Better Than Boba (Bubble Tea)- Just Tea Right – Unveiling the Captivating Taste of Taiwanese Tea


Better Than Boba (Bubble Tea)- Just Tea Right – Unveiling the Captivating Taste of Taiwanese Tea

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The Allure and Puzzles of Taiwanese Tea

I’ve been drinking tea since childhood. When I say “tea,” I mean sugar-free tea. Although I’m not 100% sure whether bubble tea (aka. “Boba“) originated in Taiwan or not, what puzzles me is why our tea from Alishan in Taiwan is so high quality that it can be regarded as one of the best in the world, why Taiwanese people like to turn such a national treasure into shit my adding sugar, creamer and other shit our body doesn’t need in it, instantly turning it into a suicidal drink? Drinking tea is has many health benefits, but drinking bubble tea (boba) suicidal~! One day, when I was thinking hard about this problem with a frown, I suddenly had an epiphany! Either the youth nowadays are too obsessed with sugar and terrified of the bitter taste of sugar-free tea or are too impatient to wait for fresh-made tea to cool down, so they would rather order a cup of cold boba to quench their thirst or down it with food. Call me a genius because I am. I recently came across a unique and delicious tea brand called “Just Tea Right.” Using tea from Taiwan’s Alishan mountains, famed for its world-class, high-quality teas, Just Tea Right uses select tea ideal for cold brew. Not only does their tea have no bitter taste at all after being simply cold brewed, but it even gives you a creamy aftertaste, ideal for a quick “boba” fix without all the burden.

Just Tea Right Open-box Tasting:

With utmost care, I unveil the packaging, releasing a burst of invigorating pineapple-like aroma that permeates the air and awakens my senses. I delicately transfer the leaves into a glass cold brew carafe, and as the chilled spring water cascades over them, a magical alchemy takes place. The tea liquor, in an instant, metamorphoses into a resplendent golden hue, shimmering with a crystalline clarity that mirrors the purity of its taste.


With my first sip, the tea glides across my palate, leaving behind a velvety, silky texture that is a testament to its quality. The taste is a revelation- a delightful blend of sweetness and purity, with subtle hints of coconut and cream that linger on my tongue, beckoning me to take another sip. The tea‘s richness, bordering on decadence, is balanced by its refreshing nature, making it a truly indulgent yet invigorating experience. This is a tea that will awaken your senses and leave you craving for more.


The mouthfeel is absolutely divine – the tea coats my mouth with a luscious, velvety sensation that is simply captivating. Each sip leaves me craving more, as the harmonious blend of flavours seems to dance on my taste buds. The long, satisfying finish is marked by a gentle, honey-like sweetness that continues to delight.


I’m thoroughly enchanted by the complexity of this tea. The cold brew preparation has accentuated its natural goodness, allowing the flavours to shine. With every sip, I feel transported to the lush, verdant tea gardens of Alishan. The combination of the tea‘s inherent qualities and the thoughtful processing has resulted in a sensory journey that is truly captivating.


As I continue to relish this exceptional tea, I’m struck by the journey it has taken from Alishan’s tea gardens to my cup. Each element, from the unexpected weather patterns to the skilled harvesting and crafting, has contributed to creating this truly remarkable liquid gold. I feel utterly immersed in a captivating narrative of nature’s bounty and human artistry.


This tea has taken me on a veritable rollercoaster ride of flavours, textures, and emotions. I’m left in awe of its remarkable depth and balance, and I know that with each sip, I’m indulging in a true masterpiece of Taiwanese tea culture.


As I hold this golden, translucent bundle of tea leaves, I’m reminded of the unique journey this tea has taken. Harvested on April 4th, 2024, from the tea gardens of Alishang in Taiwan, these leaves are part of the ‘Just Tea Right‘ brand. This brand, created by the third generation of the renowned Fuze Tea family, stands out for its century-old expertise, extensive network, and commitment to quality, making it a trusted choice for tea enthusiasts.

The Three Pillars of Just Tea Right

  • The “Jiu Cha” (Guardians)

As a “Jiu Cha,” or guardian, the Fuze Tea family brings their century-old expertise and extensive network to ensure the quality and provenance of this tea. They meticulously oversee every step of the process, from cultivation to crafting to preparation, providing extensive testing and certification to give consumers the assurance of buying a trusted product. This brand is one that you can trust to deliver the highest-quality Taiwanese tea.

  • The “Jiu He” (Tea Enthusiasts)

The “Jiu He,” or tea enthusiasts, have relentlessly sought out the most exceptional local teas to share with others. They are committed to delivering 100% pure, locally sourced teas that capture the essence of Taiwan‘s natural and cultural bounty. By inviting friends to savour these teas together, they foster a sense of community and shared appreciation for the beautiful tea experience.

  • The “Jiu Tuan Gou” (Tea Purchasing Groups)

The “Jiu Tuan Gou” or tea purchasing groups make it easy for fellow tea lovers to enjoy these exceptional teas at great value. Joining together to buy in bulk allows everyone to indulge in the rich, smooth flavours of these Taiwanese teas at an affordable price. It’s a wonderful way to savour the delicious tea experience while strengthening social connections.

Recognizing that the younger generation is often drawn to convenient, on-the-go beverages like bubble tea, the “Just Tea Right” brand has cleverly incorporated a cold brew element to introduce Taiwan’s cherished teas to a new and broader audience. This refreshing, easy-to-prepare format allows the tea‘s inherent sweetness and complexity to shine, sparking an emotional connection and appreciation for the beautiful tea culture of Taiwan.

Through the strategic use of social media, the ‘Just Tea Right‘ brand is fostering a deeper, more intimate relationship between consumers and Taiwanese tea. By sharing stories, celebrations, and content that celebrates the natural and cultural heritage of these teas, they’re effectively strengthening the brand’s image and forging a meaningful bond with their target audience of young urbanites. This approach not only promotes the brand but also educates and engages the audience, making them feel a part of the tea culture.

Cleverly Incorporating Cold Brew Elements

The cold brew preparation also offers a new, ritual-like tea experience that defies traditional expectations. Rather than the formal, time-honoured methods of hot tea brewing, this format allows young professionals to enjoy Taiwan’s cherished teas in a simple, elegant, and on-the-go manner that fits their fast-paced lifestyles. It’s a brilliant way to introduce the joys of Taiwanese tea to a new generation of enthusiasts.

The Refined Cold Brew Tea Experience

As I take my first sip of this exquisite cold-brewed tea, I’m immediately captivated by the symphony of sensations that unfold. The golden liquid glides across my palate with a silky, smooth texture that coats my tongue with a delicate, velvety caress.


The flavours that emerge are nothing short of mesmerizing. A delightful burst of sweet, creamy notes reminiscent of coconut and custard greets my taste buds, followed by a more nuanced, subtly floral character, which adds sophistication and depth to the overall profile. There’s a captivating balance between the inherent sweetness and a delicate, almost whisper-like bitterness that lingers on the finish, leaving me craving for more.


As I continue to savour this exceptional tea, the sensations evolve and unfold, drawing me deeper into its captivating allure. The long, satisfying finish is marked by a gentle, honey-like sweetness that seems to dance on my tongue, leaving a lasting impression that beckons me to take another sip.


I’m utterly enchanted by the way the cold brew preparation has elevated the natural goodness of this tea, allowing its distinct character to shine with unparalleled brilliance. The careful craftsmanship and attention to detail that has gone into cultivating, processing, and presenting this tea are truly remarkable.

With every passing moment, I find myself increasingly immersed in the captivating narrative of this tea‘s journey. I can almost envision the lush, verdant tea gardens of Alishan, the skilled hands of the Fuze Tea artisans, and the meticulous steps they have taken to ensure the quality and provenance of this exceptional product.

As a “Jiu Cha” or guardian of this tea, the Fuze family has leveraged their century-old expertise and extensive network to provide the utmost assurance of safety and authenticity. Their commitment to overseeing every aspect of the tea’s production, from cultivation to crafting to preparation, is truly commendable and gives me the confidence to savour this tea with complete trust.

The “Jiu He” or tea enthusiasts who have curated this exceptional blend have clearly poured their hearts and souls into delivering a truly remarkable experience. Their unwavering dedication to sourcing the finest local teas and sharing them with a community of fellow tea lovers is both admirable and infectious. I can’t help but feel a sense of camaraderie and shared appreciation as I indulge in this captivating tea experience.

As a member of the “Jiu Tuan Gou,” or tea purchasing group, I’m delighted to enjoy this exceptional tea at such great value. The opportunity to savour these tasting notes of paradise with my friends and loved ones is a true testament to the power of community and the joy of shared experiences.

The tea leaves I’m working with come from the Alishan region of Taiwan, harvested on April 4th, 2024. The unique weather patterns that season have imbued these leaves with a captivating blend of winter and spring character, resulting in a tea that’s both fresh and intriguing.

I carefully unpack the vibrant, emerald-green tea leaves, which immediately fill the air with a tantalizing, pineapple-like aroma. Using the high-quality, borosilicate glass carafe included in the “Crystal Cold Brew Tea Set,” I gently place the tea leaves inside.

Slowly, I pour the chilled spring water over the leaves, ensuring an even saturation. The water gradually transforms into a stunning golden elixir, sparkling with clarity. I allow the tea to steep for the recommended duration, patiently awaiting the moment when the flavours will reach their peak.

As I pour the fragrant, cold-brewed tea into the sleek, bottle-shaped carafe, I’m struck by its inviting appearance. The ergonomic design and flat shape make it easy to store and transport, while the subtly curved edges help to filter out any stray tea leaves, ensuring a clean, smooth pour every time.

The thick, durable glass construction of the carafe not only lends an air of sophistication but also allows the tea to be enjoyed at a range of temperatures, from ice-cold to slightly warm. This versatility means I can savour the tea‘s captivating flavours no matter the season or my mood.

With the tea now carefully prepared, I take my first sip and am immediately enchanted by the experience. The silky, smooth texture coats my tongue, delivering a wave of sweet, creamy notes that gradually reveal a more nuanced, floral character. The balance between the inherent sweetness and a delicate bitterness is nothing short of mesmerizing, leaving me craving for more.

As I continue to enjoy this exceptional cold-brewed tea, I can’t help but imagine how delightful it would be to pair it with a refreshing fruit-based cocktail or infusion. The tea‘s natural sweetness and complexity complement and elevate any such creation, offering a truly unique and indulgent experience.

Attention to Detail and Craftsmanship

The attention to detail and craftsmanship that has gone into this tea, from the careful cultivation and processing to the thoughtful design of the brewing equipment, is truly remarkable. The Fuze Tea family, as the “Jiu Cha” or guardians of this tea, have put in every effort to ensure the highest quality and authenticity.

© 2024 Fashion Ecstasy. All rights reserved.


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