Tag archives for films


Why Everyone’s Talking About ICFF 2024: A Sneak Peek Into Toronto’s Hottest Film Event!

ICFF & Lavazza Inclucity Festival 2024: Exciting Tributes and Programs   (此文為英文版部落格,欲看中文版開箱評價文,請點以下連結/ This post is in English; for the Chinese version review, please click on the link below)::-mingxing-yunji-he-jingcai-fangying-!/ (Scroll to the bottom…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2022 Ennio: The Maestro Screening & Film Review

ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2022 Ennio: The Maestro Screening & Film Review / ICFF年度意大利當代電影節2022年《50年一瞬間的魔幻時刻》電影特映會&影評: (中文版請向下滑 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version) (Chinese translation by Tanya/ 中譯:殘編) Watch…
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時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer)

時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer) This post was originally posted in English at the link below / 這篇文章原文為英文,欲看英文版請點以下連結: (Chinese translation by Tanya / 中譯:殘編) 羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman)的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(…
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Toronto’s AGO (The Art Gallery of Ontario) Re-opens Its Doors to the Public with Andy Warhol Exhibition

Toronto's AGO (The Art Gallery of Ontario) Re-opens Its Doors to the Public with Andy Warhol Exhibition (此文為英文版,欲看中文版請點以下連結 / This is the English version, for the Chinese version, please click…
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We are giving away tickets to the upcoming Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival – Septet: The Story of Hong Kong/ 時尚高潮大放送 – Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival汽車電影節票 邀您一起觀賞香港知名導演攜手合拍的《七人樂隊》

We are giving away 1 car spot ticket to the upcoming Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival - Septet: The Story of Hong Kong/ 時尚高潮大放送 - Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival汽車電影節票 邀您一起觀賞香港知名導演攜手合拍的《七人樂隊》 (中文版向下看…
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2021年加拿大INSIDE OUT 2SLGBTQ +(同性戀、跨性別、變性及不確定性向等非異性戀者)電影節精選部國際LGBTQ影片

Upcoming Inside Out 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival 2021 Goes Virtual, Just as Exciting! 2021多倫多Inside Out 2SLGBTQ+電影節數位化更精彩 (中文版看這邊 / For Chinese version, clicke on the link below:) (images in this post may…
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