時尚高潮食記:火焰豬腳、超台漢堡-黑熊愛跳舞再衝第二波 / Second Visit to Taipei Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant/Bar for Flaming Schweinshaxe & Super “Tai” Taiwanese Burger :

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時尚高潮食記:火焰豬腳、超台漢堡-黑熊愛跳舞再衝第二波 - Taipei Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant Bar for Flaming Schweinshaxe & Super "Tai" Taiwanese Burger
台北黑熊愛跳舞餐廳 / Taipei Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant / Bar

(English / 英文版):

After my mind-blowing virgin experience at Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant/Bar, I found myself here again yesterday with a troop of big guys ready to “be blown” again.

Last time, we came for the super Instagrammable color-macaron-burgers. This time, our theme is Super “Tai”(meaning “local” in Chinese) Taiwanese Burger:

Black Bear Love Dancing is an East meets West creative fusion restaurant/bar. At first sight, it looks like an ordinary American bar, but the creative menu is diversified and adds Taiwanese cuisine‘s elements; even locals who don’t like American food can find themselves having a great time breaking “burgers” with girls from all across the world.

「超台」西餐 / Super Taiwanese Western Food


(English / 英文版):

Since our theme for the night is super “Tai” (meaning “Taiwan local”) Western food, we ordered items incorporating local Taiwanese elements, including “Slow Cooked Gangshan Spicy Beef Tripe Cheese Burger” ($298), “Pork Ribs with Hakka Osmanthus BBQ sauce” ($398NT), “Spiced Schweinshaxe with Alishan Wasabi salt & pepper” and a “Grilled Seafood Salsa Salad” ($238 NT) for the veggies.

We also ordered Black Bear Love Dancing‘s super-star dish: “Flaming Schweinshaxe” ($398NT). A friend from the States is craving for “boobie wings” (Hooters), so we order the “Alishan Wasabi Salt and pepper Parmesan Cheese wings” ($168).

黑熊愛跳舞飲料 &啤酒 / Beverages & Beer at Moon Bear Loves Dancing:

時尚高潮食記:火焰豬腳、超台漢堡-黑熊愛跳舞再衝第二波 / Second Visit to Taipei Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant/Bar for Flaming Schweinshaxe & Super "Tai" Taiwanese Burger
黑熊愛跳舞「繽紛可爾必思:蔓越莓口味(粉紅色)」($120)/ Moon Bear Loves Dancing’s famous rainbow drink, “Calbis: Cranberry Flavor (Pink)” ($120)



。除了啤兒之外,我們還點了也是打卡拍照用的 「繽紛可爾必思:蔓越莓口味(粉紅色)」($120)

(English / 英文版):

Beer options are vast at Moon Bear Loves Dancing, and even includes Gweilo Beer from Hong Kong, which the fruitier side. Prices range from $168 NT to $188NT.
In addition to beer, we also ordered Moon Bear Loves Dancing’s famous rainbow drink, “Calbis: Cranberry Flavor (Pink)” ($120).

黑熊愛跳舞食物 / The Food at Moon Bear Loves Dancing


「碳烤海鮮莎莎沙拉」($238 / Grilled Seafood Salsa Salad” ($238 NT):

「碳烤海鮮莎莎沙拉」($238) /
” Grilled Seafood Salsa Salad” ($238 NT)


(English / 英文版):

Grilled Seafood Salsa Salad” is prepared with mixed lettuce, sliced cucumbers and baby tomatoes topped with two shrimps and two pieces of squid. The seafood is first seasoned with spices then grilled. The seafood is full of aromas but not too salty. The salad is served with a side of salsa and citrus vinaigrette.


轟炸雞翅:「阿里山山葵椒鹽帕馬森起司」口味 ($168) / “Firebomb Chicken Wings: Alishan Wasabi Salt and pepper with Parmesan Cheese” flavour” ($168 NT):

轟炸雞翅:「阿里山山葵椒鹽帕馬森起司」口味 ($168) / "Firebomb Chicken Wings: Alishan Wasabi Salt and pepper with Parmesan Cheese" flavour" ($168 NT):
轟炸雞翅:「阿里山山葵椒鹽帕馬森起司」口味 ($168) /
“Firebomb Chicken Wings: Alishan Wasabi Salt and pepper with Parmesan Cheese” flavour” ($168 NT):

黑熊愛跳舞雞翅介於「肥「汁」吱跟美加比較典型的「看奶翅」(Hooters)較扁的兩者之間,還蠻道地的。雞翅一份約5 – 7隻,我們點的「阿里山山葵椒鹽帕馬森起司」口味將雞翅炸至金黃酥脆,在裸露沒有裹粉的雞翅上灑上阿里山山葵椒鹽後,再灑上帕馬森起司添味,旁邊附上檸檬角,擠上檸檬汁後,雞翅會變得酸酸甜甜的,可以換個口味。轟炸雞翅另外還有「南庄風味BBQ醬」「紅魔鬼辣醬」口味。

English / 英文版:

 Moon Bear Loves Dancing’s “firebomb” chicken wings is somewhere between “squirting juicy” and “boobie wings” (Hooters) in the United States and Canada. An order is about 5 – 7 chicken wings; we ordered the “Alishan Wasabi Salt and pepper with parmesan cheese” of the 3 flavours available. Our wings are fried naked to a golden crispy; sprinkled with Alishan wasabi salt and pepper, then topped with shredded Parmesan cheese. A slice of lemon on the side adds sweetness to the wings and refreshes the taste. The other 2 flavours are “Nanzhuang-style BBQ sauce” and “Devil’s Spicy Sauce.”

「南庄桂花BBQ醬、烤法式豬肋排」($398)/ “French Style Pork Ribs with Nan Zhuang (devilwood)Osmanthus BBQ Sauce” ($398)

Review: Taipei Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant / Bar for Flaming Schweinshaxe & Super "Tai" Taiwanese Burger
「南庄桂花BBQ醬、烤法式豬肋排」($398)/ “French Style Pork Ribs with Nan Zhuang (devilwood)Osmanthus BBQ Sauce” ($398)


(English / 英文版):

Ribs are beaten and served in 3 large pieces. The secret ingredient for the chef’s secret homemade BBQ sauce is Nan Zhuang‘s osmanthus (devilwood). NanZhuang is one of the Hakka areas in Miaoli, Taiwan, and sweet osmanthus is its specialty. The result is ribs with a unique osmanthus fragrant. The meat is chewy and tasty.

「慢燉岡山辣味牛肚、牛肉起司漢堡」($298)/ “Slow-Cooked Gangshan Spicy Beef Tripe Cheese Burger” ($298)





(English / 英文版):


This “double-down” beef burger is across all media for a reason.

Beef tripe is cooked with Western-style ragu and Taiwan-style chili bean paste from Gangshan, Taiwan. The two meats build a mountain on the bun. Although the tripe drips juice and bleeds into the whole burger, the show-stealer doesn’t steal away the amount of beef patty below! The beef patty is thick and covered in cheese. The burger is finger-licking good from top to bottom.

The order comes with seasoned French fries fried to a golden crispy.
Watch the video:

「爐烤香料豬腳」($388)/ “Spiced Pig’s Knuckle (Ham Hock)” ($388)

時尚高潮, 食記, 火焰豬腳, 超台, 漢堡, 黑熊愛跳舞, pig’s feet, schweinshaxe, fire, taiwanese, burger, moon bear loves dancing, taipei, restaurant, fusion, american, review, fashion ecstasy, blogger, taiwan, best, top, east meets west, west, east, cuisine, tanya, author, blog, online, 殘編, 網紅, 部落客, 部落格, 推薦, 火焰, 酒吧, 美式, 餐廳, 打卡, 拍照, IG, IG
「爐烤香料豬腳」($388)/ “Spiced Pig’s Knuckle (Ham Hock)” ($388)


(English / 英文版):

“Grilled Spiced Pig’s Knuckle (Ham Hock)” ($388)

This seems to be a recipe from the Taiwanese Aboriginals because the menu reads: “This is how we eat pork’s knuckle in the mountains.”

Crispy Schweinshaxe (German ham hock) is served with Alishan Wasabi Salt and pepper and yellow mustard for dipping. Roasted vegetables like Brussel sprouts, broccoli, red and yellow bell peppers add colour and nutrition to the dish. The sauerkraut is prepared with ham, providing a smokier taste than plain sauerkraut.

「火焰德國豬腳」($398) / “Flaming German Pig Feet” ($398)

影片要看到最後 (to see this firing dish, please watch video until the end):



時尚高潮辦VIP局的餐廳主打也是火焰料理,這。。。身為專業 Foodie(愛吃鬼)的我們怎麼能放過呢?於是我們就卯起來點了。



(English / 英文版)

We just devoured a full-on ham hock, but as foodies how could we pass on Moon Bear Loves Dancing’s superstar dish, the “Flaming Schweinshaxe ” ($398)? If you’ve read our Fashion Ecstasy’s VIP dinner posts, you know we’re all about food on fire!


Ham hock is served on a sizzling hot iron plate; if that’s not “hot” enough, whiskey is poured, and the ham hock is “LIT”! This schweinshaxe is accompanied by the same veggies, sauerkraut, and dips.

Both schweinshaxe are professionally roasted and authentic.


台北黑熊愛跳舞殘編食記總結 / Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant / Bar Taipei in a Nutshell:


(English / 英文版):

This is my 2nd visit to Taipei’s Moon Bear Loves Dancing Restaurant/Bar in a month, and I’m all about restaurant bucket list! This restaurant creates a checklist on its own! Nom Nom!


黑熊愛跳舞營業間與資訊 / Moon Bear loves Dancing business hours and information:



中午:11: 30AM ~2:30PM

晚上:05:30PM ~09:30PM






(English / 英文版):


No. 225, Section 2, Keelung Road, Daan District, Taipei City

Business hours:

Sunday to Thursday:

Lunch: 11: 30 AM ~ 2:30PM

Dinner: 05:30PM ~ 09:30PM

Friday to Saturday:

Noon: 11:30PM~02:30

Evening: 17:30~22:00

延伸閱讀 (Read also):

時尚高潮食記:黑熊愛跳舞 – 打卡拍照超繽紛彩色馬卡龍漢堡!不吃西餐也能撩洋妞 – Moon Bear Loves Dancing – Super Instagrammable Rainbow Macaron Burgers, Fusion Creations



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