question box and shared some ‘backdoor secrets’ while guests enjoyed Allure Body Bar‘s signature vagina cupcakes. This time, they came with some cock..ies… I mean, cookies, too!

vagina cupcakes and penis cookies by allure body bar

Allure Body Bar’s vagina cupcakes and penis cookies

More about Allure Body Bar…

Allure Body Bar provides waxing services for both men and women. It has recently won NOW Magazine‘s 2014 reader’s choice award for the Best Beauty Spa in Toronto. Try their popular Quickzilian, a full Brazilian wax for sensitive skin delivered in only eight minutes.

More about Ohhh Canada…

Ohhh Canada carries a wide variety of sex toys and other adult accessories. All products are hand selected by their product specialist based on safety, quality and aesthetics; and are phthalate free.


(photos by Tanya)


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