Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary celebrated their 60th anniversary with Champagne Tea at Teatro Verde – the very first site of Mount Sinai Hospital that was purchased by four community-minded women back in 1922. Guests enjoyed High tea and non-stop Vueve Clicquot champagne on the patio that is beautifully located in Yorkville, Toronto’s high-end shopping district. Fashion icon Jeanne Beker was also there to share the joy & success of our world-renowned Hospital.

The Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary was founded by Rose Torno and other women philanthropist in 1953. It is dedicated to support Mount Sinai Hospital by providing funds through signature events and programs such as Celebrate 60Celebrate 60 is Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary‘s commitment on their 60th anniversary to support the rebuild of the hospital’s Labour and Delivery facility and to provide funds for the hospital’s research and education in women’s and infants’ health. To learn more about the Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary, please visit:

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What A Beautiful Life


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