Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show 2022 / 2022邁阿密國際遊艇展

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(Photos by Vic Smith)

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(video footages by Vic Smith, editing by Tanya)

Miami‘s 2022 Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show held its successful first show this year. This expanded event combines the Miami International Boat Show, the Yacht Show and SuperYacht Miami.
This five-day event is the largest boat and yacht show in the world, and it brought in over 100,000 attendees from all over, excited to see the latest from top marine exhibitors.

中文版 / Chinese version:
邁阿密今年2022邁阿密國際遊艇展(2022 Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show)成功舉辦首場展會,此次活動邁阿密國際遊艇展Miami International Boat Show)、遊艇展the Yacht Show)和邁阿密超級遊艇秀SuperYacht Miami)結合,擴大舉行
這個為期五天的活動世界最大船隻遊艇展,吸引了來自世界各地超過 100,000 名與會者,各個迫不急待看到頂級海洋參展商最新消息

There was so much to explore and experience throughout Miami, and visitors had six locations throughout Miami to explore the show. The complimentary Water Taxi made it a breeze to get to all sites.

中文版 / Chinese version:

Our first stop was the Miami Beach Convention Center, where attendees could walk around and see the powerboats, which are up to 49 feet, engines, marine accessories, gear electronics, and retail pavilions.


中文版 / Chinese version:
我們的第一站是邁阿密海灘會議中心,與會者可以在那裡四處走走,看看高達 49 英呎的摩托艇引擎發動機船舶配件齒輪電子機械設備零售展館


Then it was time to head to Pride Park for The Progressive Boat Show Experience. The focal point was The AquaZone with its 60′ x 30′, 40,000-gallon freshwater pool, which held in-water demonstrations and hands-on testing, among other activities.
Also at Pride Park was Fred’s Shed – Interactive Learning Center, Charged! Electric Pavilion. This exhibition area had state-of-the-art electric propulsion systems, battery-powered boats, and high-tech products from around the world. Wake Sports Experience featured professional wake sports athletes, and attendees could test their skills on the wake surf simulators. Costa Conservation Village provided information on how we all can protect and promote a healthy marine environment. The show was primarily focused on preserving the manatees and marine life.

中文版 / Chinese version:
然後是時候前往Pride Park公園參加 The Progressive Boat Show Experience。 焦點是擁有 60英呎 x 30英呎、40,000 加侖淡水池的 AquaZone舉行了水中演示和動手測試活動
Pride Park公園還有 Fred’s Shed互動學習中心! 電器展區展出最先進船舶電力推進系統電池動力船和來自世界各地高科技產品。 「Wake Sports Experience」有專業水上運動員運動體驗為特色,參與者可以在尾波衝浪模擬器上測試他們的技能Costa Conservation Village 提供如何保護和促進健康海洋環境資訊。 該節目聚焦在保護海牛和海洋生物。

We went to One Herald Plaza to admire more powerboats, motor yachts 30′ to 125′, yacht tenders, engines, marine accessories, and retail booths.

中文版 / Chinese version:
再來,我們前往One Herald Plaza廣場欣賞更多的摩托艇、30英呎 到 125英呎的機動遊艇、補給船、發動機、船舶配件和零售攤位。

At Sea Isle Marina, attendees could test drive over 150 sea trial vessels and see boats (both new and brokerage) and meet with engine manufacturers.
We continued to Museum Park Marina, where the latest sailboats (including new and brokerage), catamarans, monohulls, family cruisers, daysailers, and sailing accessories were available. They were displayed both on land and in the water too.

中文版 / Chinese version:
在 Sea Isle Marina,與會者可以試駕 150 多艘海試船,參觀船隻(包括全新船隻和經紀船)並與發動機製造商會面。
我們繼續前往Museum Park Marina博物館公園碼頭,那裡有最新的帆船(一樣也包括全新船隻的和經紀船)、雙體船、單體船、巡洋艦、日間帆船和帆船配件。所有船隻和配件同時在陸地上和水上展示。

The grande dame of the show was the SuperYacht Miami at IGY Yacht Haven Grande at Island Gardens. This exclusive marina had the world’s largest, most spectacular, and most luxurious yachts. On display here were Damen Yachting’s 180 foot Gene Machine and their 182 foot Gene Chaser and Oceanfast’s 163 foot Thunder.

中文版 / Chinese version:
這次活動的最大焦點是位於 Island Gardens 的 IGY Yacht Haven Grande 的 SuperYacht Miami。 這個獨特的碼頭擁有世界上最大、最壯觀、最豪華的遊艇。 這裡展出的是 Damen Yachting 180 英呎的 Gene Machine 和他們 182 英呎的Gene Chaser 、Oceanfast 的 163 英呎Thunder。

A unique art experience was the 100 yacht NFTs released by digital yacht dealer Cloud Yachts. These NFTs are original artwork by the world’s best superyacht designers.

中文版 / Chinese version:
數位遊艇經銷商 Cloud Yachts 發布的 100 艘NFT遊艇是一次獨特的藝術體驗。 這些 NFT 是世界上最好的超級遊艇設計師的原創藝術品。

Keep your calendars open for the 2023 Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show being held Feb 15-19, 2023. For more information, check out

中文版 / Chinese version:
喜歡隻和水上活動的粉絲們記得為明年的活動開始計畫囉!明年的2023邁阿密國際遊艇展(2023 Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show) 將於2023 年2月 15日至19日舉辦。更多有關的訊息請查看邁阿密國際遊艇展的官網

Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show 2022 / 2022邁阿密國際遊艇船隻展
Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show 2022 / 2022邁阿密國際遊艇展


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