Wine Tasting and Seminar at Instituto del vino italiano di qualità Grandi Marchi 2022 /義大利優質葡萄酒研究所 Grandi Marchi 2022 品酒和研討會

(中文版請向下拉 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version)

(Chinese translation: Tanya / 中譯:殘編)

Instituto del vino italiano di qualità Grandi Marchi 2022 held its seminar and tastings at the Windsor Arms Hotel in Toronto. The Grandi Marchi is a collective of 18 Italian wineries that have come together to promote awareness of their fine Italian wines. It is made up of the following wineries:
Alois Lageder, Ambrogio e Giovanni Folonari Tenute, Antinori, Argiolas, Col d’Orcia, Ca’ del Bosco, Carpenè Malvolti, Donnafugata, Jermann, Lungarotti, Masi, Mastroberardino, Michele Chiarlo, Pio Cesare, Rivera, Tasca d’Almerita, Tenuta San Guido and Umani Ronchi.

中文版 / Chinese version:
時尚高潮受邀至多倫多溫莎阿姆斯酒店(Windsor Arms Hotel)參加Instituto del vino italiano di Qualità Grandi Marchi  所舉辦的2022年品酒會Grandi Marchi是一場由 18 家義大利釀酒廠組成的集體頂級酒品發表會,這些釀酒廠齊聚一堂,以提高人們對優質義大利葡萄酒認知。今年的品酒會由以下酒莊組成:
Alois LagederAmbrogio e Giovanni Folonari TenuteAntinoriArgiolasCol d’OrciaCa’ del BoscoCarpenè MalvoltiDonnafugataJermannLungarottiMasiMastroberardinoMichele ChiarloPio CesareRiveraTasca d’AlmeritaTenuta San GuidoUmani Ronchi

On the walk around, we met each winery‘s representatives, learned about each winery‘s history, and, of course, we had a chance to sample their noteworthy wines.

中文版 / Chinese version:

One of our favourites was Donnafugata‘s Ben Ryé Passito di Pantelleria, a dessert wine that is sweet and citrusy. Donnafugata was founded in Sicily in 1983 by Giacomo and Gabriella Rallo. Now the company is led by their children, José and Antonio. It was a pleasure to meet Josè Rallo herself and learn about her Donnafugata Wine and Music project that she and her husband, Vincenzo Favara, started in 2002. It is a unique experience where she pairs each of their wines with music that she sings, reflecting the taste and spirit of that particular wine. In addition, Donnafugata has collaborated with famed design house Dolce & Gabbana on a series of wines entitled Rosa, Isolano, Cuordilava and Tancredi.

中文版 / Chinese version:
品酒會中我們的最愛葡萄酒之一是 DonnafugataBen Ryé Passito di Pantelleria,這是一款甜美帶柑橘味的甜點酒DonnafugataGiacomoGabriella Rallo於1983年在義大利西西里創立。現在公司由他們的孩子JoséAntonio領導。時尚高朝團隊很高興親自與Josè Rallo本尊見面,並了解她和她的丈夫 Vincenzo Favara於2002年創立的 Donnafugata音樂葡萄酒項目。這是一項獨特的體驗,她將每款葡萄酒與自己演唱的音樂搭配,反映出該酒支的品味和精神。此外,Donnafugata還與著名的時尚設計公司 杜嘉班納Dolce & Gabbana合作,開發了一系列名為 RosaIsolanoCuordilavaTancredi葡萄酒

Tasca Conti D’almerita (a 2019 European Winery of the Year winner) presented their Tenuta Regaleali Bianco, Lamuri Nero d’Avola and Cygnus Sicilia. The Tenuta Regaleali Bianco is a classic white wine made with inzolia, grecanico, catarratto and chardonnay grapes.
The Lamuri Nero d’Avola is a robust red wine. The Cygnus Sicilia is a red made with nero d’avola and cabernet sauvignon grapes. Their location in Sicily, with its microclimates, creates perfect conditions for their wines.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Tasca Conti D’almerita(2019 年歐洲年度釀酒廠獲獎者)展示了他們的 Tenuta Regaleali BiancoLamuri Nero d’AvolaCygnus Sicilia支。 Tenuta Regaleali Bianco 是一款經典白葡萄酒,由 inzoliagrecanicocatarratto霞多麗葡萄製成。
Lamuri Nero d’Avola 是一款濃郁紅葡萄酒Cygnus Sicilia 是一款由 nero d’avola赤霞珠葡萄製成的紅葡萄酒西西里島合宜的氣候,為他們的葡萄酒創造了完美條件

Masi Agricola had a lot to celebrate. This year represents their 250th harvest (1772-2022) by the Boscaini family in their vineyards of Vajo dei Masi. They presented their Reserva Costasera, Vaio Armaron Serego Alighieri and Brolo di Campofiorin. Their Reserva Costasera is made using the Appassimento technique, which gives the grapes a long period of further ripening on bamboo racks and an ageing period in wooden casks for three years. Their Vaio Armaron Serego Alighieri has oak and fruit notes. Their Brolo di Campofiorin is a dry ruby red wine made from Oseleta grapes.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Masi Agricola在場有很多值得慶祝的事情。今年是Boscaini家族在 Vajo dei Masi 葡萄園的第 250 次收穫(1772-2022 年)。他們展示了他們的 Reserva CostaseraVaio Armaron Serego AlighieriBrolo di Campofiorin葡萄酒支。他們的 Reserva Costasera 採用義大利最具特色釀造方法枯藤法Appassimento)」 技術製成,使葡萄在竹架上進一步成熟,並在木桶中陳釀三年。他們的 Vaio Armaron Serego Alighieri 帶有橡木水果味道。他們的 Brolo di Campofiorin 是一種由罕見奥塞莱塔Oseleta葡萄製成的紅寶石乾紅葡萄酒

Between tastings, there was an abundance of meats, cheeses and olives to accompany these beautiful wines.

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