Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 – 2020年加拿大國際車展CIAS20

( 中文版向下看/ Scroll down for Chinese version)

2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 showcases over 1000 vehicles from Top Luxury Brands and Winning Race Cars / 2020年加拿大國際汽車展CIAS20展出超過1000輛名車超跑和獲獎的賽車

(photos by Sari Colt & Sally W.)

The 2020 Canadian International AutoShow (CIAS) took place from Feb.14 to 23 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The show is Canada’s largest consumer show and automotive expo. There were over 1000 vehicles to see with 38 new car unveilings from the world’s top automakers.

中文版 / Chinese version:
2020年加拿大國際汽車展Canadian International AutoShow(簡稱:「CIAS」)於2月14日至23日在多倫多MTCC會議中心舉行。 該展會不只是加拿大最大的車展,更是全加最大的消費類型展會。 今年車展聚集全球頂級汽車製造商共同發布38款新車、展示1000多種汽車。

CIAS media day preview – Fashion Ecstasy Sees Them 1st / CIAS車展媒體預覽日 – 時尚高潮搶先看:

The media day preview began with Toyota Canada President and Chief Executive Officer, Larry Hutchinson, giving a keynote address about the electrification movement in the industry. Two times Le Mans 24 Hours winner and Formula 1 driver Alex Wurz made an appearance as well. Wurz had driven the Le Mans 2019 winning Toyota TS050 Hybrid race car, which can generate 1000 hp and was on display at the show.

中文版 / Chinese version:
媒體預覽日始由Toyota加拿大的公司總裁兼執行長Larry Hutchinson開場,他就該行業的電氣化運動趨勢作主題演講。 賽車界名人亞歷山大·伍爾茨(Alexander Wurz)也隨即出場歡迎我們。Alexander 二度榮獲24小時利曼耐力賽車冠軍也曾為Formula 1F1) 一級方程式賽車手。 讓伍爾茨在2019年Le Mans利曼耐力賽得冠的Toyota TS050 Hybrid賽車也與成功駕馭它的Alexander一起亮相,該賽車可產生1000馬力,讓車展開場就嗨翻天。

2020 Canadian Car of the Year / 2020年加拿大年度最佳汽車得獎車款:


Mazda 3  - 2020 Canadian Car of the Year / 馬自達3 (Mazda 3) - 年加拿大年度最佳汽車

Mazda 3  – 2020 Canadian Car of the Year / 馬自達3 (Mazda 3) – 年加拿大年度最佳汽車


Afterwards, the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) announced that the Mazda 3 was the 2020 Canadian Car of the Year and the Jaguar I-Pace ( the 2019 winner of the overall AJAC award) was the 2020 Canadian Utility Vehicle of the Year.

中文版 / Chinese version:
接著,Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (加拿大汽車新聞工作者協會(簡稱:「AJAC」)宣布馬自達3 (Mazda 3)榮獲2020年加拿大年度最佳汽車,而Jaguar I-Pace(2019年AJAC總體獎項得主)則為「2020年加拿大最佳多功能車」

CIAS 2020 Highlights / 加拿大2020年CIAS車展亮點與重點整理:

#CIAS20 had many exciting new cars for attendees to see up close. Here is a selection of the new reveals that catches Fashion Ecstasy‘s eyes:

中文版 / Chinese version:

CIAS 2020有包含太多令人興奮的新車亮相,並讓在場的訪客一一近距離觀看,以下是時尚高潮所謂您整理出的一些亮點:


ASTON MARTIN DBX is the automaker’s first SUV with the dynamics of a sports car. It has 542-hp from its twin-turbocharged 4.0 litre V-8.

中文版 / Chinese version:
ASTON MARTIN DBX是該汽車製造商的第一款兼具跑車特性的SUV。 具4.0升V8雙渦輪增壓引擎渦並可輸出542hp馬力。

  • AUDI / 奧迪:

AUDI had two firsts: Its RSQ8 is the first Audi Sport SUV to hit the Canadian market. It offers almost 600 hp from its twin-turbocharged 4.0-litre V-8. The Q4 E-TRON is Audi’s first mass-produced electric vehicle.

中文版 / Chinese version:
奧迪AUDI)展出兩輛第一季車款:其RSQ8是第一個進入加拿大市場的奧迪運動型SUV,使用4.0T V8雙渦輪增壓發動機。 其Q4 E-TRON是奧迪首款量產的純電動概念汽車。


BMW VISION M NEXT can go from 0-100km/h in 3 seconds.

中文版 / Chinese version:

BMWVISION M NEXT僅需3秒即可上駕駛者飆速至每小時100公里。

  • BUGATTI / 布佳迪:

BUGATTI LA VOITURE NOIRE is a re-interpretation of the Type 57 SC Atlantic. At $18.68 Million US, it is the most expensive new car ever sold. It has a quad-turbocharged 8.0-litre16-cylinder engine going 1,500 hp.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Bugatti La Voiture Noire重新詮釋 該品牌以「黑車」聞名的Type 57 SC Atlantic。它是有史以來最昂貴的新車,售價為1,868萬美元。 它具有8.0L W16 四渦輪增壓汽油引擎,可釋出11500 hp馬力。


The 2021 CADILLAC ESCALADE was sleek and made its worldwide debut.

中文版 / Chinese version:
2021 Cadillac Escalade曲線圓滑俐落,並也在今年的CIAS車展全球首次亮相。

  • Chevrolet Corvette / 雪佛蘭科爾維特:

CHEVROLET CORVETTE STINGRAY CONVERTIBLE has a 6.2-litre V-8 (called the LT2) that sits behind the driver, and this design allows the car to have more horsepower.

中文版 / Chinese version:
雪佛蘭科爾維特Chevrolet Corvette)的Corvette Stingray敞篷跑車具

2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 / 2020年加拿大國際車展CIAS20


FELINO cB7R made its debut at CIAS. It is a Canadian-designed and built supercar from Canadian racer Antoine Bessette. It is also the second-ever supercar made in Canada. It has V8 with 525 hp and can go from 0-100 km/h in 3 seconds.

中文版 / Chinese version:
FELINOcB7R也在CIAS上首次亮相。 它是由加拿大製造生產,並由加拿大賽車手Antoine Bessette設計的超跑車。 它也是加拿大有始以來所產出的第二輛超跑。 它具6.2L V8引擎,可輸出525hp的最大馬力, 僅需3秒即可完成0-100km/h起步加速的動作。

  • Ford 2021 Mustang Mach-E:

FORD MUSTANG MACH-E can go from 0-100 km/h in 3.5 seconds.

中文版 / Chinese version:
FORD MUSTANG MACH-E可在3.5秒內從0直衝100 km / h的速度。

  • 2021 Jaguar F-Type:

2021 JAGUAR F-TYPE has a new two-door design and can go from 0-100 km/h in 3.5 seconds.

中文版 / Chinese version:
2021年JAGUAR F-TYPE採用全新的雙門設計,並可在3.5秒內從0加速至100 km / h。

  • Lexus LF30 Electrified:

LEXUS LF-30 ELECTRIFIED CONCEPT car has in-wheel electric motors and contactless charging (so no plug is needed). It uses AI energy management to recharge itself.

中文版 / Chinese version:
LEXUSLF-30 Electrified 以純電動概念打造,車具有輪內電動機和非接觸式充電模式,因此無需接插頭)。 它利用AI人工智慧達到全自動充電及駕駛功能,駕訓班教練似乎要開始考慮副業囉!

  • MINI John Cooper Works GP:

MINI JOHN COOPER WORKS GP is a limited-edition with only 59 available in Canada and is the fastest car that Mini has ever produced.

中文版 / Chinese version:
MINI John Cooper Works GP是限量版,在加拿大只有59輛,是Mini所生產最快的汽車。

  • Karma Revero GT:

Karma Revero GT has state of the art security technology built in the car.

中文版 / Chinese version:

Karma Revero GT在汽車中內置最先進的安全科技。

  • Nissan Kicks Street Sport Concept


Nissan KICKS STREET SPORT CONCEPT car has a turbocharged engine.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Nissan 推出 Kicks Street Sport Concept 車,在動力配置裝上也加入了渦輪增壓。

  • Porsche / 保時捷:

2020 PORSCHE 911 CARRERA has the latest technology and connected features.

中文版 / Chinese version:
2020 PORSCHE 911 CARRERA裝上最新科技技術和已連接功能。

Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame 2020 / 2020年加拿大賽車運動名人堂:

2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 / 2020年加拿大國際車展CIAS20

McLaren Can-Am #5

On display from McLaren Racing were the Can-Am #4 driven by founder Bruce McLaren and the Can-Am #5 driven by Denny Hulme. Also, McLaren Racing has been inducted into the International Category of the Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame and Indy 500 winner Johnny Rutherford was in attendance to accept the honour. BMW Racing Driver Bruno Spengler was also inducted into the Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame Class of 2020.

中文版 / Chinese version:
麥拉倫汽車展出的是創始人布魯斯·麥克拉倫Bruce McLaren)駕駛的Can-Am#4和紐西蘭賽車手丹尼哈默Denny Hulme)駕駛的Can-Am#5。 此外,麥拉倫車隊也被選為加拿大賽車運動名人堂的國際組別,印第安納波利斯500賽Indy 500)勝出的賽車手Johnny Rutherfor也出席接受頒獎。 BMW賽車手布魯諾·斯賓格勒Bruno Spengler)也被選入2020年加拿大賽車運動名人堂

  • Auto Exotica:

Auto Exotica had over 25 luxury and exotic automobiles showcased this year. There were cars from Tesla, Pagani, Singer, Pininfarina Battista, Ferrari, and Lamborghini (including the 1966 Lamborghini Trattoria R1 Tractor and 1970 Lamborghini Miura). Some of the other classic cars were the 1965 Shelby GT350R and the 1972 Lancia Stratos.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Auto Exotica車行今年展出25款以上的豪華名車和特別款汽車。 這些車款有來自特斯拉Tesla)、帕加尼Pagani)、Singer賓尼法利納Pininfarina Battista)、法拉利Ferrari)和藍寶堅尼Lamborghini)等名車,其中包括1966年的Lamborghini藍寶堅尼 Trattoria R1 Tractor和1970年的Lamborghini Miura。 其他一些經典汽車包括1965年的Shelby GT350R和1972年的Lancia Stratos。

A Relaxing Ending at the Canadian International Auto Show 2020 with Disney & Pixar Cars 鞥CIAS20車展極速賽道後以迪士尼卡通動畫車做輕鬆結尾:

After a full-speed race tour at CIAS2020,
Disney and Pixar put a happy and relaxing ending to the show. On display was their famous animated cars (but in real life versions) of Guinevere the Van from Onward, Lightning McQueen from Cars, and Duke Caboom from Toy Story 4.

中文版 / Chinese version:

CIAS2020加拿大國際車展上急速賽車一番後,迪士尼皮克斯(Pixar)為此激烈的車展劃下輕鬆愉快的結尾。 他們展出他們動畫的真實版知名汽車,包括卡通動畫½的魔法的「Guinevere the Van」,「汽車總動員」的「閃電王麥坤」(Lightning McQueen)和《玩具總動員4》的「卡本公爵」(Duke Caboom)。


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