Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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埃及旅遊記之一 – 開羅/ Travel Cairo, Egypt

埃及旅遊記之一 – 開羅/ Travel Cairo, Egypt

(scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看)

開羅侃.哈利利市集 / Khan al-Khalili Bazaar

travel cairo, Egpyt Khan al-Khalili Bazaar

By Heba otefy – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https///


English Version / 英文版:
A fun phenomenon while traveling the Arab world is ancient mosques surrounded by shopping bazaars. The noise from the busy marketplace and Islamic meditation in the Mosque create quite a contrast. This site is probably one of the most different phenomenons between Islamic and other civilizations. Travelers may visit an ancient mosque as their destination but find themselves being carried away by the surrounding busy market before arriving at their destination. Market goods in the bazaars lead one to accept Islamic culture even before stepping foot into a mosque. Do not underestimate these shopping bazaars; most of them are world heritage sites. The crowds and exhibits may be new, but what underlies is a wealth of history. Such bazaars are scattered across the Arab world, some of them with a history of more than a thousand years.

  • 我們抵達開羅後,儘管很厭惡整座城市好似為了觀光而存在。當地人連未受教育的十歲小孩嘴裡都會說一些簡單的阿式英文


English Version / 英文版:
After arriving in Cairo, Egypt, the whole city seemed like it was built for tourism. Even an uneducated, 10-year-old local kid can speak simple English to attract our attention. Everyone knows when to reach their hands out for tips or customs clearance bribes. However, my Egyptian friends reminded me that “what you see with your eyes is not necessarily real.” To truly understand their culture, one must stay for a while before judging. Theft in Cairo is common, but not robbery. Vehicles jam the roads like traffic lights do not exist; however, pedestrians rule the streets. They raise their hands and waltz across the road. Pedestrians always have the right of way; cars will not run over you. Even if one suffers from gastroenteritis from a bad meal, you wake up the next day looking forward to exploring more. Cairo is a place where visitors yell and curse but still linger.

阿茲哈爾清真寺「侃.哈利利」市集 / al-Azhar Mosque and Khan al-Khalili Bazaar

阿茲哈爾清真寺 / al-Azhar Mosque, Cairo

阿茲哈爾清真寺 / al-Azhar Mosque, Cairo (By Daniel Mayer – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

我們首先來到古老的「阿茲哈爾清真寺」對面著名的市集「侃.哈利利」(Khan al-Khalili),享受真正的開羅平民生活。

English Version / 英文版:
Our first stop was the famous al-Azhar Mosque; across the Mosque is Khan el-Khalili, a famous bazaar where one can experience Cairo‘s real civilian life.
Khan el-Khalili Bazaar is one of the oldest bazaars in the Middle East. Its history can be traced back to the Mamluk Sultanate‘s realm, which was over six hundred years ago. The location was originally a cemetery for the Khalifas during the Fatima Kingdom. Al-Khalili, an emir from the Al-Khalil, Palestine, built this bazaar after the relocation of the cemetery.

  • 該市集基地呈碩大的四方形,四方建高聳大門,猶如一座迷你城市,裡面有許多的街道。商店的建築非常古老,樓下是商


English Version / 英文版:
The structure of the market is a vast squared courtyard, with tower gates on all sides. It’s its own mini-city with streets inside. The buildings are ancient. Shops are located at ground level, whereas the upper levels are used as living quarters warehouses. Many buildings housed royals and nobles during the Mamluk period. These residential blocs have the names of the owners engraved at the entrance in beautiful calligraphy. However, today, these ancient gates are filled with gold, silver, and other merchandise that no one will notice the history behind these buildings.

埃及手工藝品血拼去 / Shopping for Souvenirs and Egyptian Handmade Goods:


English Version / 英文版:
Egypt is famous for its carvings. Egyptians created their arts and crafts based on their history. Many bronze sculptures are prominent figures from various dynasties of ancient Egypt. Artists take ideas from historical events in the Islamic period and modern Egyptian social life. The prices are very reasonable. Who knew the Mediterranean Sea could drastically change the prices of handmade goods. A little bird told us that prices were very flexible, too. We used our “Taiwanese wisdom” and bought many Egyptian handicrafts that we knew could have had no way to fit into our tiny apartment in Taiwan. But the bargain was too hard to resist; we ended up purchasing bronze sculptures, tablecloths, tapestries, papyrus, essential oils, necklaces, and robes, with no regrets, I may add. What impressed me the most was when we were looking for rose essential oil in the fragrance store; the enthusiastic young owner said they had more products nearby and insisted on taking us there for a look. Based on our many years of living in Arab countries, we understood the unspoken tules of traditional Arab businesses. On occasions like this, profits are shared between the seller and the referrer, creating a happy business environment with no vicious competition.

  • 我們從早上走到下午,每一棟建築都讓我們駐足許久,唯獨無法將過去與現在連結,因為每一棟古屋外面如今都疊滿商品。

我們更著急的是到費夏威咖啡館去品飲土耳其咖啡,這間咖啡館歷史超過兩百五十年,因許多埃及著名的文人和詩人經常在這裡尋找靈感而著名,包含1988諾貝爾文學獎得主納吉卜.馬赫夫茲Naguib Mahfouz)生前經常在這裡逗留寫作,他的小說《侃.哈利利》裡的人物便取材於這間咖啡屋。我們在裡面喝咖啡、傾聽老琴手彈魯特琴,他彈奏時眼神似乎已漂浮到遙遠的時空外。這一天我們盡興而歸。

English Version / 英文版:
Even after browsing for the whole day, we still find it hard to connect the past and present with so many distracting merchandises. Hence our minds were more looking forward to going to El Fishawi Cafe for a shot of Turkish coffee. This cafe has a history of more than 250 years. It is famous for hosting many notable Egyptian literati like 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature winner Naguib Mahfouz, who often visited to seek inspiration for his literary works. We sipped coffee inside this historic cafe while listening to the lutenist indulging in his own live music.


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2 Comments on “埃及旅遊記之一 – 開羅/ Travel Cairo, Egypt

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