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(English translation by Tanya / 英譯:殘編)
English Version / 英文版 :
In this series of articles, I will be introducing the Arabic language and culture to help readers have a deeper understanding of the Arabs occupying West Asia and North Africa.
Arabic is a Semitic and the most complete language preserved in ancient Semitic.
To this day, many languages have experienced revolutions, which results in dramatic linguistic changes. However, since the Arabic language is considered the liturgical language of Islam, and the language used in the Quran, no significant changes have been made to preserve its original message.
English Version / 英文版 :
However, over time, cultural influences, and other factors, modern Arabic is still more or less different from its classic version. The Arabic language today can be described as a mix between its classical version and dialects. Today, Arabs use the standard language for formal occasions such as delivering speeches, academic seminars, news reports, and formal writing for books, newspapers, magazines, etc. Dialects are used in daily lives, or even in school (except for courses majoring in Arabic). The use of various dialects has led to a confusing phenomenon in the vast Arab language world, especially for Arabic learners, it has become a significant problem.
Despite these issues, standard Arabic language can still help communicate with educated Arabs in the 22 Arab countries.
由於阿拉伯民族是沙漠遊牧民族,其文字書寫起源較其他閃族較晚。一般學者判斷阿拉伯文字是借用另一支閃語──亞蘭字母(Aramic)拼寫阿拉伯語音而成。與今日阿拉伯文字相符合的遺跡,最早可推溯到公元 328 年雕刻在希拉(al-Ḥirah)國王伊姆.蓋斯(Imru’ al-Qays)墓碑上的銘文。
English Version / 英文版 :
Since the Arabs contain Bedouins’ population, their written language originated relatively later than other Semitic languages. Scholars believe that written Arabic is derived from another Semitic script called the Aramaic alphabet. The earliest discovery of modern written Arabic can be traced back to the inscription carved on the tombstone of King Imru‘ al–Qays ibn ‘Amr of al-Ḥirah in 328 AD.
今日的標準阿拉伯語大多數源自伊斯蘭先知穆罕默德所屬的北阿拉伯古萊仕族(Quraysh)語言。《古蘭經》中有如下經文:「我確將它降示為阿拉伯文的古蘭經,希望你們明瞭。」(12:2) ,此節經文決定了阿拉伯語文一千多年來維持穩定、甚少演變的狀態。阿拉伯語文在穆斯林的心目中就是古蘭經語文,神聖不可改變。
English Version / 英文版 :
Today’s standard Arabic is mostly derived from North Arabia‘s Quraysh, an Arab tribe which the Islamic prophet Muhammad belongs to.
. The Quran contains the following verses: “We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand.” (12:2). This verse demonstrates how the Arabic language has remained stable for more than a thousand years and has undergone minimum changes. The language is used in the Quran; hence, it remains sacred and cannot be changed in Muslims‘ minds.
English Version / 英文版 :
Regardless of race or origin, Muslims across the world must use Arabic to recite the Quran. Withe gradually increased Islamic countries, the number of Muslims is now accounted for a widespread of nearly a quarter of the world’s population. In addition to the 22 Arab countries, it is also the liturgical language of Muslims worldwide. Arabic has also been listed as one of the official languages in the United Nations.
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