You Won’t Believe the Sensual, Elegant, and Glamorous Cabaret Show Taking Toronto by Storm! Review: Déjà-Vu Revue at Triangle D’Or Cabaret

Review: Déjà-Vu Revue at Triangle D’Or Cabaret

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Toronto’s entertainment scene just got lit, Parisian style.

From the brilliant mind of Meydge Anguiley, Triangle D’Or is the city’s first Parisian-style cabaret club. Inspired by Le Crazy Horse Paris, this club celebrates the human body through sensual choreography, gorgeous costumes, and a diverse cast. The show will run for 21 dates, from Friday, May 10th, 2024, until Saturday, August 3rd, 2024. A new world of sensuality, elegance, and glamour awaits you at Triangle D’Or Cabaret!On Thursday, May 9th, 2024, Fashion Ecstasy attended the invite-only dress rehearsal of their inaugural performance, Déjà-Vu Revue. In the invitation, Triangle D’Or promised guests a full night of mesmerizing performances, and they did not disappoint.Below are highlights from the show:

The Venue

From the moment we entered The Don on Danforth, my guest and I were well taken care of by the staff. Following a smooth check-in with the hostess with the kilowatt smile, we made our way to the already-swinging cocktail reception in The Great Hall. We met some fascinating people, many of whom were fellow creatives, media, local dignitaries, and supporters. We even met Omega Mighty, a Juno-Nominated R&B-Reggae/Dancehall Fusion singer-musical artist. She looked like a superstar with her pearl bra top and pink feather-trimmed mini-skirt ensemble. She was even kind enough to pose for a quick pic for us. Scroll to the bottom to see the awesome pic!

What to Expect Before the Show

This is the most important thing to remember when attending a show at Triangle D’Or Cabaret:

No photography is allowed during the show.

Even the voiceover will playfully encourage audiences (in a French accent) to “touch with your eyes” and not with their hands upon seeing the performers. It serves as a great and necessary reminder to the audience that we can all have a great time while respecting everyone’s boundaries.

The theatre space was transformed into an actual cabaret club, complete with table seating. There was more than enough space between the tables, which averted those rising awkwardly from your seat moments. Another thing worth mentioning was the room’s spaciousness. Everyone got amazing views from their seats. With 18 acts to watch, a programme on each table would have greatly aided in tracking our favourite number (and performer/s).

And Now…Onto the Show

At a Déjà-Vu Revue show, you will see a blend of classic and modern-day burlesque. This is done through contemporary song choices, volcanic choreography, and sexy yet classy stage costumes. The biggest draw to the show is the cast. This team of beautiful people consists of professional dancers and singers of all races, identities, and sizes. The best part is they’re all locally based and supremely talented.

What they lacked in elaborate stage sets was what Triangle D’Or Cabaret made up for in entertainment. Bianca Boom Boom‘s rendition of “Wilkommen” from Cabaret was grand. Oh, the theatricality and playfulness in her stage presence were so much fun! Her va-va-voom spirit had the audience primed for a good ol’time! Tom Finn crooned the living daylights out of “Fever.” He had me on the floor when he sang, “Now watch me flirt,” pulled rose petals out of his pocket, and threw them into the air. The cheekiness of it all! Saphire Demitro’s set was so flawless that I dedicated an entire section to it near the end.

The Dancers

The dance numbers were diverse and highly entertaining. Some standout numbers included the sensationally-hot opening number, “Groove is in the Heart,” set to the funk-dance hit of the same name. Nina Notte smouldered in the James Bond-inspired “Scorned Love”. In “Just Give,” all of the dancers (Ember Simone, Nina Notte, Grace J’Adore, Kassandra Alarie, and Lana Lush) served legs and sex for days with only two ballet barres and dark lighting onstage. In one number, three dancers performed sensually in beaded headdresses and long, flowy skirts. The showstopper number was the finale, “Ooh La La”. Triangle D’Or Cabaret‘s Instagram followers will recognize this song from their “C’est Ooh La La” dance challenge. The song choice and dancing were so infectiously fun that they got audience members dancing in their seats.

A Star is Born: Saphire Demitro

Saphire Demitro is one of the greatest performers I’ve ever seen. All her numbers showcased her incredible vocal range, tonal quality, and brilliant star power. Her rendition of Edith Piaf’s “La Vie En Rose” induced gasps and awes. But her cover of “When You’re Good to Mama” from Chicago blew everyone’s socks off! Like a knockout diva, all eyes were on her as she sashayed around the room in her fiery-red halter gown. She had the audience on their feet and eating out of her hands throughout her entire set. We were all calling her Mama by the end of the song. Triangle D’Or’s got a precious gem in their cast!

Final Thoughts

10/10 I highly recommend it. The Déjà-Vu Revue was an unforgettable experience, a breath of fresh air for the city’s entertainment scene. The show runs until August, and seating is limited. Who knows if there will be an extended run in the future? To miss out on viewing a show at Triangle D’Or Cabaret would be to deny yourself of the greatest heights of sensual pleasure. For more information on Triangle D’Or Cabaret, visit


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