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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)
ICFF ( Italian Contemporary Film Festival)’s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place‘s Trillium Park / ICFF意大利當代電影節在安大略廣場的Trillium Park公園舉辦露天電影院慶祝10週年
ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival) celebrated its 10th Anniversary with its Open-Air Cinema, held under the stars at Ontario Place‘s Trillium Park. The program covered all aspects of Italian culture in film, architecture, fashion, the arts, literature, sports and music with a series of screenings, panels and demonstrations.
中文版 / Chinese version:
ICFF(意大利當代電影節)為了慶祝其成立10週年,今年在安大略廣場的Trillium Park公園舉辦露天電影院。 該節目涵蓋了電影、建築、時尚、藝術、文學、體育和音樂等各方面的義大利文化,同時包括一系列影片放映、小組討論和現場展示。
We attended the screening of Vittorio Rossi‘s The Chain. It was so interesting to experience the play within the film, making it seem like we were watching it in the theatre.
中文版 / Chinese version:
我們參加了 Vittorio Rossi執導的「 The Chain」電影 放映。我們在電影中體驗到這齣戲非常有趣,感覺就像在劇院裡觀看一樣。
The Chain was Rossi‘s first full-length play from 1988, and its themes of the family still hold true today.
The film‘s talented cast includes Donny Falsetti, Toni Ellwand, Paulina Cossio, Paul Van Dyck, Alexandra Valassis, Vince Benvenuto and Giulano Fiorilli
中文版 / Chinese version:
The Chain 是Rossi自1988年至今第一部完整的戲劇,其家庭主題至今仍然反映在現代文化中。
這部電影才華橫溢的演員包括 Donny Falsetti、Toni Ellwand、Paulina Cossio、Paul Van Dyck、Alexandra Valassis、Vince Benvenuto 和 Giulano Fiorilli。
Tullio Testa has a small family landscape business in Montreal, and he is grooming his younger son Massimo to take over the family business, who has recently graduated from university. Testa‘s niece is getting married, and the whole family is gearing up for the big celebration. His wealthy brother, who had cheated him in a land dispute, was now coming from Italy to attend the wedding. Testa attempts to impress his brother by appearing more successful and allowing Massimo to manage the business. His older son Joe has much resentment because he had been working with Tullio for years and feels cast aside. Tullio shuns Joe’s ideas. Massimo makes some unfavourable business decisions, putting the company’s finances at the point of bankruptcy.
The tension between Testa and his sons becomes a significant battle, and the family is never the same again.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Tullio Testa 在加拿大蒙特婁有一家小型的家族景觀設計企業,他正在培養剛從大學畢業的小兒子 Massimo 來接手生意。 Testa的侄女要結婚了,全家都在為這個盛大的婚禮做準備。 曾經在一場土地糾紛中欺騙他的富有兄弟現也大老遠從義大利前往參加婚禮。 Testa刻意表現出自己很成功的樣子,讓小兒子Massimo管理公司,試圖想讓他的富有兄弟對他另眼相看。 他的大兒子Joe這時心裡覺得非常不是滋味,因為他和Tullio一起工作已多年,如今感覺被拋棄。 Tullio迴避Joe的想法。 Massimo接手後做出一些不利於公司的商業決策,使公司的財務狀況瀕臨破產。
Rossi successfully captures the life of an Italian / Canadian family in Montreal and the hopes and dreams that they all have.
In attendance at the panel were Director Vittorio Rossi, ICFF‘s Mara Cataldi and Cristiano De Florentiis and Magjusjen Entertainment‘s Barry Lorenzetti (producer).
The Chain’s film panel / 電影「THE CHAIN」小組討論
中文版 / Chinese version:
出席小組討論的有導演 Vittorio Rossi、ICFF意大利當代電影節的 Mara Cataldi 和 Cristiano De Florentiis 以及 Magjusjen Entertainment 的 Barry Lorenzetti(製片人)。
Sitting outdoors on a beautiful summer night, drinking some Campari and watching The Chain was genuinely delightful.
中文版 / Chinese version:
在解封後的美麗夏夜坐在外面,一邊喝著義大利金巴利(Campari利口酒)一邊欣賞著「The Chain」影片,真是很令人賞心悅目。
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