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與品酒一樣,品乳酪是一門學問,也是一種藝術。尤其是品葡萄酒,要搭配各種小點,才能帶出酒中不同的層次跟韻味,其中起司乳酪是品酒時不可或缺的食材。西方世界酒莊多,因此一班大眾不論對品酒、品起司都有一定的知識水準。台灣相對葡萄酒莊少,所以大眾對葡萄酒或乳酪品種相對生疏,唯有真的很愛吃起司的美食家才會懂得一些比較基本款、起司綜合盤會嚴選的芝士種類,比如像是莫札瑞拉(Mozzarella)、菲達起司(Feta)等未經熟成可直接食用的年輕、新鮮奶酪;如像卡芒貝爾(Camembert)、布利起司(Brie) 等質地柔軟,富有奶香的白黴起司(又稱軟質熟成起司); 像切達起司(Cheddar)一樣有濃郁的奶香的硬質起司; 以及例如洛克福(Roquefort)、史地爾頓(Stilton)等經熟成過後,味道較重的藍黴起司。
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Like wine tasting, cheese tasting is a philosophy and art. In wine tasting, it is crucial to pair various hors d’oeuvres to bring out the wine‘s different layers and flavours. Among them, cheese is an indispensable ingredient in wine tasting. There are numerous wineries in the Western world, so civilians usually have a certain level of knowledge, whether for wine tasting or cheese tasting. There are relatively fewer wineries in Taiwan. So, in comparison, the public is
less familiar with the knowledge for them, except for some real foodies or food critics who are passionate about cheese will have some understanding of cheeses, typically the select ones found on a cheese platter. These cheeses usually include fresh and young cheeses such as Mozzarella and Feta. Soft, creamy white mould cheese (also known as soft-aged )cheeses such as Camembert and Brie. Hard cheeses with rich and creamy flavours like Cheddar. And classic blue cheeses that carry a strong flavour like Roquefort and Stilton.
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Blue cheese is made with cultures of edible mould, giving it marbled spots or veins
throughout the cheese in shades of blue and green
I used to be terrified of the thought of blue cheese. As much as I love taking on bizarre food challenges, the idea of actually ingesting mould gives me shivers of lingering fears. It wasn’t until I went to Italy to study for my master’s degree that I conquered my fear. Milan is the world’s most influential fashion capital. So that’s where I relocated for my master’s.
一般想到高級起司,不外乎就是想到普爾起司(Pule cheese)、馬背起司(卡喬卡瓦洛)(Caciocavallo)、埃普瓦斯芝士(époisses)、帕瑪森乳酪(Parmasen/ parmareggio)、以及各式各樣的藍起司。
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Usually, when you think of high-end cheeses, you think of Pule cheese, Caciocavallo, époisses, Parmesan (parmareggio), and a variety of blue cheeses. As mentioned, before eating Gorgonzola for the first time, I kept my distance from blue cheese. Fortunately, Milan is said to be the origin of Gorgonzola cheese. So, I first encountered Gorgonzola, the “haute couture” in the cheese world when I went to Italy for “haute couture” in fashion. I still remember the moment I took my first bite. It was like stealing the first bite of the Forbidden fruit, opening a gateway to a whole new world of blue cheeses.
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It is said that gorgonzola cheese first acquired its greenish–blue marbling in Milan and has been produced for centuries in the northern Italian region of Lombardia since the 11th century.
English Version / 英文版:
Usually, blue cheese stinks mould. Its strong taste forces itself on you without warning, which seems low and superficial. Unlike ordinary blue cheeses, Gorgonzola cheese‘s musty flavours are layered, deep, and full of flavours. Gorgonzola cheese is velvety and has a more delicate texture than ordinary blue cheeses. It is delectably creamy and rich in flavours, with just a hint of sweetness.
義大利的gorgonzola dolce DOP號稱是該國最好的奶酪。一樣是由位於義大利北部倫巴底大區(Lombardia)的 Arrigoni Battista 生產的 gorgonzola dolce DOP 在聖塞巴斯提安舉行的 2016 年世界奶酪獎( 2016
World Cheese Awards )中被評為最佳意大利奶酪。 在2016年以前,這款奶酪已經連續第三年獲得超級金牌獎。
English Version / 英文版:
Italy‘s gorgonzola dolce DOP is said to be the country’s finest cheese. Produced in Lombardia in the northern Italian region, where Milan is, the 2016 World Cheese Awards held in San Sebastian crowned the gorgonzola dolce DOP “the best Italian
cheese,” marking The third consecutive year of the cheese earning the
Super Gold award.
English Version / 英文版:
A weighty, 420-gram- frozen pizza generously covered with Italy‘s best Gorgonzola blue mould cheese topping. The pizza topped with Italy‘s finest cheese sells for less than $200 NT makes you question if there’s hardly any markup. But hey, even ordinary people can enjoy precious ingredients at home. Tell me if my Youtube openbox mukbang video above isn’t convincing after watching it. I challenge you!
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