時尚高潮VIP米其林級餐酒會道道爆乳。。。酪! Trattoria di Primo 大直- Fashion Ecstasy Exclusive VIP Michelin Food Event at Trattoria di Primo, Dazhi, Taipei Restaurant

(英文版看下面\ Scroll down for English)
時尚高潮上週又成功的舉辦獨家米其林級的VIP超級貴賓餐會啦!這次的菜色除了Primo 的明星菜色外,Roy大廚竟還變出連殘編都沒吃過的創意料理!一位大氣的貴賓還帶了「香檳王」(Dom Pérignon) 請大家,幫美食再添一味。
時尚高潮舉辦的餐會都是客製化的菜單,每次聚餐內容的80%以上都是平常Primo菜單上點不到的(趕快加殘編賴ID手刀搶位:(Tinkeebellezza, “ T”大寫,沒有@,要傳訊息我才看的到)

(English version/英文版):

Fashion Ecstasy held yet another successful mind-blowing VIP Michelin Foodie event last week at Trattoria di Primo‘s Taipei, Dazhi location. In addition to Primo‘s signature dishes, Chef Roy continues to surprise us with his new and innovative creations! One of our VIP fans event brought a bottle of Dom Perignon (aka “The King of Champagne”) for a treat and took our dining experience to a whole new level, thank you!
Every VIP foodie event hosted by Fashion Ecstasy features an exclusive customized menu tailored to our VIP guests only; Over 80% of the content served at our events is not available on Trattoria di Primo’s regular menu ( act fast and add our Line ID to claim your spot for the next event:
Line ID: Tinkeebellezza, capital “T,” no @, please send us a message, so we don’t miss you!
Add us on Line with this link:https://line.me/ti/p/Riv8JfyrwU

Watch our video vlog first:

時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐「香賓王」 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event Dom Perignon
Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event Dom Perignon

時尚高潮VIP餐會食記報告 / The Food at Fashion Ecstasy’s VIP Food Event (May, 2019):

  • 經典Primo 凱薩沙拉/Insalata di Cesare
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event
經典Primo 凱薩沙拉
(Insalata di Cesare)

這道廚師大氣的使用米其林意大利國寶級、熟成時間要花上36個月到三年的Grana Padano 起司殘編已經介紹很多次了,這次用比較年輕一點的乳酪,味道比較柔順,ㄧ樣也是大受好評,連其中ㄧ位患有「乳糖不耐症」的貴賓竟也默默的吃完了,還吃邊喊「好讚耶!好香喔! 」(嘻)

(English version/英文版):

I’ve mentioned many times in our past blogs about how generous the top-notch Grana Padano Michelin-grade cheese is served on this “Classic Caesar salad of Primo. The cheese is Michelin 3-star grade and proudly earns its name as the “Italian National Treasure.” It requires 36 months to three years to mature. The one we used today was a younger cheese, which has a smoother taste. It was so highly praised that even the VIP guest who claimed himself “lactose intolerant” finished his plate in no time (busted! :P).

  • Primo開胃四驚喜(Primo Appetizer 4 in 1)
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event
Primo 開胃菜4驚喜
( Primo Appetizer 4 in 1)


蜜漬無花果起司水果塔 (Tar-Tar di Fruta e Formaggio) 、托斯卡尼慢烤牛肉派(Terrine di Manzo)、義式酥炸乳酪飯糰 (Aranci)、和香柚馬丁尼碳烤鮮鮭(Salmone al Griglia)。

(English version/英文版):

Chef Roy surprised us with an appetizer quarto (Primo Appetizer 4 in 1) instead of the usual “appetizer trio.”
The four appetizers served this time, included:
Tar-Tar di Frutta e Formaggio (Fruit Tart with Cheese), Terrine di Manzo (Beef Terrine), Arancini (risotto ball), and Salmone al Griglia (Grilled Salmon).

  •  蜜漬無花果起司水果塔/ Tar-Tar di Fruta e Formaggio ( fruit tart with cheese)(圖上方/ top in photo)



(English version/英文版):

A slice of star-fruit is topped with a tower of brown-sugar figs Mascarpone cheese on it. We all know that Mascarpone is the cheese for making tiramisu. But did you know it doesn’t require fermentation? Hence, making it easy for digestion and a favourite for home cooking moms. This fruit tower is entirely vegan and safe to eat. The taste is refreshing and smooth. The creation is garnished with two thinly sliced apples, a round cantaloupe, mint leaves, and a cranberry. It is a creation of art.

  • 義式酥炸乳酪飯糰/ Arancini (Risotto ball)


(English version/英文版):

Risotto Balls / Arancini

This fried rice ball is a classic Italian snack, Primo‘s risotto ball is made with tomato sauce and Mozzarella cheese, served with red sweet pepper sauce, the sauce compliments the dish and makes it easier to eat. The arancini are fried to crispy, and cuts into a surprise of stringy cheese.

  • 托斯卡尼慢烤牛肉派/Terrine di Manzo (Beef Terrine)
托斯卡尼慢烤牛肉派 (Terrine di Manzo / beef terrine)
(Terrine di Manzo / beef terrine)



(English version/英文版):

Terrine di Manzo (beef terrine)

This “beef terrine” is a mixture of boiled eggs, beef ground meat and carrots. The texture is robust. The substitute for the non-beef eater is a truffle croquette, which sounds very tempting too.

  • 和香柚馬丁尼碳烤鮮鮭/Salmone al Griglia (Grilled Salmon)


Primo 這次建議的享用順序竟是吃完水果塔炸飯糰後,先吃肉再吃魚,還真的要有專家在旁邊指點才不會吃錯順序糟蹋掉啊! 不然就太枉費大廚的苦心了!

(English version/英文版):

Salmone al Griglia(Grilled Salmon)

Thick salmon fillet is served with a sauce made with grapefruit, white wine and cream on a bed of thinly sliced zucchini and a slice of grapefruit.

Our server Art recommends us to eat the fruit tart first, the arancini; and to our surprise, the beef before the fish. It’s nice to have an expert’s pointers so we don’t screw up our palate and waste the chef’s hard work!

首次登場:PRIMO 飲料菜單(新鮮果汁、冰沙特調)Trattoria di Primo’s Beverage Menu Debut

  • 香蕉乳酪果汁 (Banana Cheese Juice)

平常把酒言歡(飲酒過量傷身),這次有位貴賓要開車所以點了Primo 的飲料菜單,原來PRIMO也有在賣各式各樣的新鮮果汁、冰沙特調,只是不開車的這一位貴賓可能完食後打算要運動健身吧,點了一杯感覺蛋白質滿滿、很適合「work out」(健身)的「香蕉乳酪果汁」,這杯濃濃的特調是用新鮮香蕉跟丹麥的Arla 起司ㄧ起打的,真材實料。

(English version/英文版):

Although a food tasting event is best paired with wine ( please drink responsibly), we do respect our sober & driving guests.
Trattoria di Primo’s beverage menu makes its debut at our event. Much to our surprise, they’re pro with their juices, too. The menu includes a list of fresh juices and smoothies. My guess is Mr. designated driver is planning for a hardcore workout after the big meal as he ordered a protein-fueled “Banana Cheese Juice,” the drink looks more like a smoothie and uses fresh banana with Arla cheese from Denmark.

  • 米蘭風大象耳朵豬排 / Cotoletta a Orecchio di Elefante (elephant ear cutlet)
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo tarpai dazhi
米蘭風大象耳朵豬排 Cotoletta a Orecchio di Elefante (elephant ear cutlet)

炸豬排義大利米蘭常見的料理,但是您如果跟殘編一樣住過米蘭,㺵計知道當地的豬排都是乾扁扁又沒什麼味道。新版的「Cotoletta a Orecchio di Elefante大象耳朵豬排)是米蘭更新版的豬排(終於),新版當地習慣把豬排炸得比盤子還大,但是Primo 的「大象耳朵豬排」炸的卻是比木板還要大,並沒有為了菜名縮小盛裝的器具,真是砸重本!(看影片這邊,幫你調好上超大豬排的時間了):

肉質還是選用豬腰內最嫩的里肌肉, 比頭大的豬排在裹上主廚自己製做的炸雞翅粉後用超大鍋煎過後上面鋪上一層厚厚的綜合乳酪起司,包括「煙燻起司」、「莫扎瑞拉」(馬札瑞拉/ Mozzarella)、跟義大利DOC認證水牛乳酪起司,又是一道「牽絲」的料理。旁邊附上Roy主廚的秘製蜂蜜芥末醬跟綜合水果去油解膩。這道果然是秘製中的秘製,所有貴賓都讚不絕口:) 殘編想盡辦法套話得知秘製食譜,可惜服務我們的Art太精明,守口如卡住的鮪魚罐頭,套不出話啊~

(English version/英文版):

Cotoletta a Orecchio di Elefante (elephant ear cutlet)

Pork cutlet is a common dish in Milan, Italy. But having lived in Milan for over a year, I know the usual ones are dry and bland. The updated (finally) “Cotoletta a Orecchio di Elefante,” which means “elephant ear cutlet” is a recent-variation of the traditional pork cutlet. For the new variation, it’s customary to serve the pork chop bigger than the serving plate, but Primo‘s “elephant ear pork chop” is even larger than a wooden serving board. Watch our video here (time is set to when the jumbo cutlet is served):

Chef Roy uses the most tender part of the animal, pork tenderloin. The meat is breaded in the chef’s own secret recipe mix and then fried in a jumbo pan. The fried cutlet is then topped with a thick layer of assorted cheese, including smoked cheese, mozzarella, and DOC-certified buffalo cheese, another “cheesy” & stringy dish. The dish is served with chef Roy’s secret recipe honey mustard for dipping and a bowl of mixed fruits to refresh the palate. Since the delicious “secret recipe” intrigued us all, I tried very hard to get it out of Art’s mouth. Sadly, his lips were sealed like a stuck tuna can, I got nothing out.

布塔尼斯加煙花女炭烤章魚直管麵 / Bucatini alla Puttanesca di Polpo

 bucatini是較粗、中間有洞的義大利吸管麵,殘編曾提過它讓人興奮的地方就是能把醬汁都吸附在麵中的洞裡,然後再嘴裡「口爆」(請看這篇文章)!頌啊!取這「花名」太貼切了!這道煙花女吸管麵是用鯷魚 (殘編最愛吃臭臭魚了)、橄欖、跟蕃茄一起料理的,上面再擺上簡單烘烤過的章魚腳

(English version/英文版):

Bucatini alla puttanesca di Polpo (Bucatini puttanesca)

Puttanesca is a sauce made with olives, tomatoes and anchovies (which I like to call “stinky fish”) and literally translates to “working girl” from Italian.

In this post, I’ve mentioned that Bucatini is a thicker spaghetti with a hole running through the middle, hence the Chinese name “吸管麵(xiguan mian),” which literally translates into “straw-noodle.”I’ve also mentioned that the best part about bucatini is that it sucks up all the sauce and bursts it back in your mouth like a creampie cream puff when you bite into it; well earning its “stage name.” This bucatini at Trattoria di Primo is topped with 2 large pieces of octopus tentacles.

  • 艾西亞格牛菌菇燉飯 / Risotto di Asiago ( Asiago Risotto)
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo tarpai dazhi
(Risotto di Asiago/ Asiago risotto)

這是Trattoria di Primo 的「火紅」明星料理,廚師將燉飯直接倒進整塊艾西亞格高山起司輪用八角香料酒點火翻煮,再用芝麻葉點綴。殘編已經介紹過很多次了,需要再複習的看這篇食記乳酪配淡淡的香料味真是百吃不膩



(English version/英文版):

This is the star dish “on fire” is one of Trattoria di Primo’s “hottest” items that I’ve blogged about many times before. If you missed it, read this post:

食記:Trattoria di Primo 台北大直店:台北最好吃的義大利餐廳: Review – Trattoria di Primo Taipei Dazi Location

The risotto is cooked directly in a whole truckle of Asiago alpine cheese wheel with Sambuca fire, garnished with arugula. We just never get tired with the combination.

Watch the part in the video when the star’s “on fire”:

  • 塔雷吉歐手撕豬肉披薩餃 / Calzone al Taleggio di Maiale (Pork Calzone with Taleggio cheese)
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo tarpai dazhi
塔雷吉歐手撕豬肉披薩餃 /  Calzone al Taleggio di Maiale (Pork Calzone with Taleggio cheese)

這道比薩餃也是用木盤裝的超大Jumbo size, 這餐吃下來都以為自己是「旺旺」(權力遊戲(冰與火之歌)巨人族)了!披薩餃裡裝的是顏色較深的「塔雷吉歐」(Taleggio起司(這種起司殘編在這篇食記有介紹過喔:





(English version/英文版):

Calzone al Taleggio di Maiale (Pork Calzone with Taleggio cheese)

This calzone is also jumbo-sized served on a wooden tray. By now, we all feel like “Wun Wun (the giant from Game of Thrones). This calzone is filled with the darker Taleggio cheese, which I’ve blogged about in this post:

食記:Trattoria di Primo 台北大直店:台北最好吃的義大利餐廳: Review – Trattoria di Primo Taipei Dazi Location

Art thoughtfully cuts it into slices. Watching the cheese squirt out from the cuts then strings out is almost like watching an ASMR video on Youtube. Except it’s exciting rather than calming.
Watch the “climax” in our video:

  • 瑪格麗特D.O.C 披薩 / Pizza Margherita D.O.C


Fashion Ecstasy VIP Food Event Trattoria di Primo 時尚高潮高級豪華餐會-台北PRIMO

(English version/英文版):

The classic Pizza Margherita is an all-time favourite, Primo uses Italian DOC certified buffalo cheese, which I’ve blogged about many times, read this post:

Fashion Ecstasy VIP Food Event Trattoria di Primo 時尚高潮高級豪華餐會-台北PRIMO

  • 米摩勒特窯烤翼板牛排Bistecca al MimoletteMimolette steak)
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo taipei dazhi
米摩勒特窯烤翼板牛排Bistecca al Mimolette(Mimolette steak)


(English version/英文版):

Bistecca al MimoletteMimolette steak)

This is another new meat course that we’ve never tried before. For this steak, Chef Roy uses the blade (flat iron) cut. The blade cut is on the leaner side and best enjoyed medium-well. The steak is topped with a thick layer of mimolette cheese. Mimolette cheese is an orange color cheese with a taste similar to cheddar cheese, the color comes from the carotene added in the making process. The soft texture gives a complementary effect on the firm steak. The taste is mesmerizing.

帕瑪風巴薩米克油封鴨腿 / / Anatra alla Balsamico(Balsamic Duck (for the non-beef eater):

時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo taipei dazhi
帕瑪風巴薩米克油封鴨腿 / Anatra alla Balsamico (Balsamic Duck (for the non-beef eater)

這道功夫菜是Trattoria di Primo招牌菜的其中一道,殘編這篇食記介紹過。這道鴨是專門做給這次不吃牛肉的其中一位貴賓的,但是經過殘編的介紹後,大家都想來一口,拿好刀叉瞪著他看,這位先生的鴨腿就被咱們瞬間一人一口「刮」分掉啦~(




(English version/英文版):
This exquisite dish is one of Trattoria di Primo’s signature dishes which I blogged about in this review. This duck is specially made for our non-beef eater VIP guest. However, after my introduction, every guest wants a piece of it, and this gentleman’s duck leg is gone within 1 minute (sorry, not sorry!) 😛 Luckily, Primo always stay true to the cultural spirit of the Italians, and never let the guests go home hungry, everyone left with a big smile & a 9-month pregnant Italian baby back.

Watch us demolish this duck leg within 1 minute:


  • 地中海狂水煮現流石斑 / Garoupa di Aqua Pazza
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo taipei dazhi
(Garoupa di Acqua Pazza/ Crazy Water Grouper)

狂水煮地中海常見漁夫最擅長的料理方式,義大利文叫「Acqua Pazza」,字面上就是「狂煮」的意思。Acqua Pazza是先用蒜頭、洋蔥與蕃茄將料以橄欖油炒香之後,再加入整隻石斑魚做兩面煎的動作,煎熟之後再加入白酒燉煮,這料理方式讓魚可以鎖住跟保存它的鮮美鮮甜,附料有淡菜,咱們用淡菜當勺子舀裝滿海鮮湯汁的鍋,令人吮指回味。

(English version/英文版):

“Acqua Pazza,” which literally translates to “crazy water” from Italian, is a common recipe in the Mediterranean for seafood. The dish is prepared by sautéing a whole grouper fish along with olive oil, onions and tomatoes, then cooked in white wine to “seal the deal.” The result is delicious with its original natural sweetness and its accompanying mussels make excellent utensils for scooping.

甜點/ Dolce

  • 提拉米蘇 / Tiramisu


(English version/英文版):

This tiramisu in a cup is topped with chocolate and garnished with mint leaves like an elegant plant and makes a perfect ending for this big meal.

時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo taipei dazhi
時尚高潮米其林VIP聚餐 Primo 大直 Fashion Ecstasy VIP Michelin Foodie Event trattoria di primo taipei dazhi

這次時尚高潮x Primo大直獨家米其林級餐酒會道道爆乳。。。酪。

「牽絲」的起司,令殘編「偶斷絲連」,朝思暮想,下回就定在不久的端午節週末的六月九號啦!不想自己過節的歡迎跟時尚高潮粉絲們見面把酒言歡,吃米其林星級大餐喔!時尚高潮舉辦的餐會都是客製化的菜單,每次聚餐內容的80%以上都是平常Primo菜單上點不到的(趕快加殘編賴ID手刀搶位:(Tinkeebellezza, “ T”大寫,沒有@,要傳訊息我才看的到)



(English version/英文版):

The exclusive Fashion Ecstasy x Trattoria di Primo Taipei Dazhi Michelin Foodie Event in May was a total success! We just cannot get enough and set our next exclusive event on June 9th, 2019, on the weekend of the Dragon Boat Festival weekend! If your looking to meet our FE team & company, RSVP now to claim your seat ( seats are limited)

May I stress, all of our events feature a customized menu with more than 80% of the content off the menu!


Add us on Line: (ID: Tinkeebellezza, capital”T,” without “@,” please send a message so we don’t miss you!)

Or Email:



Collaborations or become one of us(邀稿、合作、或加入「時尚高潮的團隊): 賴 (Line)ID: Tinkeebellezza ( 沒有 @,“T”大寫,要傳訊息才看的到哦!) Line App ID: Tinkeebellezza ( Capital “T,” without @, please send us a message, so we don’t miss you!)  https://line.me/ti/p/Riv8JfyrwU Email: fashionecstasytv@gmail.com 電話/ WhatsApp: (+886) 958771010 追蹤&按讚 / Connect with us: FB (Facebook): http://www.facebook.com/fashionecsta 追蹤: @FashionEcstasy ( I G、 推特) follow: FashionEcstasy (Instagram & Twitter) 還有: @Tanya.fashionecstasy (IG) @HsuTanya (Twitter) Also: @Tanya.fashionecstasy (Instagram) & @HsuTanya (Twitter) Youtube YT訂閱 /  Please subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/FashionEcstasydotcom?sub_confirmation=1