ㄩ(英文版看下面/ Scroll down for English version)
這次廚師跟上次一樣,在餐會一開始就推出一整塊的義大利國寶級Grana Padano乳酪,並現場刨削出滿滿一桌起司,將這米其林等級起司,大氣豪邁的加在我們的沙拉上。此外,還將更多的起司裝盤,擺在我們面前,讓咱們貴賓吃得好不過癮。
(英文版/English version):
Fashion Ecstasy held yet another successful VIP dinner event at Trattoria di Primo’s Taipei Dazhi location for our VIP fans and readers.
This time we went overboard and served excessive Michelin-grade ingredients, just to get that satisfied smile from all our guests!
Like last time, our chef brings out the “good stuff” without procrastination for our Salad: Michelin-grade and aka Italy’s “national treasureGrana Padano cheese is shaved on site and served generously on each of our salad. Our chef went overboard and served us extra plates of this top-notch cheese. Thank you!
Watch our video first:

The Food食物:

  • PRIMO3合一開胃菜/ Primo Appetizer 3 in 1


(英文版/English version):

Our Primo appetizer trio this time includes a Melone alla Sangiovese, Carpaccio di Manzo and Prosciutto di Caprese

  • 阿布魯佐紅酒蜜瓜 / Melone alla Sangiovese

(英文版/English version):

Melone alla Sangiovese are three melon balls cupped in a lemon skin. The melon balls are soaked in red wine and taste refreshing

  • 義式薄片生牛肉/ Carpaccio di Manzo
(Carpaccio di Manzo)

義式薄片生牛肉上面也是撒上方才沙拉的頂級的Grano Padano起司,牛肉片薄、順口、無腥味

(英文版/English version):

beef carpaccio is topped with the same freshly shaved top-notch Gano Padano cheese. The meat is thinly sliced and tastes smooth.

  • 香煎帕瑪火腿卡布列斯/ Prosciutto di Caprese
    香煎帕瑪火腿卡布列斯/ Prosciutto di Caprese
    香煎帕瑪火腿卡布列斯 (Prosciutto di Caprese)


    (英文版/English version):
    Beef carpaccio is topped with the same freshly shaved top-notch Gano Padano cheese. The meat is thinly sliced and tastes smooth.
    Prosciutto di caprese is a play on the classic Italian Caprese salad.
    Chef Roy wraps tomatoes with mozzarella cheese then wraps the two ingredients all together with prosciutto. The wrap is pan-fried together and garnished with wine vinegar sauce. The wine vinegar accentuates the dish without making it too heavy. This wrap can be cut in whole without falling apart; the texture is similar to eating a steak.


  • 法國空運淡菜/ Cozze alla Cuoco (Mussels from France)

(英文版/English version):

Mussels from France are as delicious as last time. Fresh mussels are simply cooked with white wine and completely preserves its seafood flavor. When serving, the pan full of seafood soup can be dipped with bread.

  • 威尼斯墨魚汁海鮮丸子吸管麵/ Bucatini al Nero di Seppia con Polpettini


威尼斯墨魚汁海鮮丸子吸管麵 (Bucatini al Nero di Seppia con Polpettini)
威尼斯墨魚汁海鮮丸子吸管麵 (Bucatini al Nero di Seppia con Polpettini)


(英文版/English version):

As I mentioned before in this post, there are hundreds of different types of Italian pastas. I described the mind-blowing effect of bucatini; it allows the sauce to suck into the hole and the sauce to burst in the mouth when biting into it. This squid ink pasta is served with large chunks of cream cheese which turn out to be the perfect match with the squid-ink and its seafood flavor. Shorter noodles allow the sauce to absorb into the noodle holes wholly. There are two large skewers of seafood balls with cream cheese. The cheese is very creamy and delicious. I feel like I’m frenching the squid and I want to tell him:”destroy me with your black spit!”
Mr. Squid is very popular and demolished within 5 minutes.

  • 愛西亞格乳酪牛肝菌燉飯/ Risotti Funghidi Porcini alla Asiago


  • 這道primo的火紅明星料理,是每回必吃的。我們這次的愛西亞格起司輪似乎是新的,表面上未挖過的痕跡,加入茴香酒點燃時,火焰比以往更大又好拍。Primo的愛西亞格起司輪一顆有35-40公斤重,成熟需時一年到一年八個月,起司上面的白點是酪蛋白,乳酪要熟到一定程度,才會形成酪蛋白,是高成本的食材。

(英文版/English version):

This Primo‘s hottest flaming star dish is a must-order every time. Our Asiago cheese wheel seems relatively new this time; the surface has not been dug, when the Sambuca is lit, the flame is bigger and easier for photoshoots.Each of Trattoria di Primo‘s Asiago cheese wheel weighs 35-40 kg. It takes a year toa year and eight months to age. The white spot on the cheese is called “casein protein.” Cheese must be aged to a certain extent, to form these white spots. It is definitely a high-budget ingredient

  • 佛倫提那披薩 / Pizza Fiorentina
Pizza Fiorentina


(英文版/English version):

Thin-crust pizza is topped with garlic oil, mixed cheese, spinach, bacon, poached egg, and large chunks of cream cheese, the pizza is recommended to be eaten immediately after picked up before the abundance of toppings sinks down to avoid eating and catching the ingredients with an awkward underbite jaw.

  • 炭烤波瓦龍美麗菲力牛排佐紅酒醬汁 \ Bistecca ai Ferri alla Griglia di Provolone


(英文版/English version):

Steak is charcoal grilled to medium and covered with a layer of melted cheese. The meat cuts into a perfect pink color and melts in the mouth with cheese. The dish is presented with a whole piece of corn shoots and mushrooms. Then drizzled with a rich red wine sauce, At this point, all our guests are impressed by Primo’s cooking skills for both primi and secondi.

  • 帕瑪風巴薩米克油封鴨腿/ Anatra alla Balsamico


(英文版/English version):
This seemingly overcooked duck leg is actually crispy on the outside and tender on the inside and requires much cooking skills, which I’ve mentioned more than once. Watch the video if you’ve forgotten.

  • 提拉米蘇/tiramisù


(英文版/English version):

The Tiramisu this time seems to be moister and melts in our mouths even faster than last time, putting a perfect end to our Fashion Ecstasy VIP Dinner Event January edition.

賴(Line)ID: Tinkeebellezza(要傳訊息給我才看得到哦!)

Of all the Fashion Ecstasy VIP Dinner events we’ve hosted at Trattoria di Primo, none has disappointed. Smiles of satisfaction from our VIP guests is what keeps us going. Friends who missed January’s Fashion Ecstasy’s VIP dinner event, our next event is on February 16th, Valentine’s Day special edition for the singles! Seats are limited, get yours fast by adding us on Line:
Line ID: Tinkeebellezza ( please send a message, so we don’t miss you!)



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