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受邵震宇老師之邀,我們欣喜若狂的來到水源劇場,慕名前來觀賞阿薩德中東舞團邵震宇老師的新作《我意識裡的怪癖》。該名稱取自土耳其諾貝爾文學獎得獎作家奧罕帕慕克的作品A Strangeness in my Mind。
English / 英文版:
Thrilled to be personally invited by Asad (Shao Chen Yu), founder and Art-director of Asad Oriental Dance, we arrived Wellspring Theater (Shuiyuan Theatre)located in Gonguan, Taipei for the viewing for Asad’s latest dance piece: “Strangeness In My Mind.”
The piece was inspired by Turkish novelist and Nobel Prize in Literature winner, Orhan Pamuk.
Watch Fashion Ecstasy‘s interview with Asad first:
English / 英文版:
“Strangeness In My Mind” uses lighting, smoke, body moves, and dialogues provoking social issues to create a piece of art that is unique and has never been seen before.
English / 英文版:
Asad (Shao Chen Yu) is a young professional Taiwanese artist who truly believes in art and pursuing his dreams. Asad faces the hardship and obstacles that all artists face, yet he continues to pursue his dreams in arts. Asad has traveled across the Middle East, including Egypt, Turkey, Iran, and every corner of the Islamic world.
While living in the Middle East, Asad often stays in the homes of local artists in the Middle Eastern countries where he learns and experiences their mindset and lives first hand. With a deep understanding of the Islamic thoughts and culture, Assad beautifully incorporates the spirit of Islam into his passion and translate & showcases it through his profound choreography and dance pieces.
English / 英文版:
Asad is the first dancer in Taiwan to step into the Middle Eastern dance field. His works interpret and tell the stories of Middle Eastern history, civilization, and beauty. Despite the financial difficulties, Asad insists on pursuing his dreams in the arts. In Taiwan’s conservative culture, it is our honour to work with a man who strives for arts with such enthusiasm.
English / 英文版:
Many years ago, I watched Asad belly dance. It was mesmerizing. I watched him grow and mature through reading, experiencing, and meditating. He provokes social issues and connects them with arts and culture. He chose the Middle East because he sees its beauty in its history, including ancient civilization, arts, and being the birthplace of three monotheistic religions. However, the beauty of this piece of land is often misunderstood by others. Asad sees pass these controversies and connects with the culture.
《我意識裡的怪癖》其中有一場由千里迢迢從伊朗來的 Ali Montazami為大家朗誦的 魯米的詩秀,讓人感受到魯米的名言:
English / 英文版:
A Strangeness in my Mind includes a poetry reading show of Rumi,’s poet by Ali Montazami from Iran. Rumi is a 13th-century Persian poet who has inspired and influenced many through his words. His spiritual legacy continues to live on, especially for those interested in the Middle Eastern culture.
English / 英文版:
Like Rumi, Asad reveals the weakness and reality of human nature. In this dance piece, “Strangeness In My Mind,” Asad dresses his dancers in constraining suits. He simply explains that he didn’t want to be restrained to a certain culture when designing the costumes, but I can sense a deeper meaning behind the costumes: “awkwardness”: the dilemmas people face in modern society, and Asad, like all of us, is trying to break free from them and emerge into a beautiful dancing butterfly.
邵震宇老師與來自伊朗的Ali Montazami
(Asad (Shao Chen Yu) with Ali Montazami from Iran)
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