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殘編繡眼線不知不覺已經過一個月,前幾天 Twiggy店家貼心提醒去補色。這次殘編不只繡眼線,還嘗試了TWIGGY的熱蠟除毛!
It’s been a month since my first eyeliner tattoo experience! I received a kind reminder a few days ago from Twiggy to go back for a touchup. In addition to eyeliner tattoo, I also tried eyebrow waxing this time!
Watch our video first:
殘編首次繡眼線是11月14日,過程快速,無所謂「恢復期」,當天還直接參加我們時尚高潮的VIP餐會呢!錯過的美眉們看連結的這篇文章。繡/紋眼線的恢復期約一個禮拜。殘編除了隔天眼皮有如哭過一樣稍腫之外,眼線也一直到了18號才有些許不明顯的脫落,差不多2厘米 (0.2公分)而已,之後也沒有再脫落了。一直到這次補色前,只有眼線中段部稍有褪色,重點的眼尾都還在。其實繡/紋完眼線後,結痂所脫落的色,差不多就是整套眼線所會掉的色。但繡眼線結痂時,不像繡/ 飄眉毛ㄧ樣有騷癢過渡期,所以比較好忍,不會想去扣結痂,整個恢復過程舒適很多。
My first eyeliner tattoo session was on November 14th. The process was fast. The post-procedure aftercare is simple, I was able to attend our Fashion Ecstasy VIP dinner event right after! Follow this link if you missed it.
recovery/ healing period of eyeliner tattoo is about one week. Besides my eyelids being slightly swollen the next day, there was no scabbing until the 18th, with just about 2 mm (0.2 cm) falling off each eye. Up till my touchup appointment this time, only the middle of each eyeliner was slightly faded, the ends were still apparent.
Usually, the results after the scabbing are pretty much what you’re left with after an eyeliner tattoo session. The good news is, there’s no itching phase like microblading your eyebrows, making the whole recovery process is much more comfortable.
The second visit is much more comfortable and less scary, the procedure is exactly the same as the first session. Twiggy uses an electrical pen followed by a manual blade to tattoo each of my eyeliner.
Details in this post or Watch this video from my first eyeliner tattoo session:
Twiggy繡眼線二訪補色前左右眼照片 (照片可看出只有終端部分稍有脫色):
Twiggy eyeliner tattoo before touchup (left & right eye):
With experience this time, the twitching isn’t as crazy as last time. It was quite a battle last time. Twiggy tells me that eye spasms can be related to your sympathetic nervous system which can be affected by caffeine, sleep, fatigue, stress, and so on. Therefore, before your eyeliner tattoo appointment, I strongly advise you to eat well, sleep well, control your caffeine intake and avoid fighting with your boyfriend (s) those who are not worth it.
Waxing is a common method for hair removal in the west to battle their fast-growing and fuller hair
What Asians usually do for grooming is simply shaving. It does the job just fine. I call myself a “hairless pig” because genetically, I don’t grow much hair. My best friend even nicknamed me ”little hair ” for that reason. After my stroke, I stayed in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)for over a month, where I was closely monitored and received much intensive care for my brains, but none for my looks. My brows were a mess after a month. A male friend even asked me if I needed him to bring me a tweezer when he visited me at the hospital. I was embarrassed.
I’ve tried laser hair removal, shaving, epilator, plucking, but in the ten years of living in Canada, I haven’t tried waxing for hair removal. As I said, I don’t need it, plus it looks violent and painful.
Whenever the girls invite me for a waxing day at the salon, I turn them down, even though waxing can be a self- indulging experience at the salon and an excuse to catch up with the girls. And I wonder why I have no girlfriends.
Since plucking my eyebrows is far less painful than the armpit. I decide to give eyebrows waxing a try.
上「手術台」後,小嘍老師先用厚厚的一層保濕凝膠敷眉毛和週邊十分鐘,這步不但可以保護殘編這種「乾妹妹」的乾性膚質、減少脫皮症狀,待會撕熱蠟時比較不傷肌膚,還有助於打開肌膚毛細孔。乾性膚質敷十分鐘、中性膚質則只需五分鐘。Twiggy 使用日本進口全天然的istaフェイスワックス(臉部專用熱蠟)熱蠟除眉。istaフェイスワックス(臉部專用熱蠟),產品無添加香料及色素,讓人使用安心。
My impression of waxing consists of violent tearing & ripping from larger areas of the body.
I can’t help but worry if my delicate Asian eyebrows can be torn? Will I turn out like a hairless vulture?
After hopping onto the bed, Twiggy applies a thick layer of moisturizing gel to the eyebrows and the surrounding areas for ten minutes. This step not only hydrates and prevent damages to dry skin like mine but also help open up your pores. The moisturizer has to be left on for 10 minutes for dry skin, 5 for normal skin.
Twiggy uses Ista’s All-Natural face wax from Japan for eyebrow waxing. Ista Face Wax is fragrance-free, free of artificial pigment, and safe to use.
After wiping off the moisturizing gel, the eyebrow waxing begins. Twiggy applies about five pieces of hot wax around each eyebrow. After the wax cools down, she tears them off quickly and skillfully. Before I notice, she’s already done with the ripping.
The waxing step is repeated three times. Taking a close look at the hot wax residue that has been removed, even the finest hair that can only be seen with a magnifier has been removed, pretty impressive. Twiggy then uses a regular tweezer to remove the thicker and stubborn hair that still remains. After the eyebrow waxing, Twiggy applies a cooling gel to the surrounding areas for ten minutes. The gel helps to calm the pores.
Waxing removes hair from the roots; hence the results last longer than shaving. The maintenance time varies from person to person, usually about the growth cycle of your eyebrow, which can range from one week to four weeks. Redness after eyebrows waxing is normal and usually fades away within 20-30 minutes. My sensitive skin took about 20 minutes. I came out my 20-minute cab right with a fresh new “lady” look.
Both my eyeliner Tattoo and eyebrows waxing experience at Twiggy Taipei has been great. The procedures are fast, and the waxing is painless. The results are clean and pretty!
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