Tag archives for company



殘障也能單手綁頭髮的超級神器單手用綁髮帶開箱試用評價: (This review is the Chinese version, for the English version, please click on the link below🔗/ 此文為中文版,欲看英文版評價,請點以下連結)🔗:
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I-Mei Foods Taiwan Berries Fresh Milk Ice Cream Cake Open Box Review:

I-Mei Foods Taiwan Berries Fresh Milk Ice Cream Cake Open Box Review: (This post is in English; for the Chinese review, please click on the link below🔗 / 此文為英文版評價文,欲看中文版請點以下連結🔗 ): 義美莓果心願鮮乳冰淇淋蛋糕開箱試吃評價 &吃播…
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Toronto’s largest zombie haunted house, “Zombie Apocalypse,” just in time for Halloween 2022! 多倫多2022年萬聖節最大的殭屍鬼屋:「Zombie Apocalypse」!

Toronto’s largest zombie haunted house, “Zombie Apocalypse,” just in time for Halloween 2022! 多倫多2022年萬聖節最大的殭屍鬼屋:「Zombie Apocalypse」! (中文版向下滑 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya) Watch…
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Tanhou Foods Taiwan’s Select Seawater whiteleg shrimps Open Box Tasting and Review

Tanhou Foods Taiwan's Select Seawater whiteleg shrimps Open Box Tasting and Review: (This post is in English, for the Chinese version, please click on the link below🔗/ 此文為英文版,欲看中文版請點以下連結🔗) Watch our…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

Illumi – a Dazzling World of Lights by Cavalia / Cavalia kawaliya jutuan 《 menghuanwuma 》 jianada mixishajia shouyingshi

Illumi – a Dazzling World of Lights by Cavalia / Cavalia卡瓦利亞劇團《夢幻舞馬》加拿大密西沙加首映式 (中文版請下滑向下看 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya) Watch Our Youtube video…
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Wine Tasting and Seminar at Instituto del vino italiano di qualita Grandi Marchi 2022 /義大利優質葡萄酒研究所 Grandi Marchi 2022 品酒和研討會

Wine Tasting and Seminar at Instituto del vino italiano di qualità Grandi Marchi 2022 /義大利優質葡萄酒研究所 Grandi Marchi 2022 品酒和研討會 (中文版請向下拉 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version) (Chinese translation:…
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Health & Beauty

Taiwan’s Toxic-free, High-quality Seafood and Meat Protein, Safe to Eat for Eczema Diet: Tanhou Foods

Taiwan's Toxic-free, High-quality Seafood and Meat Protein, Safe to Eat for Eczema Diet: Tanhou Foods / 濕疹也能吃的零污染優質蛋白質:天和鮮物食品開箱試吃 (This post is in English, for the Chinese version, please click on the…
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