Culinary Adventure Co. threw a great party on Wednesday at B1 Lounge to celebrate the launch of their 3rd season of food tours. Over 350 foodies and guests gathered at the alluring new venue and enjoyed scrumptious food from 6 different food stations, including one with naked sushi by Yakitori Bar.
Wines and beer were served, Sonavavitch Vodka also provided ice-cold vodka shooting out through a Sonavavitch ice-sculpture.

Naked Sushi by Yakitori Bar
Naked Sushi by Yakitori Bar
Sonavavitch Vodka
Sonavavitch Vodka

After enough food and wine, MC Mike Chalut invited the ladies to go on stage and sabre champagnes.

Culinary Adventure Co. Season 3 Launch Party

Our favourite dishes were the Malpeque oysters by Hogtown Pub and Oysters, the roasted suckling pig tacos by Fuel House and the flaming cheese saganaki by Kalofagas.

flaming cheese saganaki with honey lemon ouzo sauce by Kalofagas
flaming cheese saganaki with honey lemon ouzo sauce by Kalofagas
Pork Taco by Fuel House
Pork Taco by Fuel House

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