(中文版在下面/Please scroll down for Chinese version)

I’ve finally completed my third eyebrows microblading session at Twiggy Lash Studio in Taipei, Taiwan! I’m pretty satisfied with the results of my second session already as it didn’t fade as much as the first session, but I want more. Greed tells me more is better, maybe I am under culture influences.

Twiggy Lash Studio Taipei Microblading Eyebrows (3rd Session) video/ Twiggy飄眉影片紀錄(第三次):

I ask Victor, my microblading artist for a bolder look but he kindly reminds me that it may look unnatural. After feeling ashamed for almost getting Kardashian- influenced, I come back to my senses. After two visits, I trust Victor’s professionalism entirely and leave the decision up to him, and I’m not dissatisfied with the results at all.


  • Comparison between my 1st micro-blade session & 2nd microblading session:


Healing/scabbing: The healing for my second time micro blading session was not too different from the first time, scabbing was minimal, and only one piece of scab formed the day before my third session. The results, however, were much more defined than the first.

Itching: the itching after my second microblade session was much less than the first. I remember freaking out a little bit the day after the first time because I wasn’t confident if I could refrain myself from scratching. Itchiness the second time was less and manageable.

Redness (epic fail caterpillar brows)
My brows turned red the very same night after my first session, but it never went crazy like those seen on YouTube, if anything they just looked like I picked the wrong colour for my brow pencil. There was no redness stage after my second session.

Chinese version/中文版:

我 終於完成了我在Twiggy第三次飄眉記錄了!第二次飄眉效果明顯比第一次飄眉好很多。
不過還好有V老師專業的提醒與建議,說這樣可能會不自然,我才沒有失心瘋,驚覺我有多貪心!該不會我已經不知不覺的被同化了吧!?不過還好有專業的提醒,我才沒有不小心變辣筆小新或是卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)殘虧的我將剩下的一切交給V老師的專業。有過兩次經驗,我已經完全信任他們的技術了!



  • 第一次飄眉跟第第二次飄眉比較
    網上YouTube 常見的失敗案例(辣筆小新眉):
    嚇你的!第一次飄眉的當天晚上眉毛是有變紅可是”眉” 那麽誇張,頂多就像眉筆顏色挑錯而已。第二次飄眉後就沒什麼變紅。Twiggy Lash Studio is conveniently located near Song Jiang Nan Jing mrt Station, Please follow their soocial media to learn more:
  • Line: Twiggy Beauty
  • Instagram: @twiggy.beauty
  • Twiggy就在台北的松江南京捷運站附近喔!很方便!想要瞭解更多追蹤他們的賴跟IG:
  • Line: Twiggy Beauty
  • IG: @twiggy.beauty
  • 錯過前兩次紀錄的請點閱:
  • 第一次飄眉
  • 第二次飄眉



  • Fashion Ecstasy

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