台灣最好吃VS最難吃的冷凍米漢堡開箱食記評價 / The Best And Worst Frozen Rice Burgers In Taiwan Open Box Review:

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English Version / 英文版:
This week, we discovered yet another super yummy frozen food product readily available in the Carrefour supermarkets in Taiwan. One I crown as the bestfrozen rice burger in Taiwan, and the other, the worst. Below I’ll be reviewing each:


English Version / 英文版:
Growing up, I never was a fan of rice. Whenever there are meals involving rice, there either had to be our maid or my teachers spending over hours of patience talking me into taking one bite after another. I remember being shocked by how yummy my first-ever rice burger from MOS Burger was. I began to visit MOS Burgers more often than my favourite McDonald’s ever since. Nonetheless, fans who have been to Japan know that the MOS Burgers in Taiwan are nothing compared to the MOS Burgers in Japan.

  • 全台灣最難吃的踩雷米漢堡/ The Worst Frozen Rice Burger in Taiwan:

上次介紹評價五星老字號食品品牌老協珍的年菜,這次兩款米漢堡中不幸地踩雷品牌竟也是老協珍旗下的「TOMMI 湯米米漢堡
開箱的是「TOMMI 湯米」的「蔥燒牛肉口味米漢堡,一盒共3入($130元),一份重量160克。

English Version / 英文版:
Last time, I did an open box review of the well-established brand, “Lao Xie Zhen‘s” CNY delivery set meal and gave it a five-star rating. Unfortunately, this time the worst frozen rice burger goes to (***Drumroll***) “Lao Xie Zhen‘s “TOMMIrice burger.
In our openbox is “Tommi“‘s “Scallion Roast Beefflavour rice burger. A box contains 3 rice burgers, each weighing 160 grams.


English Version / 英文版:
This rice burger is prepared with Lao Xie Zhen‘s carefully selected Taiwanese rice stir-fried with top-quality beef flank, fresh shredded onion and shallots, then drizzled with Lao Xie Zhen‘s secret recipe sauce. For the first burger, we reheated it with our oven, resulting in stiff, hard-to-swallow rice, so we steamed our second. The verdict is one word… “ricey.” Lao Xie Zhen‘s rice burger has a little too much rice. Once bite into it, you taste nothing but rice. There’s hardly any filling. The glutinous rice doesn’t hold together and scatters everywhere. Only then did I know that when glutinous rice doesn’t stick together and disperses all over in the mouth, it tastes as bland as quinoa. Quite disappointing for such a well-known brand.

  • 全台灣最好吃的米漢堡 / The Best frozen rice burger in Taiwan:

燈光、音樂開起來!登登登登~!全台最好吃米漢堡竟是家樂福自有品牌的「家樂福蜜汁雞肉米漢堡(“Honey Glazed Chicken Rice Burger”)」($139元)跟「照燒牛肉米漢堡」( “Teriyaki Beef Rice Burger“)。家樂福自有品牌米漢堡一樣一3份、每一份重量一樣160公克,但內餡米飯的比例可就大有不同。家樂福蜜汁雞肉米漢堡內餡多到要炸開,米漢堡中間夾的是一層厚厚的雞腿肉雞腿肉鲜嫩多汁,搭配香脆清甜的杏鮑菇以及香氣濃郁的醬汁家樂福糯米則是乖乖地黏在一起、米飯口感香Q彈牙,咬下去是一整口幸福滿足感,一不小心還會掉出來帶便當的量,不像前者,給人一種不知道自己吃了什麼的失落感。家樂福米漢堡剛好跟老協珍的「TOMMI 湯米米漢堡相反,用的較的反而會散開。喜歡扒飯吃的饕客可以裝進遠裡當丼飯吃。

English Version / 英文版:
Lighting! On! Drumrolls, please! The best-frozen rice burger in Taiwan goes to Carrefour‘s own private label. Our Open box includes Carrefour‘s “Honey Glazed Chicken Rice Burger” ($139) and “Teriyaki Beef Rice Burger.” Carrefour‘s own label of frozen rice burgers comes in boxes of 3 burgers, each weighing 160 grams, but the ratio of filling to rice is quite different. Carrefour‘s “Honey Glazed Chicken Rice Burger” is sandwiched with a thick layer of chicken thigh meat. It has so much filling that it is hard to keep them sandwiched between the rice. The chicken thigh meat is tender and juicy, paired with crispy and sweet king oyster mushrooms and drizzled with Carrefour‘s special sauce. Carrefour‘s glutinous rice sticks together obediently. The rice is aromatic and chewy. Unlike the one above, You will feel a whole mouthful of happiness and satisfaction when you bite into this one. Carrefour‘s rice burger is the opposite of Lao Xie Zhen‘s “TOMMIrice burger. It is tasty when reheated with an oven and scatters when steamed. If you like eating rice, another way to eat it is to dump it into a bowl, it takes just like a Japanese Teriyaki Don (rice bowl).

  • 台灣最好吃VS最難吃的冷鄧米和寶總評價 / The Best Frozen Rice Burger in Taiwan vs. The Worst Frozen Rice Burger in Taiwan Review in a Nutshell:

殘編整理出全台灣最好吃冷凍米漢堡家樂福自家品牌系列,而最難吃很遺憾的則是老協珍旗下的「TOMMI 湯米米漢堡。兩者皆可在家樂福買到,不客氣!

English Version / 英文版:
Our verdict on the best and worst frozen rice burgers in Taiwan is as follows:
The best goes to Carrefour‘s own private label, and the worst, regrettably, goes “TOMMI“‘s series of rice burgers, which is owned by Lao Xie Zhen. Both are available for purchase at Carrefour supermarket. You’re welcome!


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