Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

I Hope You Thrive Lyrics by Tanya Hsu for Mother’s Day

I Hope You Thrive Lyrics by Tanya Hsu for Mother’s Day

(Originally “I Hope You Dance” by Tia Sillers and Mark D. Sanders)

Lyrics: Tanya Hsu


I hope you learn to love your gracious wrinkles,
Every line tells a story that makes me sniffle
I know my disability brings you pain
But I hope this song can ease your strain.
I hope you never lose your faith, my lovely mother,
I know that life’s unfair, but please don’t you quiver,
Though our tears may sometimes fall like summer rain,
But, remember, Mom, our love will ease the pain.
I hope you thrive… I hope you thrive…
I know you’re filled with fear about both our futures,
I’ll always stand by you, and fight off all the vultures,
Time rolls by, leaving memories in its wake,
But our love remains, a bond nothing can break.
I hope you let the world see your strength,
In every challenge, we’ll find our rightful place.
For you’re my hero, my guiding light,
And with you by my side, everything feels right.
I hope you thrive… I hope you thrive…
I hope you thrive… I hope you thrive…
I hope you’ll never doubt your worth, my dearest mother
Looking back, you’d recognize all your achievements
Despite my fate, your love remains so pure,
In your eyes, I find the strength to endure.
thrive… I hope you thrive…
I hope you thrive … I hope you thrive…
I hope you thrive … I hope you thrive…

Other Designs by Tanya Hsu

In this category, you'll find all Other Designs by our Editor-in-Chief and fashion expert, Tanya Hsu. Please browse through all products in this category; you'll find that she does not only design based on her designing skills acquired from the world's top prestigious fashion school, Istituto Marangoni Masters in Milan, Italy, but also with her... Ugh, how do we put this... faulty wired? Creative brains? We don't know, you tell us!!

在此分類中,您會找到我們的總編時尚專家殘編Tanya Hsu)的所有其他設計商品。瀏覽該類別中的所有商品您會發現,她的設計出的商品不僅僅基於她從世界頂級時裝名校——義大利米蘭馬蘭戈尼學院英文/ 義大利文Istituto Marangoni)所獲得的設計技能,而還加上她。。。呃。。。怎麼說呢?是接線接錯還是有創意大腦呢?這就由顧客們留言決定啦!




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One Comment on “I Hope You Thrive Lyrics by Tanya Hsu for Mother’s Day

    May 14, 2023

    best reading this article thanks

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