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(最後總結果&效果影片看下面 / Scroll Down for Our Youtube Video on Picoway’s Pico Laser Treatment Final Results)
English version / 英文版:
Cosmetic surgery is so common in Taiwan to the point that almost every grown woman or even teenager has done some “upkeep,” and go for regular “maintenances.” The invention of aesthetic lasers is a savior for people with flaws on their faces. My skin is pale to the point that when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom and accidentally see my reflection in the mirror, I’d freak myself out, mistaking myself for a ghost. Before I go further, let me tell you a little about the cultural differences of aesthetic values on aesthetic values for women between the East and West. Asians generally prefer Snow-White skin to darker skin. I have pale skin, to the point, I sometimes freak myself out in the middle of the night when I see my reflection in the washroom mirror and mistakes it for a ghost. Hence, Taiwanese girls grow up wearing full-on sun protection whenever they go out, or just simply do not expose themselves to the sun. I’ve loved the sun since I was little. My mom used to yell at me when I go out to play in the sun, saying I was “ruining her beautiful creation.” I was brought up in the western culture, so I didn’t mind getting tanned. At least not until I spent a good several years in Taiwan since I was a teenager. When I started to see the “flaws” on my face, it was already too late. I had moles so prominent that when Mike Myers couldn’t stop himself from saying, “moley moley,” in Austin Powers, I thought he was referring to me. My freckles are mostly on my cheekbones, which are stubborn and relatively more challenging to get rid of.
English version / 英文版:
Backflash to high school when a female classmate introduced me to squeezing blackheads. That was the first time I realized how many black and whiteheads I had on my nose, and my OCD kicked in, had me spending hours every day in front of the mirror squeezing my nose with my fingernails to get that ASMR satisfaction. The results are permanent scarring and large pores.
非侵入性的雷射除斑科技是像殘編這種女孩的一大福音,有在做醫美的妹妹們應該都知道,飛梭雷射需要修復期,淨膚雷射又沒屁用。殘編已經十來年沒做醫美了。因為這期間我不是在加拿大就是在海島國家四處旅遊。殘編愛曬太陽的個性至今未變,所以儘管去海邊曝曬也不做防曬措施。在加拿大時曾找過一家醫美診所,櫃台長得跟阿曼達·塞佛瑞 (Amanda Seyfried,《媽媽咪呀!》、《她其實沒那麼壞》女主角)一樣美若天仙的小姐跟我說我臉上的斑是她跟媽媽從小夢寐以求的斑,他媽媽甚至氣她怎麼曬不出來,問我為什麼要除斑,我才從此開始學會欣賞自己的「殘雀」、不碰雷射。
English version / 英文版:
Non-invasive laser treatment is a savior for people with skin complexion like mine. The most common laser treatments in the Taiwanese market are Fraxel lasers and Nd: YAG laser. However, we all know that Fraxel lasers require a painful healing period, and Nd: YAG lasers are useless bullshyt. It has been ten years since I’ve done anything on my face. Because during this time, I was either in Canada or traveling to beach resorts across the world. I still love the sun, and I still don’t wear sun protection because I don’t like my skin feeling clogged. During my stay in Toronto. I’ve only visited one beauty clinic. The pretty receptionist looked identical to Amanda Seyfried (“Mamma Mia!, The Last Word). She was shocked when I asked her what treatment they had available for removing my freckles. She said both her mom and her dream for freckles like mine. After that, I never thought about getting rid of my “flaws” again.
English version / 英文版:
It’s been four years since I relocated to Taiwan. As much as I learned to embrace my freckles, Pico laser is something new, and as the Editor-in-Chief of Fashion Ecstasy, I feel obliged to try it and report to our fans.
English version / 英文版:
After consulting, the staff told me that the picosecond laser delivers super-fast pulses that are 1000 times faster than the old school lasers. It is more effective for removing dark spots and flaws. Side effects like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation are minimal. While I was still debating whether to get the treatment or not because I don’t want to go through post-laser sun protection care, I stopped her at “There is no recovery time.” and said, “Say no more, let’s do this.”
櫃臺填寫醫療史跟基本資料 / Filling out Medical History & Personal Information form at the Counter:
洗臉 / Face-Cleanse:
皮秒雷射敷麻藥 / Applying Numbing Cream for Pico Laser:
English version / 英文版:
After filling out a medical history and personal information form, the staff took me to a room to cleanse my face; she applied a layer of numbing cream on my face for about 20 minutes, then the “frying” begins. My machine was Picoway‘s. The doctor used 2 different laser heads on me; the first one is for dark spots applied on my whole face, the second is for more delicate areas like enlarged nose pores.
The pain of picosecond laser is very “amusing.” If Fraxel lasers are like snapping rubber bands on your face, Pico laser can be described as snapping super tiny rubber bands on your face. If Fraxel lasers feel like being pierced by needles, then picosecond lasers feel like being stabbed by super fine needles. I do suggest applying an anesthetic before the treatment. While there is a burnt smell during the laser process, there is no wound when I look in the mirror. Old school lasers cause damage on the skin’s surface, while pico lasers only cause bleeding on the skin’s sublayers. Therefore, the redness is more pinkish than red.
English version / 英文版:
After the treatment, the staff applied a thick layer of antibiotic ointment areas with redness. Further applications are not required unless you experience discomfort. I like my skin to feel refreshed at all times, so I never wear foundation or a[pply sunscreen or anything that clogs my face. Now I don’t even use skincare products. However, I acknowledge the most crucial step for laser treatment aftercare is moisturizing, so I bought a set of snail masks strongly recommended by the staff. A set of 5 facial masks is priced at $1100TWD ($220 each), including 1 applied immediately after the treatment and four pieces left to use at home. I’m too lazy for girl-stuff, so I am relieved to have finally finished applying the last mask today.
先看殘編皮秒雷射縱成果&效果的YT記錄片 / Watch Our Video of The Final Results of Picoway’s Pico Laser Treatment:
English version / 英文版:
If you watch our Youtube vlog above all the way through, you’d realize there’s almost zero effect. The staff never guaranteed 100% effect after the first treatment. She said my skin requires about 4-6 treatments for the full result. However, she did promise “slight improvements” after each treatment. So, to come out with zero improvements is a bit disappointing. However, since there is no downtime, I don’t mind. If any of you pretty ladies have had a different experience, please let me know in the comments, and I’ll be willing to take on another challenge!
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