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殘編自己在家紋眉下場:小丑故事真實上演/ Why You Should Never Tattoo Your Own Eyebrows unless You Want Caterpillar Brows – Cosmetic Tattoo Epic Fail
Chinese Legendary singer Zhang Kui‘s masterpiece “Clown,” which brought him huge success, tells the sad story of a clown. Behind the makeup, the smiles, and the acts are the bitterness, loneliness and tears a clown must hide and suck up to be a clown. The lyrics of this song have always resonated with my ridiculous life. Today, I’m presenting you with yet another idiotic clown act I’ve performed on myself: I’ve tattooed my own eyebrows into hideous caterpillar brows, enjoy!
I am a fearless adventurer. When facing new challenges, I always said, “Fuck it, bring it!” It wasn’t until I became disabled that I finally started to say, “Fuck me!” instead. Once upon a time, when Eyelash perms were still available at beauty salons, I bought raw materials and DIYed at home to save money. However, it leaves my eyes with pain and burning sensations almost every time I perm my own eyelashes. After spending some years abroad and returning to Taiwan, beauty salons no longer provide eyelash perming services. After inquiring, it turns out there was too much risk in eyelash perming. The procedure had blinded too many people that the FDA had decided to ban the service. That’s when I realized How stupid I was. Although I am physically disabled, the adventurer inside me is still alive and kicking. I feel like a hyperactive wild Harper eagle trapped in a cage built for a parrot. I keep slamming into the cage to break free with all my strength. I crack my skull; I break my wings until I’m bleeding all over my body, and I still can’t break that dang fragging cage. I’m screaming hysterically inside me. I have so much anger and energy inside me that I can only channel the endless adventurous and surging energy in my spirit to my body as an outlet.
Remember the American TV show “Jackass“? Even when I was healthy and could sprint for hours and dance through the whole night to exhaust the ADHD energy inside me, I thought they were ridiculous. Something has gone wrong with me recently because somehow, I am starting to resonate with them. Remember the eyebrows micro-blading experience post I shared four years ago? Because of the excellent results, I got envious looks from women with failed tattooed eyebrows. To be honest, it did make me feel good and superior. Until about one or two years ago, my left eyebrow started to itch for some reason, and I began to scratch it, resulting in a gap on my left eyebrow. Usually, microbladed eyebrows can last for about two years, so I should be happy enough that mine lasted this long. Nonetheless, The more I see this brow gap, the more it bugs me. Since we’re trapped inside due to the pandemic, instead of making another eyebrow microblading appointment, I decided to DIY at home!
Before we move on, I hereby declare, to all readers and fans, please DO NOT do this at home. It is hazardous, and I strongly do not recommend doing it yourself because 9 out of 10 people who actually did it themselves end up regretting it. Moreover, a failed tattoo can cost up to a fortune to remove. After all, the art of cosmetic tattoo embroidery is very technical. Professionals spend time on professional training and learning the skills before they can operate.
There is no brand name on the box. The only words printed on the box are “SENIOR SEMI PERMANENT INSTRUMENT.” There is no manual or warranty card in the openbox. The contents only include four simple items: a charging adapter, a speed adjustment device, an eyebrow tattoo pen and a disposable pigment cup. In my last P&M Q6 Mobile Sound Card open box review, I mentioned my curse in buying 3C technology products, and this openbox is no exception. The last item, “disposable ink cup” was missing in my box, so I had to use my own dish.
The pigment in our open box this time is an SGS–certified pigment from Korea. When using it with a machine or a device like an eyebrow tattoo pen, simply dip and use.
Keep in mind these pigments are for tattoo permanent/ semi-permanent use, so please be extra cautious when handling them. I, for example, have made a huge mess and still can’t wash them off as of today.
As you can see in the open box video above, I don’t know how long it has to expire for the soothing cream to turn into a shit-like colour as seen in the video, so to be safe, I leave it on for an hour. I don’t know if this pen is yet another defective cursed 3C tech product or if I don’t have enough strength with my single hand. The needle can’t come out of the device. Hence, I can only press on the plastic tip as hard as I can until I feel pain, so I know the needle is penetrating my skin.
What did I tell you already? “This is a bad example, do not try it at home.” As a result, I have tattooed myself into clown eyebrows like Crayon Shin-chan. I don’t know how many years I’ll be stuck with these hideous caterpillar eyebrows, but if you wish to compensate for my via the button below, thanks in advance!
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