Wine Academy is a unique private wine and social club that has recently opened in downtown Toronto. The club is accessible to members 24/7 and can store up to an incredible 172,000 bottles of wine. The handsome and modern space, located at Richmond Street West and Bay Street, has a huge lounge for members to relax, host celebrations, and entertain guests; a wine tasting bar, a boardroom that is great for meetings, an office area, and an impressive multi-storied wine cellar.

wine academy

The wine cellar is secure with private wine lockers for members with each locker large enough to store 92 Bordeaux style wine bottles. The cellar was specifically designed to have the optimal temperature and humidity to keep the longevity of the wines. The Wine Academy cellar steward can also manage the collection, and the in-house sommelier can offer advice on building an impressive collection.

wine academy

There is also an in-house cafe with a seasonal menu curated by Chef Aaron Joseph Bear Robe, offering delicious items highlighting the Mediterranean flavours for members to enjoy while they are there.

(photos by Sari)

The Wine Academy has a mandate of bringing members and wine lovers together with social activities including wine tastings and education and film viewing because of their TIFF partnership. The social calendar is a busy one.
The Wine Academy has both private and corporate memberships available.


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