Ameriwipes™ Unboxing – Disinfecting Wipes to Keep You Safe During The Pandemic / Ameriwipes™消毒濕紙巾,防疫期間更安心

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In these times during the pendamic, it’s crucial to keep our homes and businesses virus and bacteria-free. The newly launched Ameriwipes™ has been certified by the EPA and FDA as the highest quality hand and surface wipes available to kill Covid-19 for up to 8 hours. The product gives one piece of mind knowing that using Ameriwipes™ will help keep people healthier.

中文版/ Chinese version:

These are made from 40-grain paper (versus the standard 14-16 grain paper of most conventional wipes), making them the thickest and most absorbent wipes on the market. They also will last longer and stand up to harsh use. It is excellent that they won’t rip easily either.

中文版/ Chinese version:
這些紙巾是由40紙張紋理紙製成的。大多數傳統擦拭紙的標準是14-16紙張紋理紙製成的。使Ameriwipes™成為市場上最厚,吸收性最強的濕紙巾。 這款濕紙巾使用時間能持續更久並經得起苛刻的使用,它們也不會輕易撕裂,非常好用。

  • When I first tried the Ameriwipes™, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they have a lovely lemon

scent, unlike other wipes with a strong chemical fragrance. My hands smelt quite pleasant after using the wipes and surprisingly a bit softer. I found out that the wipes are moisturizing with built-in skin moisturizers (what a fantastic bonus!) and are safe to use on the skin. I tried using the wipes on my kitchen counter, which was a bit sticky, and they clean and sanitize it effortlessly. And when it came time to dispose of them, I was happy to learn that Ameriwipes™ is both organic and biodegradable, which is vital to me as well.

中文版/ Chinese version:
我第一次開箱試用Ameriwipes™時,我驚訝地發現它們竟有清香的檸檬香氣,與其他具有強烈化學香氣的消毒棉濕紙巾不同。 用Ameriwipes™濕紙巾擦完手後聞起來很舒服,而且在出乎意料的讓皮膚更柔軟後, 我發現濕巾成分內還具有皮膚保濕劑並且可以安全地在皮膚上使用,真是太加分了! 我也試著在我家那已有點黏的廚房櫃檯上擦拭使用,可以毫不費力地清潔和消毒。 用完要處理掉時,我很高興得知Ameriwipes™有機、可生物分解的,這對我也是至關重要的。
Ameriwipes™ are available in both 100 and 300 quantity containers.
For ordering and other information, head over to

中文版/ Chinese version:


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