Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Tag Archives: 日本

台北Ukai鐵板燒 -令人難忘的美食之旅- 米其林星級用餐體驗

台北Ukai鐵板燒:令人難忘的美食之旅:米其林星級用餐體驗 (this post is in Chinese; for the English review, please click on the link below🔗/ 此文為中文版食記評價,愈看英文版評價請點以下連結🔗): 介紹:在台北米其林星級餐廳Ukai鐵板燒享受卓越的烹飪體驗 (image courtesy of The Ukai) 先觀看時尚高潮的 Youtube 影片: 簡介:說到台北的非凡用餐體驗,台北有家飯店堪稱卓越美食的標杆。憑藉令人垂涎的米其林星,這家著名餐廳承諾提供與眾不同的美食之旅。與我一起踏上美食之旅,在我們深入探索 台北Ukai鐵板燒精緻晚餐菜單的亮點時,將吸引您的感官。 晚餐套餐:盡享美食: … Continue reading

June 2, 2023 · Leave a Comment

日本東京 – 從奢華旅遊到背包客旅行的無敵懶人包行程


March 13, 2023 · Leave a Comment

加拿大野生柳葉魚 – 濕疹也能吃的爆蛋魚

加拿大野生柳葉魚 – 濕疹也能吃的爆蛋魚 先看時尚高潮的YT影片: (This post is in Chinese; for the English version, please click o the link below🔗 / 此文為中文版食記評價文,欲看英文版請點以下連結🔗): Canadian ShishamoWillow Leaf Fish – Fish Eggs Safe for … Continue reading

February 11, 2023 · Leave a Comment



January 8, 2023 · Leave a Comment

Taiwan Humming Food High-end Bento Box Open Box Review- Catered to the High-Profile Execs Only

台灣蜂鳥食堂便當開箱試吃 – 董事長級的大人物才吃得到的高級便當 / Taiwan Humming Food High-end Bento Box Open Box Review- Catered to the High-Profile Execs Only

April 23, 2022 · Leave a Comment

The Best And Worst Frozen Rice Burgers In Taiwan Open Box Review

台灣最好吃VS最難吃的冷凍米漢堡開箱食記評價 / The Best And Worst Frozen Rice Burgers In Taiwan Open Box Review

March 2, 2022 · Leave a Comment

台灣當地超級食材「台灣山藥(台灣懶趴)天然食療法 / Taiwan Local Produce Super Food “Taiwanese Yam (aka. Taiwanese “Lan Pa/ Taiwan Penis”)

台灣當地超級食材「台灣山藥(台灣懶趴)天然食療法 / Taiwan Local Produce Super Food “Taiwanese Yam (aka. Taiwanese “Lan Pa/ Taiwan Penis”) ( 中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version) Watch Our Youtube Video First / 先看時尚高潮YT影片: … Continue reading

November 18, 2021 · Leave a Comment

6個網紅、網美必踩點的2D CAFE爆紅打卡咖啡廳師大店容易錯過的打卡自拍重點殘編總整理 / 6 Super Instagrammable 2D Cafe Shida Easy to

6個網紅、網美必踩點的2D CAFE紅片全亞洲爆紅打卡咖啡廳師大旗艦店容易錯過的打卡自拍重點殘編總整理
/ 6 Super Instagrammable 2D Cafe Shida (flagship store in Taiwan) Easy to Miss Selfie Spots – A manga-style cafe that’s earned its fame across Asia

April 17, 2021 · Leave a Comment