Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Estee Lauder CNY & Valentine’s Day Surprise Package open Box Review

雅詩蘭黛過年情人節驚喜包開箱評價 / Estee Lauder CNY & Valentine’s Day Surprise Package open Box Review:

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

  • 先看時尚高潮YT開箱影片 / Watch Our Youtube Openbox Video First:


English version / 英文版:
Estee Lauder has always been my favourite and most trusted beauty care brand. Growing up, I used to be obsessed with luxury beauty brands. I blindly chased high-end beauty care products such as Dior and Chanel. I used to be an esthetician, so my skincare routine was the whole set: makeup removal, face wash, exfoliator, toner, serum, eye cream, day cream/ night cream, and lastly, sunscreen. However, Rubbing so many layers on my face didn’t show any significant effects. It wasn’t until I took time to learn about my skin type and realized that what I lacked was moisturizing. So, I started to try other beauty care products. After a Japanese friend’s recommendation, I tried Estee Lauder for the first time and have become its loyal customer ever since.


English version / 英文版:
Especially after trying their line of “Advanced Night Repairproducts, I feel the improvement in my dry skin. “Advanced Night Repair” is Estee Lauder‘s star product. It lasts longer on the skin compared to any other brand. Therefore, even though they jack up its price every year, I still buy it with tears in my eyes.


English version / 英文版:
It wasn’t until my stroke five years ago that I gave up on life and stopped applying skincare products and wearing makeup altogether. I’ve even ditched shampoo, conditioner, body lotion in recent years and only use the same bottle of product from head to toe. I feel manlier than men. When I was still hospitalized, a male friend visited and asked me if I needed him to bring me a brow trimming set on his next visit. I picked up the mirror for the first time after my stroke and almost scared the shyt out of myself. I’ve never seen my eyebrows in such a mess to the point that I question myself if I had Latin blood.


English version / 英文版:
I still remember when I was hospitalized for the first month., a friend brought a few boxes of pudding and sweets for me, and I binge-ate them all in one day. I gained 25 pounds (11 kilograms) within a month. My nurse asked if I could be pregnant. “As if. I’ve never left the premises since my stroke. Do you see my boyfriend visiting even once? He fled the country with his teeny weeny tail between his legs the second he knew about my stroke,” I answered.
She was sure of her judgment and sent me for a urine test. When the result came out negative, my nurse insisted that the result was wrong and sent me for another ultrasound. I love children. My biggest life regret is that I may not have children. So when the ultrasound results came out negative and finally proved me right, I burst out laughing to my nurse, “It’s just a food baby,” when I was actually tearing up inside.


English version / 英文版:
I can’t believe it’s already been over a year since I last published an article about beauty. Recently, my mom harshly reminded me that my age is starting to show on my face. “Whatevs! I am a middle-aged handicap,” I replied, lacking any motivation to better myself. I don’t know if Estee Lauder knew about my pathetic life story, but this year on Valentine’s Day, the annual day that puts me at a low ebb, Estee Lauder sent me a package of surprises to heal my broken heart and soul. I’ll be introducing the contents of my open box from Estee Lauder‘s CNY/Valentine’s Day surprise package:

  • 特潤超導全方位修護露 / “Advance Night Repair” (30ML):

這罐夜間修護露使用15 倍含量的濃縮透明質酸瓶裝修護露蓋子用滴管拴緊,睡前滴幾滴在上,按摩至臉部完全吸收後,一覺醒來立即有感,而且肌膚滋潤感持續一整天。

English version / 英文版:
Estee Lauder‘s “Advanced Night Repair” uses 15 times concentrated hyaluronic acid, which helps lock in moisture for the whole day. The bottle is fastened with a dropper cap for easy application and to avoid direct hand contact. Apply a few drops on the face before bed, massage until completely absorbed, and wake up feeling rejuvenated. The moisturization lasts all day.

  • 特潤超導全方位修護露 / “Advance Night Repair” (1.5ml):



English version / 英文版:
You can never get too much of this star product. Estee Lauder is so generous with its sample pack that even after applying the content on my face, there’s still enough to massage the remaining content on my whole upper body (however, I’m only 5’2″).

  • 特潤超導賦活精萃 / “Advanced Night Repair Intense Reset Concentrate” (1.5ml):


English version / 英文版:
This sample pack is the same amount as the one above. However, the texture of this product is more watery, so be careful when opening this package, in case you splash it everywhere and let it go to waste.

  • 特潤超導全方位修護露 / “Advance Night Repair” (7ML):


English version / 英文版:
The same star product is packaged in a smaller bottle, making it easy to carry around in a purse.

  • 特潤眼部超能量修護霜 / “Advanced Night Repair Eye Supercharged Complex” (3ML)
雅詩蘭黛過年情人節驚喜包開箱評價 / Estee Lauder CNY & Valentine's Day Surprise Package open Box Review

特潤眼部超能量修護霜 / “Advanced Night Repair Eye Supercharged Complex” (3ML)


English version / 英文版:
The ultra-moisturizing eye cream is ideal for the more sensitive areas such as around the eyes and the mouth for enhanced repair.

  • 虎年開運紅包袋 / Tiger Red Envelope:


English version / 英文版:
These super festive red envelopes are printed with golden tigers and flowers that symbolize prosperity, just in time for The Lunar year of Tiger for this CNY.

  • 心動告白氣球 / Love Balloon:


English version / 英文版:
Hidden at the bottom of the box is what made my day. I spin and twirl when I receive this “love balloon” just in time for Valentine’s Day. Estee Lauder‘s thoughtful little gift is as effective and long-lasting as its skincare products. It makes me happy for the whole day.


English version / 英文版:
Estee Lauder‘s surprise package arrived just in time for Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day. Estee Lauder didn’t only make me take a long, hard look at myself (literally) but also encouraged me to add another one to my new year’s resolution list: “take care of myself.” Thank you, Estee Lauder!


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