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The Dora Mavor Moore Awards 2019 presented by the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA), celebrated its 40th Anniversary at the Sony Centre in Toronto
That evening, 51 Dora Awards were handed out in the areas of theatre, dance, and opera in Toronto. There were 219 eligible productions (from 108 producing companies) that had been submitted.
Augusto Bitter
The evening was hosted by the 2006 Dora Award winner Rick Miller, who entertained the audience with his comedy and music. Miller is known for his work in MacHomer, BOOM and Bigger Than Jesus. He opened up the ceremony with an excellent rendition of David Bowie‘s “Changes.” He also performed at the after party, with his band Trainwreck, and guests were busy dancing to his music.
The Dora Awards is the first type of organization to adopt a gender-inclusive policy, so there is no longer a division between male and female in the Outstanding Performance categories.
Some of the presenters of the evening included Toronto Mayor John Tory, Canadian Actress Louise Pitre, Actor/playwright Diane Flacks and Actor/Playwright Ann-Marie MacDonald. The Silver Ticket Award was given out to dancer/choreographer and Dora Award winner Peggy Baker. The Jon Kaplan Audience Choice Award was given to the musical Next to Normal.
(Chinese version / 中文版):
多拉獎 (Dora Mavor Moore獎)是第一類採用性別包容性政策的組織,讓表現傑出的藝術家與人材中男女之間不再存在分歧。
晚會的一些主持人包括多倫多市長John Tory,加拿大女演員Louise Pitre,演員/劇作家Diane Flacks和演員/劇作家Ann-Marie MacDonald。 Silver Ticket Award 獎與和多拉獎同時頒發給舞蹈家/舞蹈指導(編舞家)得主Peggy Baker。 Jon Kaplan觀眾選擇獎則頒發給音樂劇“Next to Normal.”。
School Girls: Or the African Mean Girls Play– produced by Obsidian Theatre and Lightwood Theatre
Guarded Girls by Charlotte Corbeil-Coleman – produced by Tarragon Theatre and Green Light Arts
Nina Lee Aquino– School Girls: Or the African Mean Girls Play– produced by Obsidian Theatre and Nightwood Theatre
Virgilia Griffith– Harlem Duet– produced by Tarragon Theatre
Amaka Umeh– The Wolves– produced by The Howland Company and Crow’s Theatre
Ken Mackenzie– The Royale– produced by Soulpepper Theatre
Gillian Gallow– Orlando– produced by Soulpepper Theatre
Michelle Ramsay– The Royale– produced by Soulpepper Theatre
Thomas Ryder-Payne- The Royale- produced by Soulpepper Theatre
The Runner– produced by Human Cargo and Theatre Passe Muraille
The Runner by Christopher Morris– produced by Human Cargo and Theatre Passe Muraille
Daniel Brooks– The Runner– produced by Human Cargo and Theatre Passe Muraille
Augusto Bitter – CHICHO – produced by Pencil Kit Productions, Theatre Passe Muraille and Aluna Theatre
The Wonder Pageant– produced by Coal Mine Theatre
Anahita Dehbonehie – Hand to God – produced by Coal Mine Theatre
Melanie McNeill– Space Opera Zero– produced by Eldritch Theatre
Patrick Lavender – The Nether – produced by Coal Mine Theatre and Studio 180 Theatre
Ben McCarthy – The Scavenger’s Daughter – produced by Paradigm Productions
Next to Normal – produced by The Musical Stage Company and David Mirvish
Rose by Sarah Wilson and Mike Ross – produced by Soulpepper Theatre Company
Gregory Prest – Rose – produced by Soulpepper Theatre Company
Chris Barillaro – Kiss of the Spider Woman – produced by Eclipse Theatre Company
Kerry Gage – Mary Poppins – produced by Young People’s Theatre
Ma-Anne Dionisio – Next to Normal – produced by The Musical Stage Company and David Mirvish
Peter Fernandes – Rose – produced by Soulpepper Theatre Company
Lorenzo Savoini– Rose – produced by Soulpepper Theatre Company
Anna Treusch – Under the Stairs – produced by Young People’s Theatre
Japhy Weideman – Dear Evan Hansen – produced by Stacey Mindich and David Mirvish
Eugene Onegin– produced by Canadian Opera Company
Hadrian by Daniel MacIvor and Rufus Wainwright– produced by Canadian Opera Company
Robert Carsen– Eugene Onegin– produced by Canadian Opera Company
Topher Mokrzewski – Kopernikus– production by Against the Grain Theatre
Gerald Finley– Otello– produced by Canadian Opera Company
Kopernikus – produced by Against the Grain Theatre
Michael Levine– Eugene Onegin– produced by Canadian Opera Company
Michael Levine– Eugene Onegin– produced by Canadian Opera Company
Christine Binder– Eugene Onegin– produced by Canadian Opera Company
New Owner– The Last Great Hunt– Harbourfront’s Junior Festival
Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers, and Little Brothers by Makambe K Simamba– produced by B Current Performing Arts
Chanda Gibson– Les Zinspires : L’age de Raison– produced by Theatre Francais de Toronto
Makambe K Simamba– Our Fathers ‘ Sons, Lovers, and Little Brothers – produced by B Current Performing Arts
Les Zinspires: L’age de Raison– produced by Theatre Francais de Toronto
Anahita Dehbonehie – The Little Prince: Reimagined – Puzzle Piece
Blood Tides– produced by Danceworks/Kaha: wi Dance
Jera Wolfe– Trace– produced by Red Sky Performance and Canadian Stage
Andrea Nann – A Crazy Kind of Hope (All of our Dreaming) – produced by Dreamwalker Dance Company
Blood Tides – produced by Danceworks/Kaha: wi Dance Theatre
Eliot Britton – Trace– produced by Red Sky Performance and Canadian Stage
Etienne Boucher– Frame by Frame – produced by The National Ballet of Canada
Grande Finale, winner of Dora Mavor Moore Awards 2019 Toronto: Touring Division
Dora Mavor Moore Awards 2019 highlights the triumphs and recognizes the talents of Toronto’s performing arts community. We can’t wait to discover more talent next year!
Dora Mavor Moore Awards 2019得獎名單以上,殘編鼓勵全世界的才男才女們不要放棄藝術快去多倫多吧!多倫多是最棒的!<3
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